EOP 54
May 15
EOP 54 East
Page 4260
Monday, May 15, 2023
It was another 12 hour day for Graham at the school. He got home just after 7:00 p.m. and wrote to Aurora.
Dear Aurora,
“Perhaps I need to start writing to you more, like I did when we first met. I know you don’t write as much because it’s not your thing, but in addition to all the emails I have to write to teachers and parents, I also write when I come home, every day.
I know you like talking about love, life, and philosophy and so do I. What is this world all about? We could be in some kind of live dream. We could also exist is some kind of alternative reality. Who is God? Why are we here? What is life all about? Are we living in some kind of dream? Who am I? I found the answers to all those questions and I’m very happy with my answer. The answer I found is “I don’t know.” I have spent a lot of time and curious engaging energy going down paths to find the answers to those questions. I didn’t mind those paths at all. I meet a lot of wonderful people on each path with the same question or questions, but when I got to “I don’t know,” the next questions was, “Then what?” What I found that I can do is create my own reality and that is what I am doing in this story called “Dream Story.”
I call it a “Live” story. It is the first live story of its kind in the world. If there were others, you would have heard about them. What does it mean to be in a “Live Story?” That’s a really good question. What it means is to be aware of where you are at in the progress of your dreams. In this life I learned you have the opportunity to have many dreams, which means they are all created by each individual. Of all the people I know, and I met a lot of people in my 60 years, I have never heard of a negative dream. Everyone I have met has positive dreams for their friends, families, country, and world. What are your dreams? Hamish Brewer has a list of 100 dreams in his book. I’m working on my 99+ dreams and I am working on those dreams every single day. What I’m doing is recording the development of my current 70+ dreams. I’m still working on listing the other 29+ dreams.
What I developed is a simple way to record dreams. If you were the regular user of my app, you could upload a picture(s) as easily as it is to upload one on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. You can upload a narrative of where you are in your story that day. You are aware of your dreams every day and that is why you can write and talk about them. This is what is driving you, your dreams. What are they? You have the permission of life to keep 100% of your dreams private, but ask yourself, every day, what did I do for this dream today?
In this book, the Dream Story website, there are 360 what I can call “Long Pages.” One can scroll from top to bottom on a single long page. Each long page contains 12 entries, one for each day of the 12 year volume. The volume contains a total of 4320 story pages. The cool thing about dream stories is that they evolve over time with you, and as they evolve, life changes and new challenges present themselves to you. You must be ready for change when you are aware of your conscious dreams daily.
What would happen if there were all a sudden there was an order for 1 million units of Creative Laser Solutions? How would you train all of those people? Who would be on the phone for technical support? In the same way, my website prototype is just beginning to mature. It is still in its infant stage, but it was born, so to speak. I kept it in in my imagination/brain for a long time, developing it for many years. I tried to express it on paper and talk about it many times, but it wasn’t quite ready and then just last March 14th, I gave it another try and it seems like all the pieces started to come together. It is sticking this time. The ideas in my imagination, retained in my brain, my long term memory, came out to the Microsoft Word document, to a Weebly,com website creation platform. From that Platform, I can communicate with all the people around the world.
What a great place we have come to in this live story. Do you want to know who all the people are in my story? It is every single person in the world, but as the story progresses, there will be different categories of people in their relationship to the story. The majority of the people in the story, in the beginning are those who are totally unaware of this story. Maybe we can label them, as “the unawares” or something like that. Everyone in the story was unaware at some point in their life. The unawares exist in every country even at the end of this volume, but the awares become the majority, and there are some reader awares who read the stories, but don’t add anything to their own pages, and then there are The Master Storytellers. They add to their Dream Story often, some every day. It’s always fun to hear about the people who came along in their story to help them achieve their personal and shared dreams.
