EOP 50
May 11
EOP 50 East
Page 4264
Thursday, May 11, 2023
Graham woke up by 5:30 a.m. He got ready to make his hour and a half drive to the dentist. It was the closest one to him. He left Arizona, crossed the tip of New Mexico, waved to Utah, only two-football fields away, and stopped in Cortez, Colorado, to see his dentist, Dr. Smith. The drive across the Prezervation was one of the most beautiful drives he could take. It would go on for miles and miles of rich landscape unobstructed by buildings. There were so many unique land formations and it had had a good rainy season and there were large areas of natural yellow and purple flowers blooming.
He knew it wasn’t going to be good news from Dr. Smith. Graham could see the piece of tooth inside the crown that fell out. He feared he would have to get some kind of implant and Dr. Smith confirmed this, “about four thousand dollars.” Dr. Smith said he could do it but said he didn’t. He said it is better to go to an expert who does implants every day. Plus there was that fact that Graham was moving and would be 4.5 hours away from Dr. Smith. Graham already signed the release papers so documents could be sent to his unknown dentist in Albuquerque.
Graham made it to Dr. Smith’s office by 8:00 and was out by 8:17. As he drove on to the main street in Cortez a call came in with a number that didn’t look like spam, and was an Albuquerque area code.
“Hello, this is Mr. Mond,” pulling over to the side of the road, hoping it would be one of the schools he applied to.
“This is Ms. Thomas, from Bethlehem. We met yesterday at the interview.” Graham knew who she was by her name. “The team was very pleased with your interview and we would like you to come over for a tour of our schools.”
“As a matter of fact, I will be in Albuquerque tomorrow for a graduation. I could come visit Bethlehem between 8:00-10:00 a.m.
Ms. Thomas and Graham made arrangements.
Graham was back to Rocket Point by 11:00 a.m. and in his office by 11:30. He wanted to make sure everything was going well for recess. He had three new supervisors and had to check in with them. All was good. When he returned to his office, Ms. Martinez stopped by his office to say hello as she usually does each morning. Mr. Mond told her about his experience and that the dentist said he needed a titanium rod put in with a new crown and would cost …
“$5,000” she chimed in. Apparently she had been shopping.
“I know,” she said. I was going to have it done and some good friends told me about a good dentist in Juarez (Mexico) who would do it for $1000.”
Mr. Mond thought about Juarez and checked how far it would be from his Queen’s house. “4.5 hours, not bad,” he thought to himself.
The first and second graders made it back safely from their trip to the Farmington, New Mexico, Children’s science museum. It was a 2.5 hour drive from the school. The teachers on the trip made it just as all the busses were leaving for the day and a teachers’ appreciation gathering was taking place. Graham stayed for the video of students and teachers saying how much they appreciated their teachers and the Chief, on behalf of all staff said touching words for the teachers and welcomed them to grab a plate. Graham wanted to stay but he had a 5.5 hour drive to Albuquerque and would have to leave at 6:45 on the next page to go to Bethlehem.
He stopped along the way at a small lake in a place called Wheatfields to write. It was a nice clear day, temperature was perfect. The lake was serene and he was surrounded by pines and junipers. It was much better than the Home Depot parking lot. The dream was moving forward. Would he become a school principal in Bethlehem? Would he be able to post the picture he took of a mural in Cortez and of a sign in the True Value window that said, “We support law enforcement.”
It would be a three day weekend for Graham, but he would attend an air force commissioning and two graduations. All significant stages on one’s dream. They would celebrate this stage of the dream coming true. The hard work would pay off with a diploma and then it would be on to another phase of the live dream. And then there was mother’s day. He would also celebrate with the Queen and her good friend, both mothers. Would he have any time in the next 3 blank pages to write and make progress, navigate the DreamStory.Love. Let’s Sea….
Page 4264
Thursday, May 11, 2023
Graham woke up by 5:30 a.m. He got ready to make his hour and a half drive to the dentist. It was the closest one to him. He left Arizona, crossed the tip of New Mexico, waved to Utah, only two-football fields away, and stopped in Cortez, Colorado, to see his dentist, Dr. Smith. The drive across the Prezervation was one of the most beautiful drives he could take. It would go on for miles and miles of rich landscape unobstructed by buildings. There were so many unique land formations and it had had a good rainy season and there were large areas of natural yellow and purple flowers blooming.
He knew it wasn’t going to be good news from Dr. Smith. Graham could see the piece of tooth inside the crown that fell out. He feared he would have to get some kind of implant and Dr. Smith confirmed this, “about four thousand dollars.” Dr. Smith said he could do it but said he didn’t. He said it is better to go to an expert who does implants every day. Plus there was that fact that Graham was moving and would be 4.5 hours away from Dr. Smith. Graham already signed the release papers so documents could be sent to his unknown dentist in Albuquerque.
Graham made it to Dr. Smith’s office by 8:00 and was out by 8:17. As he drove on to the main street in Cortez a call came in with a number that didn’t look like spam, and was an Albuquerque area code.
“Hello, this is Mr. Mond,” pulling over to the side of the road, hoping it would be one of the schools he applied to.
“This is Ms. Thomas, from Bethlehem. We met yesterday at the interview.” Graham knew who she was by her name. “The team was very pleased with your interview and we would like you to come over for a tour of our schools.”
“As a matter of fact, I will be in Albuquerque tomorrow for a graduation. I could come visit Bethlehem between 8:00-10:00 a.m.
Ms. Thomas and Graham made arrangements.
Graham was back to Rocket Point by 11:00 a.m. and in his office by 11:30. He wanted to make sure everything was going well for recess. He had three new supervisors and had to check in with them. All was good. When he returned to his office, Ms. Martinez stopped by his office to say hello as she usually does each morning. Mr. Mond told her about his experience and that the dentist said he needed a titanium rod put in with a new crown and would cost …
“$5,000” she chimed in. Apparently she had been shopping.
“I know,” she said. I was going to have it done and some good friends told me about a good dentist in Juarez (Mexico) who would do it for $1000.”
Mr. Mond thought about Juarez and checked how far it would be from his Queen’s house. “4.5 hours, not bad,” he thought to himself.
The first and second graders made it back safely from their trip to the Farmington, New Mexico, Children’s science museum. It was a 2.5 hour drive from the school. The teachers on the trip made it just as all the busses were leaving for the day and a teachers’ appreciation gathering was taking place. Graham stayed for the video of students and teachers saying how much they appreciated their teachers and the Chief, on behalf of all staff said touching words for the teachers and welcomed them to grab a plate. Graham wanted to stay but he had a 5.5 hour drive to Albuquerque and would have to leave at 6:45 on the next page to go to Bethlehem.
He stopped along the way at a small lake in a place called Wheatfields to write. It was a nice clear day, temperature was perfect. The lake was serene and he was surrounded by pines and junipers. It was much better than the Home Depot parking lot. The dream was moving forward. Would he become a school principal in Bethlehem? Would he be able to post the picture he took of a mural in Cortez and of a sign in the True Value window that said, “We support law enforcement.”
It would be a three day weekend for Graham, but he would attend an air force commissioning and two graduations. All significant stages on one’s dream. They would celebrate this stage of the dream coming true. The hard work would pay off with a diploma and then it would be on to another phase of the live dream. And then there was mother’s day. He would also celebrate with the Queen and her good friend, both mothers. Would he have any time in the next 3 blank pages to write and make progress, navigate the DreamStory.Love. Let’s Sea….
Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh: https://www.pexels.com/photo/reflection-of-tree-on-body-of-water-during-golden-hour-2131801/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025