EOP 32
April 22
EOP 32 East
Page 4282
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Graham was almost to his home in Albuquerque on his 5.5 hour car ride. He started out listening to “Why Knowledge is Important” by Hirsch. It was the beginning of his second time through. He was convinced that there has to be some kind of balance. Educators have a way of saying it should be this or that but often not seeking the balance. He would like to see his schools with a 90% focus on knowledge acquisition because for the most part it is fun for both students and teachers, and a 10% focus on skills like finding the main idea, critical thinking, understanding inferences. He agreed with Hirsch that if one focuses on building knowledge, then those skills would follow.
After Hirsch, he listened to some Reinhardt Buhr. It helped stimulate his imagination and bring the Dream Story to life. He had many thoughts along the way which he dictated onto his iPhone X.
Yesterday he wanted to include the reason he thinks adults often resort to drugs and alcohol and tie that in with the natural dreamlike state of young people.
He wants to create a reading plan and put it in place at his current school before he leaves at the end of June 2023.
He imagined himself as a “Sea Sun” His job was to give as much unconditional attention as he could to anyone out cleaning the Seas.
He linked Jepp (who defied the stars) to relentless motivation. “I’m on a Jepp journey of cleaning the oceans” perhaps.
There was the idea of numbering minutes on time spent on a particular identity. For example, today all the minutes were spent on Graham. Graham is his main storyteller identity whose over riding purpose is to bring life back to life, to understand dreaming and dreams, and to bring love back into the picture, but that 1% still has a role in his live story, his movie, their movie. The movie of all the Sea Warriors were able to accomplish.
Page 4282
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Graham was almost to his home in Albuquerque on his 5.5 hour car ride. He started out listening to “Why Knowledge is Important” by Hirsch. It was the beginning of his second time through. He was convinced that there has to be some kind of balance. Educators have a way of saying it should be this or that but often not seeking the balance. He would like to see his schools with a 90% focus on knowledge acquisition because for the most part it is fun for both students and teachers, and a 10% focus on skills like finding the main idea, critical thinking, understanding inferences. He agreed with Hirsch that if one focuses on building knowledge, then those skills would follow.
After Hirsch, he listened to some Reinhardt Buhr. It helped stimulate his imagination and bring the Dream Story to life. He had many thoughts along the way which he dictated onto his iPhone X.
Yesterday he wanted to include the reason he thinks adults often resort to drugs and alcohol and tie that in with the natural dreamlike state of young people.
He wants to create a reading plan and put it in place at his current school before he leaves at the end of June 2023.
He imagined himself as a “Sea Sun” His job was to give as much unconditional attention as he could to anyone out cleaning the Seas.
He linked Jepp (who defied the stars) to relentless motivation. “I’m on a Jepp journey of cleaning the oceans” perhaps.
There was the idea of numbering minutes on time spent on a particular identity. For example, today all the minutes were spent on Graham. Graham is his main storyteller identity whose over riding purpose is to bring life back to life, to understand dreaming and dreams, and to bring love back into the picture, but that 1% still has a role in his live story, his movie, their movie. The movie of all the Sea Warriors were able to accomplish.
Photo above by Valiphotos: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-leaf-trees-on-forest-589816/
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