This is the first Dream Story of its kind. It has only 4320 pages. Although this may sound like a lot of pages, it is not because the storyteller would like to give the positive light to every human on the planet. This story, will incorporate a kind of advertising. It will, on certain pages, project the products which the storytellers find useful. It might be a picture of someone holding the product with a big smile on their face. There should never be any compensation for someone freely advertises on the site. We ask, that if a company benefits from the product “mentioning” or “advertisement” then the company pay it forward. (paying it forward to schools all over the world are always a good place to start)
In this story, the teachers are the stars. They are the one who are helping the children to achieve their dreams. Who are teachers? Teachers are not only those one finds in schools, but all parents and family members because they are the most important teachers. How did their dreams come true? What are the dreams of parents and guardians? The teachers at the schools says to their students, “We are here to help your dreams come true.” To do that, it’s important that you know many things about the world. As you are learning more of what the world has to offer, your dreams will evolve. You may have a lot of dreams, maybe more than 99. We are here to help you on the adventure of your life.” To help the students gain knowledge, they use a comprehensive curriculum as explained by E.D. Hirsch.
As more people spend time and energy on their private, personal, and shared dreams they develop a new outlook on life. They understand their own creations. They remembered Thomas Edison’s quote, “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration” and we are only quoting him because we have found this to be true. Live dreams take time and energy. In this new outlook on life, love, joy and peace return.
Will it work? It definitely works. I’ve been doing this for the past 5 years or so and it has given me a fantastic outlook on life. This tool, the view, this dream works. As I spend more time and energy in these dreams daily, things begin to change and will change quickly. What if DreamStory.org all of a sudden gets a million subscribers? Who will answer technical questions? Who will teach all the people how to use dream story? It was only March 14, just last March 14th when we woke up in Cairo and travelled to Alexandria and back. It was that March 14th that I gave you the necklace, “I will love you till the end of Pi.” This was a new beginning and now in its infant stage, we are crawling and before long, we will be running.
Right now, we are working towards getting our first million subscribers. How many will we get? The million subscribers will help pay all the good people who work to make the Dream Story website work easily. It is also to help give back. We will find the correct balance and schools will likely be free or $1 dollar per month. The point of the website is to be completely independent and most importantly to create a platform for people, schools, where they can share their dreams and how their story is developing on a daily basis. It is a fantastic way to focus and it is exciting to see changes.
Changes are on their way, big changes. What if your Creative Laser Solutions all of a sudden takes off and my Dream Story starts rolling, gaining lots of momentum? When that happens, our days will be even busier. We already wonder if we will find enough time during the week to even see each other. We both get to see our dreams come true. How cool is that? Today I had a 12 hour work day. I love my job but it requires 50-60 hours every week and only when I come home do I have time to work on my real passion, my creation, the Dream Story. It is the most beautiful story I have ever seen because it includes so many dreams from people all around the world, and in this story, the politicians begin to listen. They listen to the music, the art, the voices, and most importantly, the dream stories. With all these big changes, and so little time to get the Dream Story going and write the story on a daily basis, it requires all the extra time I have and now that I experiment with it every day, it will even take at least an hour each day until we can actually get the website up and running. At one point I was hoping to have investors so I wouldn’t even have to work in a school. This is a full time job and I wish I could get it going faster. I want to be running, but sometimes growth can’t be rushed. It evolves at its own pace for a reason. I cannot plant a seed of corn and expect corn on a tall stalk the next day. The Dream Story website is slowly growing too and we will soon be able to demonstrate it to investors.
When I see this website being used all over the world, it actually changes the focus to the 99% that is good in the world. We still listen to the 1% of the people who do what are considered “bad” or “weird” things, those who break our laws. They are part of our story and in this story, we have people who listen to them and take care of them. The primary focus of this is on the dreams of teachers, students, their parents, friends, and neighbors.
One of the main shared dreams of this Dream Story is cleaning up the Seas. “HOLD ON BOYAN! WE ARE COMING!!! And we are bringing Hollywood with us. If you don’t know who Boyan is, you soon will.
