EOP 35
April 25
EOP 35 East
Page 4279
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Graham keeps wondering throughout his day, “When am I going to have time to work on my website.” Tonight he stayed at the school to attend a board meeting until 8:20. He knows that school stuff happens. At 9:27 p.m. after doing the dishes and unpacking from the weekend trip he began his writing.
“I’m not going to get too philosophical tonight. There’s a lot of work to do on the Dream Story website and that is where he wanted to put his time and energy, into the dream, living and practicing the dream, this is where he loved to be. Will he be a successful storyteller? Let’s Sea…
He couldn’t wait for his new readers. Then, they would know too…
He listened to Hirsch’s book “Why Knowledge Matters.” It absolutely does. He makes a strong argument for curriculum whose chief aim is to increase the knowledge of our children. Yes, they may know more than older adults, but we have to trust them that they will always continue to work with shared and personal dreams. This ability to imagine is one of our greatest strengths as humans, but imagine all the good you can do for yourself, your children, your parents, siblings, neighbors, family, grandparents and great grandparents.
He was racing to finish the first 45 pages. He wanted the ability to have an easy way to post pictures of heroes, developing dreams, and all those stories we get to listen to. By this page, he didn’t even want to be mentioned in the story, but how do you take out the main storyteller? Who will be there to continue the story? That is what he wanted. He wanted to not be needed because so many others discovered how easy it is to create and maintain a dream story. He was only creating a sample platform. How will the real DreamStory.Love be built? What website builders could build it? Should a subscription charge be required, maybe 9.99 per month? Should schools be given access for free?
On Friday, he was happy to give his first carload of stuff away. If he sold it all at a garage sale, he could have easily made $100 bucks, which is almost 3 gas tanks. It would have helped, but he liked the feeling of giving away things. Most of all, he wanted to give away his attention to the good people who are doing good work out there. That was most important, but he also wanted to give away $100,000,000. Maybe that would pay off the debt of a small country or help pay for the construction of a few Pyrogenesis plants on some islands, or to help schools, especially teachers.
So, Saturday, April 22, marks the first $100 he gave away. He wondered what the total will be in 360 pages. The last thing he wanted to do was to develop some king of arrogant attitude because he gave 100 billion dollars away. He wanted to give back because the world had given so much to him. It wouldn’t be dollars only that he was giving away. He would be giving away focused attention to those dreaming their stories. They would spend time to put the pictures and good works of our Sea Warriors and dreamers in this “DreamStory.Love.”
Graham was able to get the background pictures all the way to EOP 45. He was happy with the progress of the dream. It was becoming a habit. Every day he had to show himself progress for the day. He wanted to feel like he was moving forward. He was. He consistently wrote or took pictures for the last 35 days. He was picking up speed. He was spending more time and energy in the dreams and it was becoming more real every day. He wanted to go to Arise and share dreams.
“This life is such a mystery,” Graham thought. So far in my short life of 60 years, I haven’t come across with even being close to all the answers. I know I will never come close to knowing all the answers. My knowledge, by the time I die, will still be less than 1% of all knowledge. I suppose that would be enough to make most folks feel stupid, but I don’t. I’d rather focus on my curiosity. I love finding out about many things and putting all the pieces together. I am Curious.
Page 4279
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Graham keeps wondering throughout his day, “When am I going to have time to work on my website.” Tonight he stayed at the school to attend a board meeting until 8:20. He knows that school stuff happens. At 9:27 p.m. after doing the dishes and unpacking from the weekend trip he began his writing.
“I’m not going to get too philosophical tonight. There’s a lot of work to do on the Dream Story website and that is where he wanted to put his time and energy, into the dream, living and practicing the dream, this is where he loved to be. Will he be a successful storyteller? Let’s Sea…
He couldn’t wait for his new readers. Then, they would know too…
He listened to Hirsch’s book “Why Knowledge Matters.” It absolutely does. He makes a strong argument for curriculum whose chief aim is to increase the knowledge of our children. Yes, they may know more than older adults, but we have to trust them that they will always continue to work with shared and personal dreams. This ability to imagine is one of our greatest strengths as humans, but imagine all the good you can do for yourself, your children, your parents, siblings, neighbors, family, grandparents and great grandparents.
He was racing to finish the first 45 pages. He wanted the ability to have an easy way to post pictures of heroes, developing dreams, and all those stories we get to listen to. By this page, he didn’t even want to be mentioned in the story, but how do you take out the main storyteller? Who will be there to continue the story? That is what he wanted. He wanted to not be needed because so many others discovered how easy it is to create and maintain a dream story. He was only creating a sample platform. How will the real DreamStory.Love be built? What website builders could build it? Should a subscription charge be required, maybe 9.99 per month? Should schools be given access for free?
On Friday, he was happy to give his first carload of stuff away. If he sold it all at a garage sale, he could have easily made $100 bucks, which is almost 3 gas tanks. It would have helped, but he liked the feeling of giving away things. Most of all, he wanted to give away his attention to the good people who are doing good work out there. That was most important, but he also wanted to give away $100,000,000. Maybe that would pay off the debt of a small country or help pay for the construction of a few Pyrogenesis plants on some islands, or to help schools, especially teachers.
So, Saturday, April 22, marks the first $100 he gave away. He wondered what the total will be in 360 pages. The last thing he wanted to do was to develop some king of arrogant attitude because he gave 100 billion dollars away. He wanted to give back because the world had given so much to him. It wouldn’t be dollars only that he was giving away. He would be giving away focused attention to those dreaming their stories. They would spend time to put the pictures and good works of our Sea Warriors and dreamers in this “DreamStory.Love.”
Graham was able to get the background pictures all the way to EOP 45. He was happy with the progress of the dream. It was becoming a habit. Every day he had to show himself progress for the day. He wanted to feel like he was moving forward. He was. He consistently wrote or took pictures for the last 35 days. He was picking up speed. He was spending more time and energy in the dreams and it was becoming more real every day. He wanted to go to Arise and share dreams.
“This life is such a mystery,” Graham thought. So far in my short life of 60 years, I haven’t come across with even being close to all the answers. I know I will never come close to knowing all the answers. My knowledge, by the time I die, will still be less than 1% of all knowledge. I suppose that would be enough to make most folks feel stupid, but I don’t. I’d rather focus on my curiosity. I love finding out about many things and putting all the pieces together. I am Curious.
Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/sunlight-piercing-through-green-tall-trees-during-daytime-47864/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025