EOP 63
May 24
EOP 63 East
Page 4251
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Just after 6:00 p.m. a call came through. He saw his brother’s caller ID come up and he answered.
“So are we still on for the call?”
“Oh my God, I completely forgot, yes, of course. Should I call everyone?”
“Nope, I already have everyone on the line.”
It was their monthly family call, time for them to get caught up on news. They all grew up in a town called Poway, in the northern part of San Diego county. Two sisters still lived in California, one in North Carolina, Graham’s brother in Alaska and Graham in Arizona.
Graham had schedule the call but forgot about it, “I’m so sorry, it’s been a busy day,” he hurriedly explained, we had our last day of classes, followed by an awards ceremony, then a long admin meeting, while class parties went on. Tomorrow is our field day, and I’m preparing for a camping trip in Durango Colorado….” He paused and finally just said, “…in other words, I forgot.”
After the call Graham cleaned his refrigerator, packed a few more things, and secured his windsurfing board with another strap on his car. His car was full. He figured he had only four more weekends he could take things to Albuquerque. He arrived to Rocket Point 4 years ago with only one car load of stuff and now it would take him 4 carloads to move. He disliked having so many things and wanted to give away as much as possible. The first thing he began packing was his windsurfing equipment. On this load, one board, six sails, and three booms. The other two boards and masts would have to wait for another trip. He was hoping once he got to Albuquerque he would be able to windsurf at least once a month. It is one of his dreams. He was still learning how to navigate all of life’s demands and carve out enough time to windsurf.
Graham worked on Dream Story for a bit, then read his dreams. He had 62 dreams listed and would be adding along the way. All 62 dreams were on course, but thought he may have to reconsider the dream about playing a song on the classical guitar. That might have to happen after he retires, if he ever does.
The ideas that came in during Graham’s meditation are “It’s time to be passionate about Dream Story,” and “It’s time to start shining the light with others, and that thought he liked the most. He would get to be like the Sun, giving attention to as many as he could in his Dream Story. He would start pulling the heroes he was giving attention to from his other websites, 2030.com, 3020.com, TheMasterStoryTellers.com, and AcademyofPeace.com. His story had evolved into just one focus, DreamStory.Love or DreamStory.org.
In his meditations, he would feel what he imagined. It felt like a new time for everyone to remember and focus on why they are alive on the Spaceship Mother Earth. Did they forget why they are here? And it felt like it was time for the horns to sound, similar to the horns in the beginning of Reinhardt Buhr’s “Arise.”
Page 4251
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Just after 6:00 p.m. a call came through. He saw his brother’s caller ID come up and he answered.
“So are we still on for the call?”
“Oh my God, I completely forgot, yes, of course. Should I call everyone?”
“Nope, I already have everyone on the line.”
It was their monthly family call, time for them to get caught up on news. They all grew up in a town called Poway, in the northern part of San Diego county. Two sisters still lived in California, one in North Carolina, Graham’s brother in Alaska and Graham in Arizona.
Graham had schedule the call but forgot about it, “I’m so sorry, it’s been a busy day,” he hurriedly explained, we had our last day of classes, followed by an awards ceremony, then a long admin meeting, while class parties went on. Tomorrow is our field day, and I’m preparing for a camping trip in Durango Colorado….” He paused and finally just said, “…in other words, I forgot.”
After the call Graham cleaned his refrigerator, packed a few more things, and secured his windsurfing board with another strap on his car. His car was full. He figured he had only four more weekends he could take things to Albuquerque. He arrived to Rocket Point 4 years ago with only one car load of stuff and now it would take him 4 carloads to move. He disliked having so many things and wanted to give away as much as possible. The first thing he began packing was his windsurfing equipment. On this load, one board, six sails, and three booms. The other two boards and masts would have to wait for another trip. He was hoping once he got to Albuquerque he would be able to windsurf at least once a month. It is one of his dreams. He was still learning how to navigate all of life’s demands and carve out enough time to windsurf.
Graham worked on Dream Story for a bit, then read his dreams. He had 62 dreams listed and would be adding along the way. All 62 dreams were on course, but thought he may have to reconsider the dream about playing a song on the classical guitar. That might have to happen after he retires, if he ever does.
The ideas that came in during Graham’s meditation are “It’s time to be passionate about Dream Story,” and “It’s time to start shining the light with others, and that thought he liked the most. He would get to be like the Sun, giving attention to as many as he could in his Dream Story. He would start pulling the heroes he was giving attention to from his other websites, 2030.com, 3020.com, TheMasterStoryTellers.com, and AcademyofPeace.com. His story had evolved into just one focus, DreamStory.Love or DreamStory.org.
In his meditations, he would feel what he imagined. It felt like a new time for everyone to remember and focus on why they are alive on the Spaceship Mother Earth. Did they forget why they are here? And it felt like it was time for the horns to sound, similar to the horns in the beginning of Reinhardt Buhr’s “Arise.”
Photo by stein egil liland: https://www.pexels.com/photo/waves-crashing-on-rock-near-mountains-during-datyime-3384695/
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