EOP 74
June 4
EOP 74 East
Page 4240
Sunday, June 4, 2023
Graham and Aurora did a few chores around the house. Graham made a short trip to Autozone to get a replacement headlight and when he came back Aurora was ready to go the book club. They were to discuss Thomas Jefferson. It was a choose your own book about Thomas Jefferson and come back and tell us what you learned kind of meeting. Each member shared insights they learned about Jefferson. They took separate cars to the club because Graham had to leave at 4:00 to get back to the Prezervation.
On his 5.5 hour drive back, he imagined living in the Dream Story, becoming dream story, experiencing it live. He wondered how The Mercy would take the blank pages.
He recorded a couple notes along the way back.
“We as a people haven’t done a good job in letting our public servants know our dreams.”
“Welcome to Dream Story of Spaceship Earth.”
“he wants Dream Story to be ready as soon as possible so he can first share it with his Queen and from there it will be a lot of word of mouth.
Page 4240
Sunday, June 4, 2023
Graham and Aurora did a few chores around the house. Graham made a short trip to Autozone to get a replacement headlight and when he came back Aurora was ready to go the book club. They were to discuss Thomas Jefferson. It was a choose your own book about Thomas Jefferson and come back and tell us what you learned kind of meeting. Each member shared insights they learned about Jefferson. They took separate cars to the club because Graham had to leave at 4:00 to get back to the Prezervation.
On his 5.5 hour drive back, he imagined living in the Dream Story, becoming dream story, experiencing it live. He wondered how The Mercy would take the blank pages.
He recorded a couple notes along the way back.
“We as a people haven’t done a good job in letting our public servants know our dreams.”
“Welcome to Dream Story of Spaceship Earth.”
“he wants Dream Story to be ready as soon as possible so he can first share it with his Queen and from there it will be a lot of word of mouth.
Banner Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/alone-clouds-daylight-dramatic-301409/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025