EOP 42
May 3
EOP 42 East
Page 4272
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Graham opened his front door that had perforated metal screen in front of it. It was dark and windy. There was rain. He thought the clouds looked a little ominous on his four minute walk home. They delivered. It was perfect for the setting on Paranormal day. He was waiting. Would there be anything paranormal this evening? It had only 2 hours and 10 minutes remaining until the clock struck midnight. Maybe he would just keep typing in the hopes that something paranormal will emerge. Would it be in his thoughts, or would it just come through, bypassing regular thoughts and just showing up on the digitized MS word page?
In his dream, the Storyteller could actually write. He knew that the ideas were fleeting so he would just write whatever came in. He could always edit later. He wrote just a little each day because he wanted to see his growth and of course his dreams coming true. In 360 pages, will Graham have any readers? Will he have helpers, investors, developers, and subscribers most importantly? Who would be the first person to publish their day and on what day.
Today’s thoughts are of today, not the future, not the past, but tomorrow, today’s thoughts are assigned to history.
When Graham got to his school office in the morning, he got their 30 minutes before the start of his work, allowing enough time to check his calendar, emails and Teams messages. He would pour his first cup of coffee with Nestcafe Instant coffee. He preferred brewed but didn’t like the few minutes extra it would take to make it. He then texted a good morning message to his Queen, checked the front pages of CNN and Foxnews. He saw how they were projecting. He knew the schools in the Dream Story would project the dreams of their students, parents, teachers, grand parents, and ancestors. They would wonder what the dreams of the public servants are. Do the public servants even know the dreams of their people? We need our public servants and we all want to be on the same page. How would they start sharing their dreams? Are the Clean Seas the first shared dream? Graham noted that people need to look higher than the “my dream is better than your dream” mindset. Instead find out what their dreams are as see which dreams they can share. When you share the same dream, you are helping each other and your dreams start manifesting even faster.
Who else would be speaking or writing about living these shared dreams we have? He reminded his shared dreamers that they must follow the law and the process of the law. It will be fun moving at a fast pace with as little resistance as possible. When one picks up the pace, he or she accelerates one’s own energy. No one is really at the same level of energy as we all have our own many motivations, dreams, and good wishes. If the politician public servants are not sharing their own personal dreams, then we the people need to share ours. We start with the schools, now that they have access to the Dream Story website and can post the progress they are making with their dream every day.
What are your dreams? We would love to hear and see them.
Page 4272
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Graham opened his front door that had perforated metal screen in front of it. It was dark and windy. There was rain. He thought the clouds looked a little ominous on his four minute walk home. They delivered. It was perfect for the setting on Paranormal day. He was waiting. Would there be anything paranormal this evening? It had only 2 hours and 10 minutes remaining until the clock struck midnight. Maybe he would just keep typing in the hopes that something paranormal will emerge. Would it be in his thoughts, or would it just come through, bypassing regular thoughts and just showing up on the digitized MS word page?
In his dream, the Storyteller could actually write. He knew that the ideas were fleeting so he would just write whatever came in. He could always edit later. He wrote just a little each day because he wanted to see his growth and of course his dreams coming true. In 360 pages, will Graham have any readers? Will he have helpers, investors, developers, and subscribers most importantly? Who would be the first person to publish their day and on what day.
Today’s thoughts are of today, not the future, not the past, but tomorrow, today’s thoughts are assigned to history.
When Graham got to his school office in the morning, he got their 30 minutes before the start of his work, allowing enough time to check his calendar, emails and Teams messages. He would pour his first cup of coffee with Nestcafe Instant coffee. He preferred brewed but didn’t like the few minutes extra it would take to make it. He then texted a good morning message to his Queen, checked the front pages of CNN and Foxnews. He saw how they were projecting. He knew the schools in the Dream Story would project the dreams of their students, parents, teachers, grand parents, and ancestors. They would wonder what the dreams of the public servants are. Do the public servants even know the dreams of their people? We need our public servants and we all want to be on the same page. How would they start sharing their dreams? Are the Clean Seas the first shared dream? Graham noted that people need to look higher than the “my dream is better than your dream” mindset. Instead find out what their dreams are as see which dreams they can share. When you share the same dream, you are helping each other and your dreams start manifesting even faster.
Who else would be speaking or writing about living these shared dreams we have? He reminded his shared dreamers that they must follow the law and the process of the law. It will be fun moving at a fast pace with as little resistance as possible. When one picks up the pace, he or she accelerates one’s own energy. No one is really at the same level of energy as we all have our own many motivations, dreams, and good wishes. If the politician public servants are not sharing their own personal dreams, then we the people need to share ours. We start with the schools, now that they have access to the Dream Story website and can post the progress they are making with their dream every day.
What are your dreams? We would love to hear and see them.
Photo above by Bernard CATRIX: https://www.pexels.com/photo/trees-on-green-grass-field-14880276/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025