EOP 71
June 1
EOP 71 East
Page 4243
Thursday, June 1, 2023
Graham drove back from Durango Colorado, stopping at his other favorite camping spot in Utah along the way back to Rocket Point. He made a cup of coffee and watched the San Juan river flow for a bit then arrived back at his other home. He unpacked, did dishes, and then packed the car with his couch and kitchen table for his move to Albuquerque. On the next page, he would officially start summer school with his staff and then at 4:00, he would be leaving a cloud of dust for his long drive back. For his recent drives he has been listening to “Thomas Jefferson and the Art of Power” by Jon Mechem. Jefferson inspired him to keep dreaming. They were breaking from hundreds of years of despotism to forming an experimental society run by the people. They didn’t give up and Graham wasn’t about to either. Graham had a clear way developed for people from all over the world to share their dreams that integrated education, politics, science, religion, philosophy and the mystery of life.
He was getting behind with his Dream Story, but at the same time, he was almost caught up. Once he was caught up, he was ready to go 100 mph.
Page 4243
Thursday, June 1, 2023
Graham drove back from Durango Colorado, stopping at his other favorite camping spot in Utah along the way back to Rocket Point. He made a cup of coffee and watched the San Juan river flow for a bit then arrived back at his other home. He unpacked, did dishes, and then packed the car with his couch and kitchen table for his move to Albuquerque. On the next page, he would officially start summer school with his staff and then at 4:00, he would be leaving a cloud of dust for his long drive back. For his recent drives he has been listening to “Thomas Jefferson and the Art of Power” by Jon Mechem. Jefferson inspired him to keep dreaming. They were breaking from hundreds of years of despotism to forming an experimental society run by the people. They didn’t give up and Graham wasn’t about to either. Graham had a clear way developed for people from all over the world to share their dreams that integrated education, politics, science, religion, philosophy and the mystery of life.
He was getting behind with his Dream Story, but at the same time, he was almost caught up. Once he was caught up, he was ready to go 100 mph.
Banner Photo by Andy Vu: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-landscape-under-grey-sky-3244513/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025