EOP 36
April 26
EOP 36 East
Page 4278
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Graham kept thinking about Hirsch’s book, “Why Knowledge Matters.” Having been a school principal k-12 for many years, he agreed. The Common Core State Standards suck the life out of teachers and students. “Why do students go to school?” Isn’t it to help students learn the knowledge and skills to help them develop and pursue their dreams and the dreams of their families? Graham also loved the 10 learner profile standard and the Paideia reasons for going to school. Is there one set answer? America, it’s time for a discussion. It doesn’t mean we have to throw out the Common Core State Standard, it’s just that they should take second place to the knowledge students are accumulating. How many books will students read by the time they graduate from high school? Which history will they know? And most importantly, how big will their vocabulary be when they grow up, for this is an excellent indicator of the knowledge they learned. Shouldn’t all children of our country deserve to have a big vocabulary that they carry with them in their wonderful brains as well as on their phones?
A key element in this game is to maintain your focus. Be aware of how much time and energy you put into something. There are so many distractions and if you want to play the game on a higher level, you have to make a choice to limit your distractions and focus on your good work with all the good people from all over the world.
Today Graham got into work at 7:00 a.m. and made it home by 5:00 p.m. He read a touching letter from his brother and he straightened up his house. He sat at the place where he pays his respects to his ancestors and thanks the God known by 1000 names for the opportunity of life, his abundance, and his health. He acknowledges any unseen beings and thanks them and asks to keep it positive and any positive guidance would be appreciated. He loved the mystery of it all. Life itself didn’t make sense. He was still putting all the pieces together. Knowledge was the only way to put the pieces together because knowledge builds on itself and leads to the leading edge of the dream world. It gives one a different perspective.
Graham found one of the best perspectives is from the Sun. He often imagines himself sitting with the sun and he is comfortably looking out into space feeling the exhilaration of traveling 450,000 mph around the Great galaxy. He loves looking at all the other galaxies and at the stars in his own Milky Way. He especially loves looking at all the people on Earth. He likes watching people who are helping to clean up the seas and the land. They have no idea how fast they are really travelling. They have no idea that they are on the most modern version of any spaceship every created. The previous spaceships were all metallic with special atmospheric conditions that allowed human life to survive. The lighting was artificial, the water was recycled too many times and it tasted like their filters were failing. The food was mostly made of chemicals. There were also too many people on the spaceship. No one even knew each other. The people who were at the top of the ship, the area they called Rocket Point, liked their spaceship clean and so they took good care of it, but there were other people on the ship who didn’t care about their amazing technology and they just threw their garbage anywhere they felt like it. It was beginning to clog up the ships systems. The water tasted bad and was toxic. The people at the Rocket Point loved their view as they zoomed past all the stars and galaxies but the people below Rocket Point lived in the dark. How could they share their light?
Today Graham made progress on his website. Of the 360 pages he reordered them. He previously began with EOP 1, (Earth Orbit Page 1), which is March 21, but instead he put EOP 354 because this is where Dream Story officially begins, on March 14, page 4320, Pi day. It is a story that will go on forever.
Graham knew he was just putting pieces out on his Principal’s Diary. Perhaps if he had more writing courses he would be an even better writer, but his story was not to dazzle his reader from head to toes with his prose, but rather to ask them, “What are you dreaming about?” He created a way for people to easily share their dreams. Many of them shared dreams that would come from Schools, as reported by teachers, as reported by students, as reported by the parents, family, grandparents, and great grand parents. Can you remind us, they would ask, “What are your dreams?” They would first want to know their current dreams and then learn about their accomplished dreams.
Graham looked forward to his writing every day. He felt like he was becoming a better storyteller, and this is what he always told his students, “You need to practice.”
Page 4278
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Graham kept thinking about Hirsch’s book, “Why Knowledge Matters.” Having been a school principal k-12 for many years, he agreed. The Common Core State Standards suck the life out of teachers and students. “Why do students go to school?” Isn’t it to help students learn the knowledge and skills to help them develop and pursue their dreams and the dreams of their families? Graham also loved the 10 learner profile standard and the Paideia reasons for going to school. Is there one set answer? America, it’s time for a discussion. It doesn’t mean we have to throw out the Common Core State Standard, it’s just that they should take second place to the knowledge students are accumulating. How many books will students read by the time they graduate from high school? Which history will they know? And most importantly, how big will their vocabulary be when they grow up, for this is an excellent indicator of the knowledge they learned. Shouldn’t all children of our country deserve to have a big vocabulary that they carry with them in their wonderful brains as well as on their phones?
A key element in this game is to maintain your focus. Be aware of how much time and energy you put into something. There are so many distractions and if you want to play the game on a higher level, you have to make a choice to limit your distractions and focus on your good work with all the good people from all over the world.
Today Graham got into work at 7:00 a.m. and made it home by 5:00 p.m. He read a touching letter from his brother and he straightened up his house. He sat at the place where he pays his respects to his ancestors and thanks the God known by 1000 names for the opportunity of life, his abundance, and his health. He acknowledges any unseen beings and thanks them and asks to keep it positive and any positive guidance would be appreciated. He loved the mystery of it all. Life itself didn’t make sense. He was still putting all the pieces together. Knowledge was the only way to put the pieces together because knowledge builds on itself and leads to the leading edge of the dream world. It gives one a different perspective.
Graham found one of the best perspectives is from the Sun. He often imagines himself sitting with the sun and he is comfortably looking out into space feeling the exhilaration of traveling 450,000 mph around the Great galaxy. He loves looking at all the other galaxies and at the stars in his own Milky Way. He especially loves looking at all the people on Earth. He likes watching people who are helping to clean up the seas and the land. They have no idea how fast they are really travelling. They have no idea that they are on the most modern version of any spaceship every created. The previous spaceships were all metallic with special atmospheric conditions that allowed human life to survive. The lighting was artificial, the water was recycled too many times and it tasted like their filters were failing. The food was mostly made of chemicals. There were also too many people on the spaceship. No one even knew each other. The people who were at the top of the ship, the area they called Rocket Point, liked their spaceship clean and so they took good care of it, but there were other people on the ship who didn’t care about their amazing technology and they just threw their garbage anywhere they felt like it. It was beginning to clog up the ships systems. The water tasted bad and was toxic. The people at the Rocket Point loved their view as they zoomed past all the stars and galaxies but the people below Rocket Point lived in the dark. How could they share their light?
Today Graham made progress on his website. Of the 360 pages he reordered them. He previously began with EOP 1, (Earth Orbit Page 1), which is March 21, but instead he put EOP 354 because this is where Dream Story officially begins, on March 14, page 4320, Pi day. It is a story that will go on forever.
Graham knew he was just putting pieces out on his Principal’s Diary. Perhaps if he had more writing courses he would be an even better writer, but his story was not to dazzle his reader from head to toes with his prose, but rather to ask them, “What are you dreaming about?” He created a way for people to easily share their dreams. Many of them shared dreams that would come from Schools, as reported by teachers, as reported by students, as reported by the parents, family, grandparents, and great grand parents. Can you remind us, they would ask, “What are your dreams?” They would first want to know their current dreams and then learn about their accomplished dreams.
Graham looked forward to his writing every day. He felt like he was becoming a better storyteller, and this is what he always told his students, “You need to practice.”
Banner photo by Paulo Márcio Dos Santos: https://www.pexels.com/photo/old-church-interior-with-cupola-and-frescoes-on-walls-3796547/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025