How many subscribers will DreamStory.Love have in 360 days? Let’s Sea…
Page 4260
Monday, May 15, 2023
It was another 12 hour day for Graham at the school. He got home just after 7:00 p.m. and wrote to Aurora.
Dear Aurora,
“Perhaps I need to start writing to you more, like I did when we first met. I know you don’t write as much because it’s not your thing, but in addition to all the emails I have to write to teachers and parents, I also write when I come home, every day.
I know you like talking about love, life, and philosophy and so do I. What is this world all about? We could be in some kind of live dream. We could also exist is some kind of alternative reality. Who is God? Why are we here? What is life all about? Are we living in some kind of dream? Who am I? I found the answers to all those questions and I’m very happy with my answer. The answer I found is “I don’t know.” I have spent a lot of time and curious engaging energy going down paths to find the answers to those questions. I didn’t mind those paths at all. I meet a lot of wonderful people on each path with the same question or questions, but when I got to “I don’t know,” the next questions was, “Then what?” What I found that I can do is create my own reality and that is what I am doing in this story called “Dream Story.”
I call it a “Live” story. It is the first live story of its kind in the world. If there were others, you would have heard about them. What does it mean to be in a “Live Story?” That’s a really good question. What it means is to be aware of where you are at in the progress of your dreams. In this life I learned you have the opportunity to have many dreams, which means they are all created by each individual. Of all the people I know, and I met a lot of people in my 60 years, I have never heard of a negative dream. Everyone I have met has positive dreams for their friends, families, country, and world. What are your dreams? Hamish Brewer has a list of 100 dreams in his book. I’m working on my 99+ dreams and I am working on those dreams every single day. What I’m doing is recording the development of my current 70+ dreams. I’m still working on listing the other 29+ dreams.
What I developed is a simple way to record dreams. If you were the regular user of my app, you could upload a picture(s) as easily as it is to upload one on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. You can upload a narrative of where you are in your story that day. You are aware of your dreams every day and that is why you can write and talk about them. This is what is driving you, your dreams. What are they? You have the permission of life to keep 100% of your dreams private, but ask yourself, every day, what did I do for this dream today?
In this book, the Dream Story website, there are 360 what I can call “Long Pages.” One can scroll from top to bottom on a single long page. Each long page contains 12 entries, one for each day of the 12 year volume. The volume contains a total of 4320 story pages. The cool thing about dream stories is that they evolve over time with you, and as they evolve, life changes and new challenges present themselves to you. You must be ready for change when you are aware of your conscious dreams daily.
What would happen if there were all a sudden there was an order for 1 million units of Creative Laser Solutions? How would you train all of those people? Who would be on the phone for technical support? In the same way, my website prototype is just beginning to mature. It is still in its infant stage, but it was born, so to speak. I kept it in in my imagination/brain for a long time, developing it for many years. I tried to express it on paper and talk about it many times, but it wasn’t quite ready and then just last March 14th, I gave it another try and it seems like all the pieces started to come together. It is sticking this time. The ideas in my imagination, retained in my brain, my long term memory, came out to the Microsoft Word document, to a Weebly,com website creation platform. From that Platform, I can communicate with all the people around the world.
What a great place we have come to in this live story. Do you want to know who all the people are in my story? It is every single person in the world, but as the story progresses, there will be different categories of people in their relationship to the story. The majority of the people in the story, in the beginning are those who are totally unaware of this story. Maybe we can label them, as “the unawares” or something like that. Everyone in the story was unaware at some point in their life. The unawares exist in every country even at the end of this volume, but the awares become the majority, and there are some reader awares who read the stories, but don’t add anything to their own pages, and then there are The Master Storytellers. They add to their Dream Story often, some every day. It’s always fun to hear about the people who came along in their story to help them achieve their personal and shared dreams.
