EOP 46
May 7
EOP 46 East
Page 4268
Sunday, May 7, 2023
Page 46, today’s page, is the final page of Graham’s 30 page challenge. This is the point where he planned to have most of the Dream Story website done. He had to modify expectations as he went along creating the website, from within the dream. How did he know what the end result was going to look like? He didn’t like the 30 page challenge. He likes moving the story forward, but with the flow of life. There were too many unexpected things that came up that restricted the progress, and those things he doesn’t take as a hindrance, but rather has come to understand that they are there for a reason. The website he has on this page is nothing like what he originally imagined. He knows it is much better than the original idea. As he progressed, ideas kept coming and that is another reason he is learning not to put on time or page restrictions. They are limitations. The important piece he learned is to keep the dream, the story moving forward. Will it come true? It is not just one dream, but many and he is moving them all forward. One dream he has is to pay off the loans on the houses of his brother and sisters. It’s on the list of his dream but he doesn’t really do much for that on a daily basis, directly. Indirectly, he continues to develop the Dream Story website, which eventually will help him to have the money to pay off those loans.
While Graham had all the reasons he needed to go camping yesterday, he decided not to and continue with his work on the website. How well did he do with his 30 page challenge?
Graham worked with great focus since 8:00 a.m. on a Sunday morning on the Dream Story Website. He was making good progress. He decided to work until 5:00 p.m. and call it quits for the day because he had to do some mother’s day and graduation shopping on Amazon. He was also going to buy the paperback copy of “Why Knowledge Matters.” It had a lot of good references he could use for his school.
Page 4268
Sunday, May 7, 2023
Page 46, today’s page, is the final page of Graham’s 30 page challenge. This is the point where he planned to have most of the Dream Story website done. He had to modify expectations as he went along creating the website, from within the dream. How did he know what the end result was going to look like? He didn’t like the 30 page challenge. He likes moving the story forward, but with the flow of life. There were too many unexpected things that came up that restricted the progress, and those things he doesn’t take as a hindrance, but rather has come to understand that they are there for a reason. The website he has on this page is nothing like what he originally imagined. He knows it is much better than the original idea. As he progressed, ideas kept coming and that is another reason he is learning not to put on time or page restrictions. They are limitations. The important piece he learned is to keep the dream, the story moving forward. Will it come true? It is not just one dream, but many and he is moving them all forward. One dream he has is to pay off the loans on the houses of his brother and sisters. It’s on the list of his dream but he doesn’t really do much for that on a daily basis, directly. Indirectly, he continues to develop the Dream Story website, which eventually will help him to have the money to pay off those loans.
While Graham had all the reasons he needed to go camping yesterday, he decided not to and continue with his work on the website. How well did he do with his 30 page challenge?
Graham worked with great focus since 8:00 a.m. on a Sunday morning on the Dream Story Website. He was making good progress. He decided to work until 5:00 p.m. and call it quits for the day because he had to do some mother’s day and graduation shopping on Amazon. He was also going to buy the paperback copy of “Why Knowledge Matters.” It had a lot of good references he could use for his school.
Photo above by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/asphalt-blur-car-city-290470/
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