Earth Orbit Page (EOP) 354
March 14
EOP 354, North
Page 4320
March 14, 2023
Once Upon a Time, King Graham and Queen Aurora went to Cairo to learn about their ancient civilization. It was a new day, a new story, a Dream Story.
When Graham woke up, he looked out the window and saw a rainbow over the pyramids of Giza. He took it as a sign that it was the start of something really special.
It was a special day; not only would the go to Alexandria and back, but at the end of the day, he had a special gift for his Queen. It was a simple necklace that said, "I will love you till the end of Pi." It was Pi Day.
Page 4320
March 14, 2023
Once Upon a Time, King Graham and Queen Aurora went to Cairo to learn about their ancient civilization. It was a new day, a new story, a Dream Story.
When Graham woke up, he looked out the window and saw a rainbow over the pyramids of Giza. He took it as a sign that it was the start of something really special.
It was a special day; not only would the go to Alexandria and back, but at the end of the day, he had a special gift for his Queen. It was a simple necklace that said, "I will love you till the end of Pi." It was Pi Day.
Top photo banner by Frank Cone:
Egypt photos by RWM
Egypt photos by RWM
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