EOP 38
April 28
EOP 38 East
Page 4276
Friday, April 28, 2023
It was 8:59 p.m. Almost to his Queen's home, Graham pulled into his favorite parking lot, a Home Depot parking lot, to update his story. After an eventful day at his work, he left on his 5.5 hour drive to his Queen’s castle. He knew that once there this evening, he wouldn’t have anytime to record his dreaming.
One of the thoughts that came to him while he put his head on his pillow was, “Where attention goes, energy flows.” He had heard it many times before, perhaps from Abraham-Hicks. He couldn’t wait to be like the sun and give the energy to dreamers because they were the creators of the kind of world we and our ancestors have been dreaming about. Now was the time to make those dreams happen.
On his drive he got “glimpses.” Those were very subtle images and feelings. He tried to elaborate on them, amplify them so he could remember them. He would record the unique thoughts along the way so he could include them into his diary. He couldn’t wait to see his growth in just 360 pages. He saw schools all over the world lighting up as they gave the attention to the evolving dreams of their students, their teachers, parents, grandparents, and great grandparents and those images gave him feelings of great happiness. He tried to imagine this scene over and over so he would remember it because he know these special thoughts that come in are very fleeting, exactly as described in “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert. They seem like the greatest thoughts when they come in but they have the same quality as the sleeping dreams, where the memories of those dreams seem to leave so quickly and are so hard to describe.
He imagined his website being an example of what just one user would have on their own personalized site. “What if 500 million people update their dreams daily on this website?” They would all literally be on the same page, and have both shared dreams and personal dreams. A personal dream is being able to play a song on the piano. What if every week, each individual had 12 new connections from around the world and they shared their dreams and chatted in a chat box? He was almost ready for investors. What kind of progress will he make in 360 pages? Would he have a job as a school principal or will he have been successful with attracting investors? Graham didn’t like marketing. He didn’t like spending his time and energy making pitches. He felt he was not good at marketing speeches but he knew it was something he would have to do.
Today at his school, the school counselor showed him an AI art program and some of the amazing art he had created with it. The counselor said, you just have to type in the elements you want and you’ll get the art. Graham said, “OK, I want to have a windsurfer at sunrise with mountains in the background and Orcas.” Graham was remembering his days of windsurfing in the Puget Sound in the state of Washington. It was one of the most magical places to go windsurfing, when there was wind, which was not often enough, an occasional orca, and an amazing view of the snowcapped Mt. Rainier. The counselor typed in the words and within seconds he had 4 paintings. It inspired him. “Will we be using this AI on our story? He told the counselor that he wanted to share his Dream Story with him but he wasn’t quite ready.
“Trust in the Universe” was another message that was coming through, meaning that it would enter his mind. At some level, Graham tracked his thoughts, and he knew which thoughts to trust and which not to. Sometimes it would take several days or weeks and maybe longer to feel out a thought, an idea. To do this he would have to turn the thought into action and see how the energy flowed. Did it give him more or less energy, more or less joy?
He almost finished listening to “Why Knowledge Matters” for the second time. “I’m telling you America, this guy is on to something,” he would write to his readers. We don’t have to throw the Common Core State Standards out with the bathwater, but there should be a change in focus and community learning. In his 18 years as principal, he saw what worked and what didn’t.
Page 4276
Friday, April 28, 2023
It was 8:59 p.m. Almost to his Queen's home, Graham pulled into his favorite parking lot, a Home Depot parking lot, to update his story. After an eventful day at his work, he left on his 5.5 hour drive to his Queen’s castle. He knew that once there this evening, he wouldn’t have anytime to record his dreaming.
One of the thoughts that came to him while he put his head on his pillow was, “Where attention goes, energy flows.” He had heard it many times before, perhaps from Abraham-Hicks. He couldn’t wait to be like the sun and give the energy to dreamers because they were the creators of the kind of world we and our ancestors have been dreaming about. Now was the time to make those dreams happen.
On his drive he got “glimpses.” Those were very subtle images and feelings. He tried to elaborate on them, amplify them so he could remember them. He would record the unique thoughts along the way so he could include them into his diary. He couldn’t wait to see his growth in just 360 pages. He saw schools all over the world lighting up as they gave the attention to the evolving dreams of their students, their teachers, parents, grandparents, and great grandparents and those images gave him feelings of great happiness. He tried to imagine this scene over and over so he would remember it because he know these special thoughts that come in are very fleeting, exactly as described in “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert. They seem like the greatest thoughts when they come in but they have the same quality as the sleeping dreams, where the memories of those dreams seem to leave so quickly and are so hard to describe.
He imagined his website being an example of what just one user would have on their own personalized site. “What if 500 million people update their dreams daily on this website?” They would all literally be on the same page, and have both shared dreams and personal dreams. A personal dream is being able to play a song on the piano. What if every week, each individual had 12 new connections from around the world and they shared their dreams and chatted in a chat box? He was almost ready for investors. What kind of progress will he make in 360 pages? Would he have a job as a school principal or will he have been successful with attracting investors? Graham didn’t like marketing. He didn’t like spending his time and energy making pitches. He felt he was not good at marketing speeches but he knew it was something he would have to do.
Today at his school, the school counselor showed him an AI art program and some of the amazing art he had created with it. The counselor said, you just have to type in the elements you want and you’ll get the art. Graham said, “OK, I want to have a windsurfer at sunrise with mountains in the background and Orcas.” Graham was remembering his days of windsurfing in the Puget Sound in the state of Washington. It was one of the most magical places to go windsurfing, when there was wind, which was not often enough, an occasional orca, and an amazing view of the snowcapped Mt. Rainier. The counselor typed in the words and within seconds he had 4 paintings. It inspired him. “Will we be using this AI on our story? He told the counselor that he wanted to share his Dream Story with him but he wasn’t quite ready.
“Trust in the Universe” was another message that was coming through, meaning that it would enter his mind. At some level, Graham tracked his thoughts, and he knew which thoughts to trust and which not to. Sometimes it would take several days or weeks and maybe longer to feel out a thought, an idea. To do this he would have to turn the thought into action and see how the energy flowed. Did it give him more or less energy, more or less joy?
He almost finished listening to “Why Knowledge Matters” for the second time. “I’m telling you America, this guy is on to something,” he would write to his readers. We don’t have to throw the Common Core State Standards out with the bathwater, but there should be a change in focus and community learning. In his 18 years as principal, he saw what worked and what didn’t.
Banner photo by Darwis Alwan: https://www.pexels.com/photo/scenic-view-of-ocean-during-dusk-1817048/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025