EOP 43
May 4
EOP 43 East
Page 4271
Thursday, May 4, 2023
Graham started his work at 7:00 a.m. and finished at 7:20 p.m. It was all part of learning for him, his job was anyway. They said you should find the job you love. He had quite a few jobs over the years, and he likes being an elementary school principal the best. While he loved being on the Preserevation and getting to know the students and people of the village, he felt it was time to move on. What made him feel bad was that he told his staff many times that it was his dream to stay there until June of 2030. It would have been a full 10 years for him there. He felt like he broke his word. He learned not to make promises. He liked keeping his word. He did his best to keep his word but he was not perfect. He tried telling the truth all the time, but found that to be complicated too. He seemed to recall that even Jesus said something like there is more that I have to tell you but you are not ready for it.
He often wished that Jesus would just come back, solve all the problems in the world and relieve him of this sense of elderly person responsibility. He always dreamed of a better future – one where people work and live together in peace and harmony, helping, trusting, listening, understanding each other. He lived in many countries and he found something about them that he found to be true in schools. Nothing is perfect. Even if people have the best of intentions, it is difficult to be perfect. Even if you have the best school in a state, it’s not perfect and never will be because we are constantly evolving in our consciousness. Teachers can become better teachers, but they will never be complete in their learning in an infinite world. Students come in with a different consciousness than adults did when they were small and so teachers have to adjust with the evolving consciousness. We can be in a frame of mind of knowing where we are at and listening to each other about how to get to the next level.
He studied a lot of religions and philosophies trying to understand which way is best and easiest and really works. Again he found, nothing is perfect, so why not, include all that imperfection into a model of living, understanding that we were never meant to be perfect in this 3D reality. There are always more ways to improve and learn. In all three major monotheistic religions, he learned that God is forgiving and God is infinite. God is infinite in all three religions and that is what he is chasing, the infiniteness of God. He wonders who this God is who created this wonderful dream that seems so real. Is it the God that is known by 1000 names? Is it a scientist or a group of scientists. Is it Aliens or something else? How does it all work so beautifully together?
Maybe in addition to shared dreams, there could be shared questions. Who are we? What is consciousness? Do electrons have a consciousness? Does the moon have a consciousness? Does the Sun have a consciousness? What would happen to planet Earth if we had no Sun? Would the Earth continue to travel at 450,000 mph around the big black hole in the middle of their galaxy? As the Sun flies through space, is it out in front with the planets or trailing behind? If a person were on the moon looking at Earth, one would not even see the people. They would be too small. They would be smaller than fleas. Are we just like some kind of sub atomic particle? What happens to our hydrogen when we die? Graham was a bit strange. He kept it a secret from most because he never wanted people to think he is strange. Graham identifies with hydrogen. If the Sun is mostly hydrogen and the atomic composition of humans is also, then they are like family, he figured. Graham had 99+ identities. He liked meeting other Sun people. They had a kind of secret greeting that they disguised and would not sound strange when they greeted. When they would pass each other or meet, they would simply say, “Hy,” which was their own abbreviation.
He would thank the Sun each morning but he knew the Sun wasn’t God. The Sun had a definite beginning and will have a definite extinguishing process in a few billion years, but it didn’t fit the definition of God. Was it just a small representation of the energy of God? He thought, maybe it is like if we see someone poor and we feed him, if we see someone cold and we clothe him, or if we see someone in need of help and we help them, then we are doing this for God. Maybe when we say “Hy” to the great energy ball each morning, we are saying, “Hy” to God.
Maybe God is Love. Maybe God is many things. Graham keeps a painting on his wall. It is from a verse of the New Testament. He studied Christianity in depth and out of all his studies, he keeps this verse in his heart. “Love is patient, Love is kind. Love rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trust, always hopes. Always perseveres. Love never fails. This is why he likes the song by One Republic, “Love Runs Out.”
Graham finished the application to a school in Bethlehem, New Mexico, on page 42. It took him two hours to fill out, much more time than he had anticipated. On this page, he received a call from Bethlehem. They would like to have a Teams interview on page 50. Would Bethlehem be his future school? Would he be able to get Dream Story going there? Would they be open to dreaming out loud? How many dreams would they create? Were miracles to happen there too? Where would Graham be working in 360 pages?
