EOP 33
April 23
EOP 33 East
Page 4281
Sunday, April 23, 2023
It was a sunny morning in Albuquerque. Graham was continuing to develop the perspective of living in the dream. “What if this life we live in is really just a dream?” He was running with that idea. It’s much different than the sleeping dreams. When he wakes up each new day, things seem almost the same. Change is slow. It wasn’t even close to and Amazon delivery pace, but there were many aspects of the dream that were gaining momentum. Today would be mostly a work day – he would work on his website, his previous writings, and then there was the garage that needed to be cleaned and organized.
Graham was developing a new perspective of the way the human/spirt psyhe works. He wanted a separate page to show emotions and other qualities like trust, persistence. Were they also emotions? He looked for a list of emotions on the Internet. He saw one list with “six basic emotions” There was another list with 27 emotions and another for 34,000. Perhaps these other qualities are emotions as well. This would make it simpler for his emotions page.
He likes the emotional guidance scale that Abraham Hicks talks about. She says you cant just go from hate to love, but you can, usually slowly, spiral from more negative emotions to positive emotions and its at that positive perspective they will find much more energy there. And then one can enjoy the top of Maslow’s pyramid and work on creating and living the dreams. The shared dreams are especially inspiring.
Page 4281
Sunday, April 23, 2023
It was a sunny morning in Albuquerque. Graham was continuing to develop the perspective of living in the dream. “What if this life we live in is really just a dream?” He was running with that idea. It’s much different than the sleeping dreams. When he wakes up each new day, things seem almost the same. Change is slow. It wasn’t even close to and Amazon delivery pace, but there were many aspects of the dream that were gaining momentum. Today would be mostly a work day – he would work on his website, his previous writings, and then there was the garage that needed to be cleaned and organized.
Graham was developing a new perspective of the way the human/spirt psyhe works. He wanted a separate page to show emotions and other qualities like trust, persistence. Were they also emotions? He looked for a list of emotions on the Internet. He saw one list with “six basic emotions” There was another list with 27 emotions and another for 34,000. Perhaps these other qualities are emotions as well. This would make it simpler for his emotions page.
He likes the emotional guidance scale that Abraham Hicks talks about. She says you cant just go from hate to love, but you can, usually slowly, spiral from more negative emotions to positive emotions and its at that positive perspective they will find much more energy there. And then one can enjoy the top of Maslow’s pyramid and work on creating and living the dreams. The shared dreams are especially inspiring.
Photo above by Martijn Adegeest: https://www.pexels.com/photo/golden-hour-photo-of-green-grass-field-1230976/
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