EOP 47
May 8
EOP 47 East
Page 4267
Monday, May 8, 2023
Graham got home at 8:09 from his school. He started at 7:00 a.m. He had to do chores around his home and then request a refund from GoDaddy. He tried calling but it was an estimated wait of 60 minutes. He texted instead and that worked out much better.
It was 10:40 before he started writing in his Principal Diary which was also his Dream Story. He often felt like he would never get caught up, but he kept going. Dream Story was not only the best vision he ever had, but the best he had ever heard of. He couldn’t wait to begin sharing it with other.
He would spend the remainder of the evening working on his Dream Story website. He looked forward to writing and taking pictures of his dream. He couldn’t wait to see his growth in 360 pages. He couldn’t wait to hear the dreams of others. He couldn’t wait to see the focus shift and the cheese move.
While Graham made significant progress with his website during his 30 page challenge, it wasn’t where he wanted it yet. Did he fail his challenge? Yes, and no. Yes because it wasn’t complete to his expectations, and no because Dream Story grew beyond his original expectations and he was excited because he could see how his dreams continued to grow. This was the first page for Graham to publish his story synchronously with his current thoughts and today's page. It was really live. His whole existence had become a dream, or perhaps it always was a dream but it was his awareness that was also growing as he eased cautiously, excitedly into this new reality he was discovering.
It was a grand vision. Every day he imagined and felt it and then did the work to make it into another reality. A new reality amongst millions of other realities, but this one had many shared realities within it….will it become a new kind of reality? Let’s Sea….
Page 4267
Monday, May 8, 2023
Graham got home at 8:09 from his school. He started at 7:00 a.m. He had to do chores around his home and then request a refund from GoDaddy. He tried calling but it was an estimated wait of 60 minutes. He texted instead and that worked out much better.
It was 10:40 before he started writing in his Principal Diary which was also his Dream Story. He often felt like he would never get caught up, but he kept going. Dream Story was not only the best vision he ever had, but the best he had ever heard of. He couldn’t wait to begin sharing it with other.
He would spend the remainder of the evening working on his Dream Story website. He looked forward to writing and taking pictures of his dream. He couldn’t wait to see his growth in 360 pages. He couldn’t wait to hear the dreams of others. He couldn’t wait to see the focus shift and the cheese move.
While Graham made significant progress with his website during his 30 page challenge, it wasn’t where he wanted it yet. Did he fail his challenge? Yes, and no. Yes because it wasn’t complete to his expectations, and no because Dream Story grew beyond his original expectations and he was excited because he could see how his dreams continued to grow. This was the first page for Graham to publish his story synchronously with his current thoughts and today's page. It was really live. His whole existence had become a dream, or perhaps it always was a dream but it was his awareness that was also growing as he eased cautiously, excitedly into this new reality he was discovering.
It was a grand vision. Every day he imagined and felt it and then did the work to make it into another reality. A new reality amongst millions of other realities, but this one had many shared realities within it….will it become a new kind of reality? Let’s Sea….
Banner photo by Arnie Chou: https://www.pexels.com/photo/scenic-view-of-rainforest-927414/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025