EOP 44
May 5
EOP 44 East
Page 4270
Friday, May 5, 2023
Graham made it home from his school by 5:00 p.m. He left at 4:46 p.m. He liked the walk. He was planning to get a lot of work done on the Dream Story website in his home. He should have been in his car on his 5.5 hour drive to Albuquerque, but Saturday he would be reviewing test data with teachers.
He came home and took a 17 minute nap that turned into a 34 minutes that was about to turn into 51 minutes and his Queen called. They chatted for an hour and as they were talking, he made his way out of bed, plugged in the head phones and began picking up the house. When she hung up he noticed a Facebook post which lead to a lot of scrolling which he rarely does. That activity turned into an hour. He never has time for that to happen.
He was feeling his self-imposed stress. He wanted to have his prototype ready by page 46. He was only two pages away. Would he finish? He wanted to show his Queen and the school counselor and then others the Dream Story. He wanted to start including them and the teachers, and schools. Would they share their dreams? Do they have dreams? What are the dreams of their students? What are the dreams of our politicians? America was not made so that we could live out the dreams of our public servants. America was made a land of freedom so we could all explore this thing, this adventure we call life. It was a time for the people to tell their personal and shared dreams out loud. Everyone on the planet was allowed their own private dreams. Those were the dreams that many shared with no one or just a few trusted family or friends.
Nature was calling him. He knew that this first volume of the Dream Story would take twelve years to complete, “So what’s the hurry?” he questioned himself. And when volume one was finished, March 14 2035, Volume 2 would start the very same page, just different volumes. Volume 1 would finish on page 1 and volume 2 start on page 1, just a different volume. Would he lock himself inside his home and do some more writing, work on his website, and iron a pile of shirts, or would the call of nature get stronger? Would he start thinking about a campfire under the brilliant stars? His campsite was out in the middle of nowhere, far from any city. Would the silence call him? Would the sound of the river call him? Would the cup of coffee by the morning fire as the Earth revolved showing the precious morning light. What made more sense? It was just a story after all. What did he have to lose if he was a couple weeks late? He certainly wouldn’t fire himself. For his story deadline, he was only accountable to himself for the story, and he found himself very understanding and kind.
But what about this vision, this dream of gold? He didn’t want to live there by himself. He didn’t need all that gold. It was for him to share. He wanted to share, everything. He knew he wasn’t going to be around much longer. He was letting go. He wanted to see their faces light up when they would see how the dream story works. He would see delight, theirs and his. They would share that emotion and forward they would look to the next page and pages with their time and energy and their dreams coming true, one after another, and then dreaming more, dreaming big.
“Balance,” came as another thought. He learned a lot about the life and he learned there had to be balance, at least for mental health. The “I should set an example,” thought came into his mind. Balance after all, was something that was desperately needed in the world. Nature’s call was getting stronger. Perhaps he wouldn’t get as far as wanted with the website but he could bring a fully charged laptop. It was a bit old so he only had enough battery for a couple of hours. He could soak in the smells and sounds of nature and pass them on through his writing.
Where will the Storytellers writing be in 360 days. The readers were hoping it would improve. He often lost his train of thought while writing or go off on wild tangents, at least wild to him. In between paragraphs he managed to iron a tie. It was a Gucci. He never would have bought it himself, but a friend from the book club gave it to him along with about 20 other ties. She said they were her uncle’s ties and he retired. Now there was a new Wrangler shirt waiting for him. It is white and has the snap buttons. It was something he never imagined writing about but he got to a point that he just writes whatever comes to mind. How was this moving the story forward? the reader should ask. He was spending time and energy in the dream. He was desperately trying to wake up but wanted to do it while alive. He knew he couldn’t do it once his body gave out and died. He knew that there had to be a way to be awake during his dream and he kept asking and searching and trying to be aware that it was just a dream and so his thoughts turned into digital letters and those turned into words on his word processing document, and that would turn into a printed page, something physical. The thoughts would become a reality. He was creating a path. He wasn’t just creating it. He wanted to show others how the Dream Story works. They knew that they would be back to the same page in 360 days and they would be able to see how much their dreams grew, and thus time became a fun component in the game Dream Story.
His kindergarten students today planted some colorful Indian corn that is not from India. They helped move boards, they got wet and muddy and they planted seeds. Perhaps this will be one of the days that they will be able to recall more than any other day in kindergarten. There was delight in their faces and the principal felt the delight too. Now they would wait. In how many days would the flowers, corn, and Anasazi beans come up? In 36 pages, how tall will the plants be? In 360 pages, how will this story grow? There is fun hidden in positive anticipation. Just as his kindergarten students will excitedly and patiently wait for their plants to grow, the students and adults also leaned the fun in the anticipation for their plans to grow.
He went straight past the ironing board to his meditation place. He gave the God, who is known by a 1000 names, thanks. It was dark, but it was a full moon. He liked watching the glow of the moonlight on the river. The water would shimmer as it flowed down its path. The “Go with the Flow” thought came into his mind. He wondered who was introducing that. It was only helping him to support his argument to go camping. He looked at the Moon and said, “Hey Sun.” He loved the light. His Queen always says, “There’s messages in the light.” He enjoyed the anticipation of watching the Sun rise as often as he could. He would set his alarm a couple minutes before sunrise and wait to see the first morning light and he would watch it for the 3 minutes it took to rise completely above the horizon, and he thanked the Sun for the energy.
He read his last paragraph. It needed help. When would he have time to revise? Isn’t that what a publisher is supposed to do? He only wanted to give away the ideas, like a Sun giving away precious energy. He wanted to be like the Sun and give back to all the people who gave so much to him.
