March 29
EOP 9, East
Page 4305
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
I’ve been battling how to put out this story. Yesterday, I got the reassurance to go with the flow. It’s like I had the whole story bundled up in my brain and I just wanted to unload it, write about it, tell it on March 14 and then nothing came out. Ever since I’ve been trying to figure out the perspective of which to tell it. I finally settled on whichever perspective I’m into that day. Maybe it will be the same perspective for a month, year, or week, but I would just tell it. Even with that, that didn’t quite work. I finally decided yesterday to just focus on the ISG and finish that with the goal of finishing it by this Sunday. I worked on it with good concentration for about 2.5 hours and accomplished a lot. I reordered the EOPs and months to align with the four seasons so that spring months are in the east and then this continues clockwise. This also incorporates the medicine wheel. At the end of the day yesterday, I was very pleased with my progress and new found focus.
Page 4305
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
I’ve been battling how to put out this story. Yesterday, I got the reassurance to go with the flow. It’s like I had the whole story bundled up in my brain and I just wanted to unload it, write about it, tell it on March 14 and then nothing came out. Ever since I’ve been trying to figure out the perspective of which to tell it. I finally settled on whichever perspective I’m into that day. Maybe it will be the same perspective for a month, year, or week, but I would just tell it. Even with that, that didn’t quite work. I finally decided yesterday to just focus on the ISG and finish that with the goal of finishing it by this Sunday. I worked on it with good concentration for about 2.5 hours and accomplished a lot. I reordered the EOPs and months to align with the four seasons so that spring months are in the east and then this continues clockwise. This also incorporates the medicine wheel. At the end of the day yesterday, I was very pleased with my progress and new found focus.
Photo by Sebastian Arie Voortman: https://www.pexels.com/photo/body-of-water-during-golden-hour-189349/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025