EOP 49
May 10
EOP 49 East
Page 4265
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Graham wondered if his life became the same, old same old. He went to school at 6:45 a.m. and got home at 8:00 p.m., after returning from a school board meeting in Shiprock, New Mexico. He knew his life wasn’t the same, but he wanted to see more growth, more progress on his website and of course his dreams. Perhaps it was like expecting corn to grow faster. He had to remember to just go with the flow.
He did start out his day with an interview with the folks at the school in Bethlehem. There were 8 people on the Microsoft Teams video interview session. At least he didn’t have to make the 6 hour drive for the interview. The team passed around the laptop for the 10 questions that he was given 15 minutes prior to the interview. He thought it went well, but he thought that about the last two interviews and didn’t get those jobs. That was one more dream that he had going and was continuing to work on. He would continue to send out as many resumes as possible; the only problem was that there weren’t that many schools posting job openings. Was that just an Albuquerque thing or were there really not many job openings? Most contracts would be in place by July 1, less than 60 pages away.
He liked to write, but he would also have to spend time getting caught up with postings on his website. He needed to be making significant daily progress on his website. He wanted it to be a place where he would only have to spend 30 minutes or less on uploading his writing, a new picture, or a video. Once he could do that for himself, he knew others could illustrate their dreams too. He couldn’t wait to hear the stories of others and there persistent focus on their visions no matter what obstacles came in the way. What do others dream about? How can we help their dreams become a reality?
He listened to the public servants and they didn’t share many dreams with the owners of the mansion. He wanted to remind his people that they are the masters of the mansion and the public servants are there to help the dreams of the people come true, not the other way around. He didn’t know how it happened, but the public servants were running amuck in the mansion, doing whatever they felt like, carelessly spending the money of the masters. He wanted to remind the people how powerful they are as a collective community of visionaries. The most powerful words one can use are “We vote next!” Remind the public servants of their role in the mansion, and most importantly, don’t just say the chant. Go out and vote. Don’t give up. A majority can make a huge difference. Don’t play their games and let them manipulate you by playing the democrat vs. republican game. What is the United States credit score? Do our leaders have us in a comfortable financial position? Art they reducing the national debt? The buck must stop with the president. The president must make a difference and if he or she doesn’t, go out and vote and keep reminding the public servants that they must listen to your dreams.
Remember that our police and military are public servants too. Their job is to enforce the rules that have been established, whether they like them or not. If they don’t like the rules, they can always find another job that is more agreeable. Our police and military are here to protect the masters of the mansion. Treat them well. Say thank you to them. Buy them a Home Depot gift card and show them your appreciation. Our police and military are our sons and daughters, fathers and mothers and grandparents. They are family too. By day, they are public servants and when they go off duty, they are family too.
It turned out to be a productive night for Graham. He added the text to May 9 & 10 and he added text and pictures to the first two pages of the story. He experimented with some of the picture format, publishing them on his ThinkPad and then seeing how they looked on his iPhone.
It was 11:08 p.m. He would have to go to visit his dentist on the next page. Dr. Smith was 90 minutes away. He had to request to take the morning off from school. He was planning to leave at 6:00 a.m. then return to the school for a teacher appreciation celebration. It was time for bed.
Page 4265
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Graham wondered if his life became the same, old same old. He went to school at 6:45 a.m. and got home at 8:00 p.m., after returning from a school board meeting in Shiprock, New Mexico. He knew his life wasn’t the same, but he wanted to see more growth, more progress on his website and of course his dreams. Perhaps it was like expecting corn to grow faster. He had to remember to just go with the flow.
He did start out his day with an interview with the folks at the school in Bethlehem. There were 8 people on the Microsoft Teams video interview session. At least he didn’t have to make the 6 hour drive for the interview. The team passed around the laptop for the 10 questions that he was given 15 minutes prior to the interview. He thought it went well, but he thought that about the last two interviews and didn’t get those jobs. That was one more dream that he had going and was continuing to work on. He would continue to send out as many resumes as possible; the only problem was that there weren’t that many schools posting job openings. Was that just an Albuquerque thing or were there really not many job openings? Most contracts would be in place by July 1, less than 60 pages away.
He liked to write, but he would also have to spend time getting caught up with postings on his website. He needed to be making significant daily progress on his website. He wanted it to be a place where he would only have to spend 30 minutes or less on uploading his writing, a new picture, or a video. Once he could do that for himself, he knew others could illustrate their dreams too. He couldn’t wait to hear the stories of others and there persistent focus on their visions no matter what obstacles came in the way. What do others dream about? How can we help their dreams become a reality?
He listened to the public servants and they didn’t share many dreams with the owners of the mansion. He wanted to remind his people that they are the masters of the mansion and the public servants are there to help the dreams of the people come true, not the other way around. He didn’t know how it happened, but the public servants were running amuck in the mansion, doing whatever they felt like, carelessly spending the money of the masters. He wanted to remind the people how powerful they are as a collective community of visionaries. The most powerful words one can use are “We vote next!” Remind the public servants of their role in the mansion, and most importantly, don’t just say the chant. Go out and vote. Don’t give up. A majority can make a huge difference. Don’t play their games and let them manipulate you by playing the democrat vs. republican game. What is the United States credit score? Do our leaders have us in a comfortable financial position? Art they reducing the national debt? The buck must stop with the president. The president must make a difference and if he or she doesn’t, go out and vote and keep reminding the public servants that they must listen to your dreams.
Remember that our police and military are public servants too. Their job is to enforce the rules that have been established, whether they like them or not. If they don’t like the rules, they can always find another job that is more agreeable. Our police and military are here to protect the masters of the mansion. Treat them well. Say thank you to them. Buy them a Home Depot gift card and show them your appreciation. Our police and military are our sons and daughters, fathers and mothers and grandparents. They are family too. By day, they are public servants and when they go off duty, they are family too.
It turned out to be a productive night for Graham. He added the text to May 9 & 10 and he added text and pictures to the first two pages of the story. He experimented with some of the picture format, publishing them on his ThinkPad and then seeing how they looked on his iPhone.
It was 11:08 p.m. He would have to go to visit his dentist on the next page. Dr. Smith was 90 minutes away. He had to request to take the morning off from school. He was planning to leave at 6:00 a.m. then return to the school for a teacher appreciation celebration. It was time for bed.
Banner photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/sun-rays-during-golden-hour-355872/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025