EOP 45
May 6
EOP 45 East
Page 4269
Saturday, May 6, 2023
Graham finished his data session with teachers. At, least it was only a half day at the school for him. Data for him wasn’t fun. What he liked is seeing inspired teachers and students all having fun together learning about the life they are introduced to and learning how to navigate it. The adults are at a different level than the students. There was no way for students to get to the level of the teacher because that would take years of study and experience, but teachers, by knowing each student can guide students to the most efficient path and warn them about potential bumps and road blocks, just as the family would do the same for their child.
Graham wanted to know what teachers are passionate about. He knew this was a time for the people to speak up, to create, to put their ideas into action. Teachers were going to be the first people he would listen to. They were also masters in the mansion that they and their ancestors help to create, and it would be the public servants who did their bidding for them. Teacher should be amongst the best paid professions. They are masters at bringing students together from all kinds of backgrounds and helping them in with their dreams.
Graham decided that he would focus on finishing the sample page, adding to the 99+ dreams page and the 99+ traits page. If he could do that by 5:00 p.m. He would go camping, bringing his laptop to be able and edit some of the entries. His goal was to have his website as an example of a different kind of social media. This is social media with a story and connected to many other stories. What are all these millions of stories all about? That’s where the fun is, it is where the dreams are, it’s not only in the successes, but in the story where the feelings of hope, positive anticipation, and shall we say love too?
His goal was to get his website to a point where he could daily upload at least one picture and progress on his venturing into the dream and learning how to have fun with the tools of creation. Creation always starts with thoughts, always. Thoughts aren’t always used. Some are denied and some are acted upon. Where do all the thoughts come from? That, he still didn’t know. He understood that thoughts are processed in the brain, but his question is, “Who put the thought(s) there?”
What he was showing on his website, the DreamStory.Love (.org) was just an example of what each person, school, or company would have once they log into their page. Especially important is the 99+ dream page because this is what leads the story. What is the story of the person who achieved his or her dream? Will our Dreams ever cease? Only if one gives up. Adults will continue to dream because they want to be a good example. They will learn that in sharing dreams, one feels vulnerable but after a while the dreams comes within sight, sometimes just little glimpses and vulnerability turns into persistence, confidence, and enthusiasm. Those are scary places for some. They don’t believe they really exist. Tell them not to give up on their dreams. Tell them to take the actions that will bring them closer to their dreams. Tell them to dream big and all the smaller dreams will happen along the way. Tell them to include everyone in their story, including the law breakers and dissenters. They give character to the story and help one to questions if they are on the right path. The law breakers and dissenters don’t get much time or energy in the story, typically 1% or less. Their society has public servants and others to take care of people who need help, giving more time and energy to the masters of the mansions to create with all the other storytellers.
Who would be the investors, the website developers, the film makers? Would they all be our people who live in one of the lands of Freedom? Could the people work together with the politician public servants to continue in the steps of giants, our ancestors who wanted a better life for their great great grandchildren? Where will we be in 360 days?
Page 4269
Saturday, May 6, 2023
Graham finished his data session with teachers. At, least it was only a half day at the school for him. Data for him wasn’t fun. What he liked is seeing inspired teachers and students all having fun together learning about the life they are introduced to and learning how to navigate it. The adults are at a different level than the students. There was no way for students to get to the level of the teacher because that would take years of study and experience, but teachers, by knowing each student can guide students to the most efficient path and warn them about potential bumps and road blocks, just as the family would do the same for their child.
Graham wanted to know what teachers are passionate about. He knew this was a time for the people to speak up, to create, to put their ideas into action. Teachers were going to be the first people he would listen to. They were also masters in the mansion that they and their ancestors help to create, and it would be the public servants who did their bidding for them. Teacher should be amongst the best paid professions. They are masters at bringing students together from all kinds of backgrounds and helping them in with their dreams.
Graham decided that he would focus on finishing the sample page, adding to the 99+ dreams page and the 99+ traits page. If he could do that by 5:00 p.m. He would go camping, bringing his laptop to be able and edit some of the entries. His goal was to have his website as an example of a different kind of social media. This is social media with a story and connected to many other stories. What are all these millions of stories all about? That’s where the fun is, it is where the dreams are, it’s not only in the successes, but in the story where the feelings of hope, positive anticipation, and shall we say love too?
His goal was to get his website to a point where he could daily upload at least one picture and progress on his venturing into the dream and learning how to have fun with the tools of creation. Creation always starts with thoughts, always. Thoughts aren’t always used. Some are denied and some are acted upon. Where do all the thoughts come from? That, he still didn’t know. He understood that thoughts are processed in the brain, but his question is, “Who put the thought(s) there?”
What he was showing on his website, the DreamStory.Love (.org) was just an example of what each person, school, or company would have once they log into their page. Especially important is the 99+ dream page because this is what leads the story. What is the story of the person who achieved his or her dream? Will our Dreams ever cease? Only if one gives up. Adults will continue to dream because they want to be a good example. They will learn that in sharing dreams, one feels vulnerable but after a while the dreams comes within sight, sometimes just little glimpses and vulnerability turns into persistence, confidence, and enthusiasm. Those are scary places for some. They don’t believe they really exist. Tell them not to give up on their dreams. Tell them to take the actions that will bring them closer to their dreams. Tell them to dream big and all the smaller dreams will happen along the way. Tell them to include everyone in their story, including the law breakers and dissenters. They give character to the story and help one to questions if they are on the right path. The law breakers and dissenters don’t get much time or energy in the story, typically 1% or less. Their society has public servants and others to take care of people who need help, giving more time and energy to the masters of the mansions to create with all the other storytellers.
Who would be the investors, the website developers, the film makers? Would they all be our people who live in one of the lands of Freedom? Could the people work together with the politician public servants to continue in the steps of giants, our ancestors who wanted a better life for their great great grandchildren? Where will we be in 360 days?
Photo above by Quang Nguyen Vinh: https://www.pexels.com/photo/green-grass-field-and-mountains-under-blue-sky-10615225/
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