EOP 41
May 2
EOP 41 East
Page 4273
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Graham finally sat down to work on Dream Story. It was the best time of his week day to write, but he had other chores to do first. He left his principal job at 4:50 p.m. Came home, took a 17 minute nap, then was surprised by the birthday boy. He and his mother came over to give him a birthday dinner he missed. It was sweet and sour fish with noodles and vegetables mixed in. There was also a tray of rice with sautéed cabbage mixed in and two spring rolls that were still hot. It was an unexpected treat. The Universe was always good to him.
Graham set his timer for 60 minutes. He didn’t want to spend any more time than that to find a new school that needed a principal with a Dream Story. He couldn’t wait to tell the students. He applied to a school in the small town of Bethlehem, New Mexico. It would be a 45 minute drive from his home, but he didn’t mind, he was looking for a school with the right fit. Would they be willing to look into Hirsch’s curriculum and would each student and teacher be willing to create at least one page to include in their own Dream Story?
After emailing his resume, he took out the electric weed wacker and cut down the weeds in his backyard. He burned some wood and dried sticks, the covered his fire pit with the dirt that was piled around. He raked the backyard and it looked nice. He wished he had taken a before shot. It was quite the transformation. He was pleased with the way it looked. He wanted to have everything nice and clean when he handed his accommodation back to the village. As a boy scout he was taught to leave a place cleaner than it was found and he lived by that motto.
Then there were the dishes to do. He couldn’t do anything until everything was out of the sink. He liked feeling clean and organized because it gave him the free time to create. He was creating Dream Story. It is a story where all the world came together and started sharing their dreams. In the past, they relied on their politicians to meet with other heads of state, but they lived in a time where messages could be easily sent in seconds to anyone in almost any location of Spaceship Earth. Even on the Preservation. It was so far away that it took an hour and a half to get to the nearest Walmart. But even at his school they had T5 internet connections and a few cell towers.
Now, in the United States of America, anyone can all post his or her shared dreams. One will be able to see that the people don’t want war. They will see the dreams of the children, the teacher, parents, great grandparents, and ancestors. They will see that we have many shared dreams and we will be able to inspire and be inspired.
He couldn’t wait to meet the people who would be included in his dream. It was the first live dream according to the book of world records. He couldn’t wait to meet the people who were helping to clean the Seas. How much progress would they make in 360 pages? There was no time to waste. He had to get back to helping the Dream Story evolve.
On the previous page, Graham was able to complete the formatting on 23 pages. He hoped to complete 22 pages on this page. He did have to spend some time looking up how to resize a picture gotten off Pexel. He also decided to include the date at the top of each page, just to the right of the EOP location. He experimented with a few fonts and page placement and that took a few more valuable minutes, but he had to remind himself that even if it were a few extra minutes, it is time and energy into the dream and the live Dream Story was becoming more beautiful each day.
Graham looked at the clock on his oven, which he sat across from, in a kitchen nook on a wood table that was 4’ x 4’ that he found in his deserted garage when he first moved to the Prezervation. It was 11:44 p.m. He completed formatting all the pages for his 30 page challenge. It would finish in just a few days on Sunday, March 7. He still thought he could make it. After May 7 is when he can begin to tell the story to others and include them in this adventure that takes them all out to Sea….
Page 4273
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Graham finally sat down to work on Dream Story. It was the best time of his week day to write, but he had other chores to do first. He left his principal job at 4:50 p.m. Came home, took a 17 minute nap, then was surprised by the birthday boy. He and his mother came over to give him a birthday dinner he missed. It was sweet and sour fish with noodles and vegetables mixed in. There was also a tray of rice with sautéed cabbage mixed in and two spring rolls that were still hot. It was an unexpected treat. The Universe was always good to him.
Graham set his timer for 60 minutes. He didn’t want to spend any more time than that to find a new school that needed a principal with a Dream Story. He couldn’t wait to tell the students. He applied to a school in the small town of Bethlehem, New Mexico. It would be a 45 minute drive from his home, but he didn’t mind, he was looking for a school with the right fit. Would they be willing to look into Hirsch’s curriculum and would each student and teacher be willing to create at least one page to include in their own Dream Story?
After emailing his resume, he took out the electric weed wacker and cut down the weeds in his backyard. He burned some wood and dried sticks, the covered his fire pit with the dirt that was piled around. He raked the backyard and it looked nice. He wished he had taken a before shot. It was quite the transformation. He was pleased with the way it looked. He wanted to have everything nice and clean when he handed his accommodation back to the village. As a boy scout he was taught to leave a place cleaner than it was found and he lived by that motto.
Then there were the dishes to do. He couldn’t do anything until everything was out of the sink. He liked feeling clean and organized because it gave him the free time to create. He was creating Dream Story. It is a story where all the world came together and started sharing their dreams. In the past, they relied on their politicians to meet with other heads of state, but they lived in a time where messages could be easily sent in seconds to anyone in almost any location of Spaceship Earth. Even on the Preservation. It was so far away that it took an hour and a half to get to the nearest Walmart. But even at his school they had T5 internet connections and a few cell towers.
Now, in the United States of America, anyone can all post his or her shared dreams. One will be able to see that the people don’t want war. They will see the dreams of the children, the teacher, parents, great grandparents, and ancestors. They will see that we have many shared dreams and we will be able to inspire and be inspired.
He couldn’t wait to meet the people who would be included in his dream. It was the first live dream according to the book of world records. He couldn’t wait to meet the people who were helping to clean the Seas. How much progress would they make in 360 pages? There was no time to waste. He had to get back to helping the Dream Story evolve.
On the previous page, Graham was able to complete the formatting on 23 pages. He hoped to complete 22 pages on this page. He did have to spend some time looking up how to resize a picture gotten off Pexel. He also decided to include the date at the top of each page, just to the right of the EOP location. He experimented with a few fonts and page placement and that took a few more valuable minutes, but he had to remind himself that even if it were a few extra minutes, it is time and energy into the dream and the live Dream Story was becoming more beautiful each day.
Graham looked at the clock on his oven, which he sat across from, in a kitchen nook on a wood table that was 4’ x 4’ that he found in his deserted garage when he first moved to the Prezervation. It was 11:44 p.m. He completed formatting all the pages for his 30 page challenge. It would finish in just a few days on Sunday, March 7. He still thought he could make it. After May 7 is when he can begin to tell the story to others and include them in this adventure that takes them all out to Sea….
banner photo by stein egil liland: https://www.pexels.com/photo/time-lapse-photo-of-northern-lights-1933316/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025