EOP 34
April 24
EOP 34 East
Page 4280
Monday, April 24, 2023
Is it possible to live full time in the dream, so much so that the dream became the new living? He was, after all, living many of his dreams, in a way, all at the same time. He dreamed of working as a school principal, and he is doing that now and has been for 18 years. He dreamed of a new car because his other one was getting old and he has been driving his Royal Hundai Elantra for many years and now it is showing signs of aging and he is ready to pass it on. He is now dreaming about a new car, possibly a Suburu Crosstreck. He wants a hybrid, something with great gas mileage. Will that dream happen? He is dreaming now of a new job. He is imagining himself in a position where the school will collect the dreams of their students, at least once a year on March 14th. And of course, he dreamed of spending time with his Queen in the dream of life. They would laugh, watch movies, go camping, go to restaurants, and clean up the garage in the seas together. What the enjoyed the most was spending time talking about, “love, life, and the Universe,” as she would always say. They wouldn’t always have time to have those conversations, but what they looked forward to was carving out the time to be free and build their dreams together.
He has a dream of becoming a full time storyteller and she has a dream of delivering technology that can detect pathogens in a sample of blood using laser technology. When he has time, before or after his work, or on weekends, he always takes some time to write because he wants to not only show his readers how much time it took to accomplish his dreams, but he also wanted to see his own growth in consciousness. His Queen had a full time job as a scientist and she said it was a good job because she was entrusted with a lot of responsibility and it paid the bills.
He had a job as a school principal. He detected a problem in the American Educations, especially now with Common Core State Standards. The standards caused a shift in focus that he didn’t think is good. In his next school, he will shift the focus to what knowledge the students are accumulating. He knows it may seem like a small shift in focus, but to him it is huge. Somehow, in his school, he will have to let his students know that there is so much to learn about life. He would let them know that no one in the world knows everything and there is always so much more to put together in this big puzzle of life. He would let them know his theory, “Of all the knowledge in the libraries, on the internet, and our collective knowledge, we know less than 1% of all this knowledge, but that doesn’t stop us from learning more.
He would tell his students. “I will never never stop dreaming because this is how life is made. If you want to see all my dreams, you can go to “DreamStory.Love.” This is why our teachers are here. They are here to help you develop your dreams.”
He looked at his cell phone just to denote the time when he started writing. It was 10:00 a.m. exactly. At that moment he was in the middle of many wonderful dreams. That was just one page in the much larger story, “Dream Story, vol I.
Many hours later, Graham makes it back to the Prezervation, a 5 hour car ride from Albuquerque. He unpacked the car throwing everything on his living room floor. He started to put some things away but he wanted to write. He started the background music. It was Arise by Reinhardt Buhr. Graham was not a musician by any close chance, but he loved listening to music. “That’s what it feels like,” He thought. That is what the whole dream story feels like. We are all sharing and creating our dreams. We are shifting our focus and the cheese moves once again. We are sharing our Sea Dream. We are dreaming of clean Seas. There is strength in numbers.
“Today is Earth Orbit Page (EOP) 34. As this story follows the tracking of our spaceship Earth on its voyage around the sun and Milky Way galaxy. When we return to this spot, in 360 pages, how many of us will be sharing the dream of revitalizing the Seas. How many of our public servants help us with this task? It is almost like a game, but it’s a good safe game. In this game, we obey the laws. Our police officers are here to protect us, the people. They are our parents, neighbors, family, and friends.
How much trash is there in the Seas that we need to clean? We will put the answer down in 360 pages because we will have a lot of information to sort out. This will also be a way for us to measure our growth every April 23.
Arise! That’s the name of the place. This is a popular song that they play there. That is where we go to share our Dreams. We would love to listen to yours. I’ll bet we have many shared dreams.
Page 4280
Monday, April 24, 2023
Is it possible to live full time in the dream, so much so that the dream became the new living? He was, after all, living many of his dreams, in a way, all at the same time. He dreamed of working as a school principal, and he is doing that now and has been for 18 years. He dreamed of a new car because his other one was getting old and he has been driving his Royal Hundai Elantra for many years and now it is showing signs of aging and he is ready to pass it on. He is now dreaming about a new car, possibly a Suburu Crosstreck. He wants a hybrid, something with great gas mileage. Will that dream happen? He is dreaming now of a new job. He is imagining himself in a position where the school will collect the dreams of their students, at least once a year on March 14th. And of course, he dreamed of spending time with his Queen in the dream of life. They would laugh, watch movies, go camping, go to restaurants, and clean up the garage in the seas together. What the enjoyed the most was spending time talking about, “love, life, and the Universe,” as she would always say. They wouldn’t always have time to have those conversations, but what they looked forward to was carving out the time to be free and build their dreams together.
He has a dream of becoming a full time storyteller and she has a dream of delivering technology that can detect pathogens in a sample of blood using laser technology. When he has time, before or after his work, or on weekends, he always takes some time to write because he wants to not only show his readers how much time it took to accomplish his dreams, but he also wanted to see his own growth in consciousness. His Queen had a full time job as a scientist and she said it was a good job because she was entrusted with a lot of responsibility and it paid the bills.
He had a job as a school principal. He detected a problem in the American Educations, especially now with Common Core State Standards. The standards caused a shift in focus that he didn’t think is good. In his next school, he will shift the focus to what knowledge the students are accumulating. He knows it may seem like a small shift in focus, but to him it is huge. Somehow, in his school, he will have to let his students know that there is so much to learn about life. He would let them know that no one in the world knows everything and there is always so much more to put together in this big puzzle of life. He would let them know his theory, “Of all the knowledge in the libraries, on the internet, and our collective knowledge, we know less than 1% of all this knowledge, but that doesn’t stop us from learning more.
He would tell his students. “I will never never stop dreaming because this is how life is made. If you want to see all my dreams, you can go to “DreamStory.Love.” This is why our teachers are here. They are here to help you develop your dreams.”
He looked at his cell phone just to denote the time when he started writing. It was 10:00 a.m. exactly. At that moment he was in the middle of many wonderful dreams. That was just one page in the much larger story, “Dream Story, vol I.
Many hours later, Graham makes it back to the Prezervation, a 5 hour car ride from Albuquerque. He unpacked the car throwing everything on his living room floor. He started to put some things away but he wanted to write. He started the background music. It was Arise by Reinhardt Buhr. Graham was not a musician by any close chance, but he loved listening to music. “That’s what it feels like,” He thought. That is what the whole dream story feels like. We are all sharing and creating our dreams. We are shifting our focus and the cheese moves once again. We are sharing our Sea Dream. We are dreaming of clean Seas. There is strength in numbers.
“Today is Earth Orbit Page (EOP) 34. As this story follows the tracking of our spaceship Earth on its voyage around the sun and Milky Way galaxy. When we return to this spot, in 360 pages, how many of us will be sharing the dream of revitalizing the Seas. How many of our public servants help us with this task? It is almost like a game, but it’s a good safe game. In this game, we obey the laws. Our police officers are here to protect us, the people. They are our parents, neighbors, family, and friends.
How much trash is there in the Seas that we need to clean? We will put the answer down in 360 pages because we will have a lot of information to sort out. This will also be a way for us to measure our growth every April 23.
Arise! That’s the name of the place. This is a popular song that they play there. That is where we go to share our Dreams. We would love to listen to yours. I’ll bet we have many shared dreams.
Photo above by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi: https://www.pexels.com/photo/forest-345522/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025