Page 4271
Thursday, May 4, 2023
Graham started his work at 7:00 a.m. and finished at 7:20 p.m. It was all part of learning for him, his job was anyway. They said you should find the job you love. He had quite a few jobs over the years, and he likes being an elementary school principal the best. While he loved being on the Preserevation and getting to know the students and people of the village, he felt it was time to move on. What made him feel bad was that he told his staff many times that it was his dream to stay there until June of 2030. It would have been a full 10 years for him there. He felt like he broke his word. He learned not to make promises. He liked keeping his word. He did his best to keep his word but he was not perfect. He tried telling the truth all the time, but found that to be complicated too. He seemed to recall that even Jesus said something like there is more that I have to tell you but you are not ready for it.
He often wished that Jesus would just come back, solve all the problems in the world and relieve him of this sense of elderly person responsibility. He always dreamed of a better future – one where people work and live together in peace and harmony, helping, trusting, listening, understanding each other. He lived in many countries and he found something about them that he found to be true in schools. Nothing is perfect. Even if people have the best of intentions, it is difficult to be perfect. Even if you have the best school in a state, it’s not perfect and never will be because we are constantly evolving in our consciousness. Teachers can become better teachers, but they will never be complete in their learning in an infinite world. Students come in with a different consciousness than adults did when they were small and so teachers have to adjust with the evolving consciousness. We can be in a frame of mind of knowing where we are at and listening to each other about how to get to the next level.
He studied a lot of religions and philosophies trying to understand which way is best and easiest and really works. Again he found, nothing is perfect, so why not, include all that imperfection into a model of living, understanding that we were never meant to be perfect in this 3D reality. There are always more ways to improve and learn. In all three major monotheistic religions, he learned that God is forgiving and God is infinite. God is infinite in all three religions and that is what he is chasing, the infiniteness of God. He wonders who this God is who created this wonderful dream that seems so real. Is it the God that is known by 1000 names? Is it a scientist or a group of scientists. Is it Aliens or something else? How does it all work so beautifully together?
Maybe in addition to shared dreams, there could be shared questions. Who are we? What is consciousness? Do electrons have a consciousness? Does the moon have a consciousness? Does the Sun have a consciousness? What would happen to planet Earth if we had no Sun? Would the Earth continue to travel at 450,000 mph around the big black hole in the middle of their galaxy? As the Sun flies through space, is it out in front with the planets or trailing behind? If a person were on the moon looking at Earth, one would not even see the people. They would be too small. They would be smaller than fleas. Are we just like some kind of sub atomic particle? What happens to our hydrogen when we die? Graham was a bit strange. He kept it a secret from most because he never wanted people to think he is strange. Graham identifies with hydrogen. If the Sun is mostly hydrogen and the atomic composition of humans is also, then they are like family, he figured. Graham had 99+ identities. He liked meeting other Sun people. They had a kind of secret greeting that they disguised and would not sound strange when they greeted. When they would pass each other or meet, they would simply say, “Hy,” which was their own abbreviation.
He would thank the Sun each morning but he knew the Sun wasn’t God. The Sun had a definite beginning and will have a definite extinguishing process in a few billion years, but it didn’t fit the definition of God. Was it just a small representation of the energy of God? He thought, maybe it is like if we see someone poor and we feed him, if we see someone cold and we clothe him, or if we see someone in need of help and we help them, then we are doing this for God. Maybe when we say “Hy” to the great energy ball each morning, we are saying, “Hy” to God.
Maybe God is Love. Maybe God is many things. Graham keeps a painting on his wall. It is from a verse of the New Testament. He studied Christianity in depth and out of all his studies, he keeps this verse in his heart. “Love is patient, Love is kind. Love rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trust, always hopes. Always perseveres. Love never fails. This is why he likes the song by One Republic, “Love Runs Out.”
Graham finished the application to a school in Bethlehem, New Mexico, on page 42. It took him two hours to fill out, much more time than he had anticipated. On this page, he received a call from Bethlehem. They would like to have a Teams interview on page 50. Would Bethlehem be his future school? Would he be able to get Dream Story going there? Would they be open to dreaming out loud? How many dreams would they create? Were miracles to happen there too? Where would Graham be working in 360 pages?
Photo above by Murat Halıcı: https://www.pexels.com/photo/ships-on-sea-under-cloudy-sky-13298643/
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