EOP 65
May 26
EOP 65 East
Page 4249
Friday, May 26, 2023
It was the official last day of the school year, but no students. Staff met to give feedback and sign off that grades were complete, keys were turned in, finances were up to date, and classroom inventories were done. Managers pitched in to buy pizza for everyone and food service was able to provide broccoli and bananas. A birthday cake was brought in after lunch for the Chief of the school.
Graham was out the school doors by 4:00. He rushed home on his 4 minute walk to pack and prepare for his 5.5 hour journey across the preservation. His coach was packed and a windsurfing board on top; his first installment on his move.
On the previous page, unwritten, but as Graham was going to sleep, the thought came to him about the conflict. What is the conflict? In his years of teaching English, he learned that without conflict, there is no story. Perhaps the conflict is breaking out of this dream, this reality, of discovering who is behind the curtain of this magnificent reality we experience on Earth. It would be the same as the struggle of the young girl, a sole survivor of a plane crash, as she struggles with decisions and nature in getting out of the jungle.
Couldn’t the story be about the fun of putting pieces of the infinite mystery together with family and friends? The storyteller knew that he could conjure up any kind of conflict he wanted.
Page 4249
Friday, May 26, 2023
It was the official last day of the school year, but no students. Staff met to give feedback and sign off that grades were complete, keys were turned in, finances were up to date, and classroom inventories were done. Managers pitched in to buy pizza for everyone and food service was able to provide broccoli and bananas. A birthday cake was brought in after lunch for the Chief of the school.
Graham was out the school doors by 4:00. He rushed home on his 4 minute walk to pack and prepare for his 5.5 hour journey across the preservation. His coach was packed and a windsurfing board on top; his first installment on his move.
On the previous page, unwritten, but as Graham was going to sleep, the thought came to him about the conflict. What is the conflict? In his years of teaching English, he learned that without conflict, there is no story. Perhaps the conflict is breaking out of this dream, this reality, of discovering who is behind the curtain of this magnificent reality we experience on Earth. It would be the same as the struggle of the young girl, a sole survivor of a plane crash, as she struggles with decisions and nature in getting out of the jungle.
Couldn’t the story be about the fun of putting pieces of the infinite mystery together with family and friends? The storyteller knew that he could conjure up any kind of conflict he wanted.
Banner Photo by Nuno Obey: https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-row-boat-on-body-of-water-127160/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025