This is the first Dream Story of its kind. It has only 4320 pages. Although this may sound like a lot of pages, it is not because the storyteller would like to give the positive light to every human on the planet. This story, will incorporate a kind of advertising. It will, on certain pages, project the products which the storytellers find useful. It might be a picture of someone holding the product with a big smile on their face. There should never be any compensation for someone freely advertises on the site. We ask, that if a company benefits from the product “mentioning” or “advertisement” then the company pay it forward. (paying it forward to schools all over the world are always a good place to start)
In this story, the teachers are the stars. They are the one who are helping the children to achieve their dreams. Who are teachers? Teachers are not only those one finds in schools, but all parents and family members because they are the most important teachers. How did their dreams come true? What are the dreams of parents and guardians? The teachers at the schools says to their students, “We are here to help your dreams come true.” To do that, it’s important that you know many things about the world. As you are learning more of what the world has to offer, your dreams will evolve. You may have a lot of dreams, maybe more than 99. We are here to help you on the adventure of your life.” To help the students gain knowledge, they use a comprehensive curriculum as explained by E.D. Hirsch.
As more people spend time and energy on their private, personal, and shared dreams they develop a new outlook on life. They understand their own creations. They remembered Thomas Edison’s quote, “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration” and we are only quoting him because we have found this to be true. Live dreams take time and energy. In this new outlook on life, love, joy and peace return.
Will it work? It definitely works. I’ve been doing this for the past 5 years or so and it has given me a fantastic outlook on life. This tool, the view, this dream works. As I spend more time and energy in these dreams daily, things begin to change and will change quickly. What if DreamStory.org all of a sudden gets a million subscribers? Who will answer technical questions? Who will teach all the people how to use dream story? It was only March 14, just last March 14th when we woke up in Cairo and travelled to Alexandria and back. It was that March 14th that I gave you the necklace, “I will love you till the end of Pi.” This was a new beginning and now in its infant stage, we are crawling and before long, we will be running.
Right now, we are working towards getting our first million subscribers. How many will we get? The million subscribers will help pay all the good people who work to make the Dream Story website work easily. It is also to help give back. We will find the correct balance and schools will likely be free or $1 dollar per month. The point of the website is to be completely independent and most importantly to create a platform for people, schools, where they can share their dreams and how their story is developing on a daily basis. It is a fantastic way to focus and it is exciting to see changes.
Changes are on their way, big changes. What if your Creative Laser Solutions all of a sudden takes off and my Dream Story starts rolling, gaining lots of momentum? When that happens, our days will be even busier. We already wonder if we will find enough time during the week to even see each other. We both get to see our dreams come true. How cool is that? Today I had a 12 hour work day. I love my job but it requires 50-60 hours every week and only when I come home do I have time to work on my real passion, my creation, the Dream Story. It is the most beautiful story I have ever seen because it includes so many dreams from people all around the world, and in this story, the politicians begin to listen. They listen to the music, the art, the voices, and most importantly, the dream stories. With all these big changes, and so little time to get the Dream Story going and write the story on a daily basis, it requires all the extra time I have and now that I experiment with it every day, it will even take at least an hour each day until we can actually get the website up and running. At one point I was hoping to have investors so I wouldn’t even have to work in a school. This is a full time job and I wish I could get it going faster. I want to be running, but sometimes growth can’t be rushed. It evolves at its own pace for a reason. I cannot plant a seed of corn and expect corn on a tall stalk the next day. The Dream Story website is slowly growing too and we will soon be able to demonstrate it to investors.
When I see this website being used all over the world, it actually changes the focus to the 99% that is good in the world. We still listen to the 1% of the people who do what are considered “bad” or “weird” things, those who break our laws. They are part of our story and in this story, we have people who listen to them and take care of them. The primary focus of this is on the dreams of teachers, students, their parents, friends, and neighbors.
One of the main shared dreams of this Dream Story is cleaning up the Seas. “HOLD ON BOYAN! WE ARE COMING!!! And we are bringing Hollywood with us. If you don’t know who Boyan is, you soon will.
How many subscribers will DreamStory.Love have in 360 days? Let’s Sea…
Photo by Johannes Plenio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/green-rice-field-1146708/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025