Earth Orbit Page (EOP) 360
March 20
EOP 360, North
Page 4314
March 20, 2023
Dear Aurora,
“I realized that on my way home last night, that “I am a storyteller.” I feel proud when I say that. It feels good to me. Now if anyone asks what I do for living, I will tell them, “I am a storyteller,” because that is how I live. I live as though my life is one big incredible story. This particular “Dream Story” started on page 4320 on March 14, 2023 and will finish on page 1 on March 14, 2035. There are 360 pages each year for 12 years and that is how we arrive at 4320 pages.
In a way, I have been working on this story all my life, and now that I am almost 100 years old, it is finally time for me to put it down into words. I hope to live at least until the end of this story, but if for some reason I don’t, it is designed for others to easily continue with this story, with their personal and shared dreams.
On our honeymoon, I tried to tell you about it, but somehow the words don’t come out as I would have liked them to. It is almost like I am supposed to write about it only and not speak it, but this is a good thing because in the end, there will be something tangible to touch and read or send electronically as an attachments so others may understand how to project their dreams.
Since I have been holding all these ideas, somewhere inside my brain for many years, I now have the challenge of putting them together, like pieces of a puzzle, so that others may make sense of them. I’m good at putting these pieces of the puzzle together. I learned a lot about life at my age, but what I have learned seems so little compared to what is out there. Although I can’t produce any data, I’m taking an educated guess on what I do know is less than 1% of all knowledge. This means that there is so much more that I can learn about, 99% more than what I already know. I have learned that the more I know, the more that I know I don’t know, and this will be true for any educated person which means that our most educated have the most questions about life.
This is a time of not arguing about who has the truth or who is right, but rather trying to understand as many perspectives as possible and putting all the pieces together to build what I call, “The Infinite Mastodon,” which I will write about soon.
I created a logo for this Dream Story website, but I also like the Zia Sun logo and the Sun depictions we saw on the hieroglyphs in Egypt.
Here is mine. What do you think?
Page 4314
March 20, 2023
Dear Aurora,
“I realized that on my way home last night, that “I am a storyteller.” I feel proud when I say that. It feels good to me. Now if anyone asks what I do for living, I will tell them, “I am a storyteller,” because that is how I live. I live as though my life is one big incredible story. This particular “Dream Story” started on page 4320 on March 14, 2023 and will finish on page 1 on March 14, 2035. There are 360 pages each year for 12 years and that is how we arrive at 4320 pages.
In a way, I have been working on this story all my life, and now that I am almost 100 years old, it is finally time for me to put it down into words. I hope to live at least until the end of this story, but if for some reason I don’t, it is designed for others to easily continue with this story, with their personal and shared dreams.
On our honeymoon, I tried to tell you about it, but somehow the words don’t come out as I would have liked them to. It is almost like I am supposed to write about it only and not speak it, but this is a good thing because in the end, there will be something tangible to touch and read or send electronically as an attachments so others may understand how to project their dreams.
Since I have been holding all these ideas, somewhere inside my brain for many years, I now have the challenge of putting them together, like pieces of a puzzle, so that others may make sense of them. I’m good at putting these pieces of the puzzle together. I learned a lot about life at my age, but what I have learned seems so little compared to what is out there. Although I can’t produce any data, I’m taking an educated guess on what I do know is less than 1% of all knowledge. This means that there is so much more that I can learn about, 99% more than what I already know. I have learned that the more I know, the more that I know I don’t know, and this will be true for any educated person which means that our most educated have the most questions about life.
This is a time of not arguing about who has the truth or who is right, but rather trying to understand as many perspectives as possible and putting all the pieces together to build what I call, “The Infinite Mastodon,” which I will write about soon.
I created a logo for this Dream Story website, but I also like the Zia Sun logo and the Sun depictions we saw on the hieroglyphs in Egypt.
Here is mine. What do you think?
This story is unique because it is live. What does a live story mean? It means it is written daily. It is focused on personal and shared dreams and an uncovering of the mysteries of life, just as archeologists uncover our ancient history, this uncovers our present humanity with a focus on all the good qualities of love, beauty, truth, positive expectations, passion, joy, and all those good emotions at the top of the spiral emotional guidance scale that can easily be found on the internet. It is not always an easy journey to go from lower negative emotions to the higher positive emotions. It takes time. In the same way our boat passed through the locks on the Nile, our boat couldn’t jump from the low to the high level in an instant. It took time for the water to rush in and fill the lock chamber and once we were at the right level, we were able to pass through the lock. I learned this analogy from Abraham-Hicks. She was one of my teachers and in my life experience, and I have found this to be true. I enjoy the emotions at the positive end of the spectrum. When I am there, I have more energy. I love feeling this good energy, and I need all the energy I can get to work through this fun dream I am creating.
At the base of this story, it is a journey into the mystery and beauty of life. Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead – his eyes closed....” Many people fear the future, but from what I have seen there is little to fear. In a sense, what I have done is created a path into the future with what I call the Infinite Spiral Grid™ or ISG for short. These are blank pages waiting to be filled in with what we project for our personal and shared dreams and with the names of the actions of our heroes. As we write, our present, as we project our future, we also write history at the same time. Today’s page is written in the present, but it will be relegated to history tomorrow. I do not have the ability to know the future, but I, like all people, have the power to imagine and plan it.
What does all this have to do with having clean oceans all over our planet, the planet I call Spaceship Earth? Let’s Sea…
At the base of this story, it is a journey into the mystery and beauty of life. Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead – his eyes closed....” Many people fear the future, but from what I have seen there is little to fear. In a sense, what I have done is created a path into the future with what I call the Infinite Spiral Grid™ or ISG for short. These are blank pages waiting to be filled in with what we project for our personal and shared dreams and with the names of the actions of our heroes. As we write, our present, as we project our future, we also write history at the same time. Today’s page is written in the present, but it will be relegated to history tomorrow. I do not have the ability to know the future, but I, like all people, have the power to imagine and plan it.
What does all this have to do with having clean oceans all over our planet, the planet I call Spaceship Earth? Let’s Sea…
Photo above by Erik Mclean:
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025