EOP 37
April 27
EOP 37 East
Page 4277
Thursday, April 27, 2023
“Send,” Graham thought with great joy. He had just pressed the send button on his gmail to another school. It was an application for Head of School. He liked that they were using the IB programme for primary and middle years and he looked at the high school curriculum and he liked how simple the content of the curriculum was laid out. Will he get this job? He felt good about doing the application process and he uses this feeling as a measure of how he would like working at the school. Every time he applies for a position, he spends an hour or two studying the school to get a feel of it. He also had a good feeling about this school, but let’s sea…where will he be in 360 pages? On page 99, in just 63 pages, he will officially be out of work. Will he find a school to build dreams together or will his Dream Story suddenly take off? Will he have to dip into his savings or will contracts and sales come flying in?
Graham got frustrated at times because he had so little time. While he liked learning about schools he was applying at, he didn’t like the amount of time the activity of sending in an application took. He would much rather be working on his Masterpiece, his website, so he could begin sharing it with others. He was ready to light up the world with the majority. The minority were also in their story and they listened to the minority and sometimes incorporated their ideas into the Dream Story, but the minorities were getting fewer because even the minority began to dream and there were many in the majority who were learning how to dream, just one page at a time. He couldn’t wait to see the joy on the faces of what those who were to become Master Storytellers. In his story, Graham’s ISG, a simple Excel Sheet was a smash. It gave people a way to focus and keep that momentum of discovery going in their daily lives.
Page 4277
Thursday, April 27, 2023
“Send,” Graham thought with great joy. He had just pressed the send button on his gmail to another school. It was an application for Head of School. He liked that they were using the IB programme for primary and middle years and he looked at the high school curriculum and he liked how simple the content of the curriculum was laid out. Will he get this job? He felt good about doing the application process and he uses this feeling as a measure of how he would like working at the school. Every time he applies for a position, he spends an hour or two studying the school to get a feel of it. He also had a good feeling about this school, but let’s sea…where will he be in 360 pages? On page 99, in just 63 pages, he will officially be out of work. Will he find a school to build dreams together or will his Dream Story suddenly take off? Will he have to dip into his savings or will contracts and sales come flying in?
Graham got frustrated at times because he had so little time. While he liked learning about schools he was applying at, he didn’t like the amount of time the activity of sending in an application took. He would much rather be working on his Masterpiece, his website, so he could begin sharing it with others. He was ready to light up the world with the majority. The minority were also in their story and they listened to the minority and sometimes incorporated their ideas into the Dream Story, but the minorities were getting fewer because even the minority began to dream and there were many in the majority who were learning how to dream, just one page at a time. He couldn’t wait to see the joy on the faces of what those who were to become Master Storytellers. In his story, Graham’s ISG, a simple Excel Sheet was a smash. It gave people a way to focus and keep that momentum of discovery going in their daily lives.
Photo above by Hoang Hai: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-sunny-day-in-the-forest-8468801/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025