Page 4270
Friday, May 5, 2023
Graham made it home from his school by 5:00 p.m. He left at 4:46 p.m. He liked the walk. He was planning to get a lot of work done on the Dream Story website in his home. He should have been in his car on his 5.5 hour drive to Albuquerque, but Saturday he would be reviewing test data with teachers.
He came home and took a 17 minute nap that turned into a 34 minutes that was about to turn into 51 minutes and his Queen called. They chatted for an hour and as they were talking, he made his way out of bed, plugged in the head phones and began picking up the house. When she hung up he noticed a Facebook post which lead to a lot of scrolling which he rarely does. That activity turned into an hour. He never has time for that to happen.
He was feeling his self-imposed stress. He wanted to have his prototype ready by page 46. He was only two pages away. Would he finish? He wanted to show his Queen and the school counselor and then others the Dream Story. He wanted to start including them and the teachers, and schools. Would they share their dreams? Do they have dreams? What are the dreams of their students? What are the dreams of our politicians? America was not made so that we could live out the dreams of our public servants. America was made a land of freedom so we could all explore this thing, this adventure we call life. It was a time for the people to tell their personal and shared dreams out loud. Everyone on the planet was allowed their own private dreams. Those were the dreams that many shared with no one or just a few trusted family or friends.
Nature was calling him. He knew that this first volume of the Dream Story would take twelve years to complete, “So what’s the hurry?” he questioned himself. And when volume one was finished, March 14 2035, Volume 2 would start the very same page, just different volumes. Volume 1 would finish on page 1 and volume 2 start on page 1, just a different volume. Would he lock himself inside his home and do some more writing, work on his website, and iron a pile of shirts, or would the call of nature get stronger? Would he start thinking about a campfire under the brilliant stars? His campsite was out in the middle of nowhere, far from any city. Would the silence call him? Would the sound of the river call him? Would the cup of coffee by the morning fire as the Earth revolved showing the precious morning light. What made more sense? It was just a story after all. What did he have to lose if he was a couple weeks late? He certainly wouldn’t fire himself. For his story deadline, he was only accountable to himself for the story, and he found himself very understanding and kind.
But what about this vision, this dream of gold? He didn’t want to live there by himself. He didn’t need all that gold. It was for him to share. He wanted to share, everything. He knew he wasn’t going to be around much longer. He was letting go. He wanted to see their faces light up when they would see how the dream story works. He would see delight, theirs and his. They would share that emotion and forward they would look to the next page and pages with their time and energy and their dreams coming true, one after another, and then dreaming more, dreaming big.
“Balance,” came as another thought. He learned a lot about the life and he learned there had to be balance, at least for mental health. The “I should set an example,” thought came into his mind. Balance after all, was something that was desperately needed in the world. Nature’s call was getting stronger. Perhaps he wouldn’t get as far as wanted with the website but he could bring a fully charged laptop. It was a bit old so he only had enough battery for a couple of hours. He could soak in the smells and sounds of nature and pass them on through his writing.
Where will the Storytellers writing be in 360 days. The readers were hoping it would improve. He often lost his train of thought while writing or go off on wild tangents, at least wild to him. In between paragraphs he managed to iron a tie. It was a Gucci. He never would have bought it himself, but a friend from the book club gave it to him along with about 20 other ties. She said they were her uncle’s ties and he retired. Now there was a new Wrangler shirt waiting for him. It is white and has the snap buttons. It was something he never imagined writing about but he got to a point that he just writes whatever comes to mind. How was this moving the story forward? the reader should ask. He was spending time and energy in the dream. He was desperately trying to wake up but wanted to do it while alive. He knew he couldn’t do it once his body gave out and died. He knew that there had to be a way to be awake during his dream and he kept asking and searching and trying to be aware that it was just a dream and so his thoughts turned into digital letters and those turned into words on his word processing document, and that would turn into a printed page, something physical. The thoughts would become a reality. He was creating a path. He wasn’t just creating it. He wanted to show others how the Dream Story works. They knew that they would be back to the same page in 360 days and they would be able to see how much their dreams grew, and thus time became a fun component in the game Dream Story.
His kindergarten students today planted some colorful Indian corn that is not from India. They helped move boards, they got wet and muddy and they planted seeds. Perhaps this will be one of the days that they will be able to recall more than any other day in kindergarten. There was delight in their faces and the principal felt the delight too. Now they would wait. In how many days would the flowers, corn, and Anasazi beans come up? In 36 pages, how tall will the plants be? In 360 pages, how will this story grow? There is fun hidden in positive anticipation. Just as his kindergarten students will excitedly and patiently wait for their plants to grow, the students and adults also leaned the fun in the anticipation for their plans to grow.
He went straight past the ironing board to his meditation place. He gave the God, who is known by a 1000 names, thanks. It was dark, but it was a full moon. He liked watching the glow of the moonlight on the river. The water would shimmer as it flowed down its path. The “Go with the Flow” thought came into his mind. He wondered who was introducing that. It was only helping him to support his argument to go camping. He looked at the Moon and said, “Hey Sun.” He loved the light. His Queen always says, “There’s messages in the light.” He enjoyed the anticipation of watching the Sun rise as often as he could. He would set his alarm a couple minutes before sunrise and wait to see the first morning light and he would watch it for the 3 minutes it took to rise completely above the horizon, and he thanked the Sun for the energy.
He read his last paragraph. It needed help. When would he have time to revise? Isn’t that what a publisher is supposed to do? He only wanted to give away the ideas, like a Sun giving away precious energy. He wanted to be like the Sun and give back to all the people who gave so much to him.
Photo by Johannes Plenio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/foggy-landscape-of-trees-and-field-10885746/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025