EOP 39
April 29&30
EOP 39 East
Page 4275
Saturday/Sunday April 29/30, 2023
Graham was having fun figuring out the mechanics of the dream. Projection was important. It was connected to dreaming and imagination. Once the idea was solidly visualized it could be expressed in probably millions of way. He was expressing his idea through his website and his written ideas. He wanted to make sure he had most of the elements out to the world as soon as he could because he didn’t know how long he would live. He hoped that at the very least it would be another 360 pages. He would be quite confident that he could get it all out there as a good visual and written representation of his ideas. By that time, the Dream Story would have plenty of traction and visual representation.
The next mechanism he was working with was his motivation. He went down the road of “What is my True Motivation” for many years and he found it an endless path also, and so he turned around and went down the new path, “What do I want to create in this human experience?” That was something he could do and know. His answer was to be a storyteller and to tell the story called “DreamStory.Love.” There was absolutely nothing like it at his time. His would be the first and he was looking forward to see the many other more developed versions. After writing now for 39 pages, he could see that his main motivation was his Dream Story. Every free moment he had he would write or work on his Dream Story website.
Would Graham complete his website in 360 pages? Will he still be around town? Will others see the value and beauty of his work, 4320 blank non-denomination, non-religious, non-racial, non-biased pages just waiting for the students, teachers, parents, grandparent and great grandparents to project and share their dreams and listen to the other shared dreams and many friends from all over the world helping to put together the pieces of the Infinite Mastodon.
Graham pulled into “Angel Peak park for a little contemplation and awe. He went to the edge of the enormous beautiful valley and sat. He took in the views, the wind, and then the Sun. He loved the Sun. It was the source of all energy. Who built the Sun? We have a lot of good ideas but we don’t really know. His theory is that it is the God that is known by 1000 names, but it could be alien scientist, but “whoever you are, my hat is off to you,” he would always say. You have created the most masterful dream I have ever seen and I’m looking forward to continuing on with my quest. I don’t know what else to say than thank you. He also wanted to thank all the people he learned from and that was anyone whose path he had crossed over the years. “I’ve crossed a lot of paths with some of the most amazing human beings,” he fondly remembered.
Page 4275
Saturday/Sunday April 29/30, 2023
Graham was having fun figuring out the mechanics of the dream. Projection was important. It was connected to dreaming and imagination. Once the idea was solidly visualized it could be expressed in probably millions of way. He was expressing his idea through his website and his written ideas. He wanted to make sure he had most of the elements out to the world as soon as he could because he didn’t know how long he would live. He hoped that at the very least it would be another 360 pages. He would be quite confident that he could get it all out there as a good visual and written representation of his ideas. By that time, the Dream Story would have plenty of traction and visual representation.
The next mechanism he was working with was his motivation. He went down the road of “What is my True Motivation” for many years and he found it an endless path also, and so he turned around and went down the new path, “What do I want to create in this human experience?” That was something he could do and know. His answer was to be a storyteller and to tell the story called “DreamStory.Love.” There was absolutely nothing like it at his time. His would be the first and he was looking forward to see the many other more developed versions. After writing now for 39 pages, he could see that his main motivation was his Dream Story. Every free moment he had he would write or work on his Dream Story website.
Would Graham complete his website in 360 pages? Will he still be around town? Will others see the value and beauty of his work, 4320 blank non-denomination, non-religious, non-racial, non-biased pages just waiting for the students, teachers, parents, grandparent and great grandparents to project and share their dreams and listen to the other shared dreams and many friends from all over the world helping to put together the pieces of the Infinite Mastodon.
Graham pulled into “Angel Peak park for a little contemplation and awe. He went to the edge of the enormous beautiful valley and sat. He took in the views, the wind, and then the Sun. He loved the Sun. It was the source of all energy. Who built the Sun? We have a lot of good ideas but we don’t really know. His theory is that it is the God that is known by 1000 names, but it could be alien scientist, but “whoever you are, my hat is off to you,” he would always say. You have created the most masterful dream I have ever seen and I’m looking forward to continuing on with my quest. I don’t know what else to say than thank you. He also wanted to thank all the people he learned from and that was anyone whose path he had crossed over the years. “I’ve crossed a lot of paths with some of the most amazing human beings,” he fondly remembered.
Photo above by Johannes Plenio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/grass-field-wallpaper-1146710/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025