EOP 27
April 17
EOP 27 East
Page 4287
Monday, April 17, 2023
Graham excitedly sat at his computer. Thoughts came into his mind, “What is it like from the dream perspective?” To him that meant living from the perspective that “life is an amazing dream and it is up to me to find my way out of it, and to have fun along the way.” Why not? Could it be done? Is there anyone else out there doing this? “Am I the first to write from this perspective?” He hadn’t heard of anyone else doing this, but he knew there were people out there who would want to give this a try. He wondered when he would meet them and what dreams they had. Can I be in your dream story?” He would always ask. He wanted to be part of as many dreams as possible, especially the dream of cleaning up the Seas. Does anyone else out there have this Dream? He wondered.
He wanted to remind everyone to follow the laws. Don’t you understand that this makes us, our neighbors, and the police and the government happy? It may not make CNN to happy. What are they going to put for the headlines, “Zero Robberies in New York today” Who wants to read that? Our police and our public servants are our brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, grandparents and great grandparents. Let’s treat them well and respect the laws we have created.
Graham, continued writing, “In my 30+ years in education & 60 years of living, I can tell you that out of all the people on this Earth, I trust teachers the most. They see life from so many perspectives and they are able to maintain the peace with all kinds of students. I wonder what their dreams are? I know that Hamish Brewer came up with at least 100 dreams. I know all teachers can do that for themselves and I know they can collect the dreams of their students. What will be their Dream Story? What were the dreams of their parents, grand parents, and great grandparents, of their teachers, friends, neighbors?
Graham continued, “Living in the dream is a perspective. The real fun of it is connecting and laughing with others who are able to see life from this perspective. I’m finding it hard to live in the dream full time. I’m at about 45% in the dream and 55% acting on old current reality. As far as I know, I’m the only one doing this right now. I’m sure there are others out there doing something similar but we just haven’t found a good way to connect and tell our Dream Stories….yet.”
I spend at least 4 hours a day in the privacy of my home acting as if I’m in the dream. This means talking a lot to whoever is in charge of this unfathomable and beautiful reality. Whoever is in charge has been called by 1,000 names. Can we spend our time learning about the names of others’ religions and what piece of the puzzle they have? I have met a lot of people from all over the world and they are good. They have good hearts, like you all. Can we focus on our dreams? How about one little shared dream of cleaning our Seas? Can you help us? We would love to have your support, even if it means dropping a message of our support board, “Fish Out the Garbage” We thank you for being a part of our shared dream and our story.
The questions that people ask of the one who his known by 1000 names helps individuals to evolve. Can one get past the conspiracies and spend time and energy on what he or she wanst to see in the world, for the world and for himself/herself and their families, families of biology and by choice.
“The thing that is most stressful now is my self-imposed deadline of 30 pages, which will be complete on May 7th. I think I bit off more than I can chew. I keep getting new ideas often and they will delay the process. What I will have is some skeletal prototype of what application developers could do. What I can/will do then is start talking about it. My first time to talk about the most up to date ideas with anyone was with my Queen over the weekend but I told her I want to wait to tell her all about it when I have some substance to it. I know that by May 7th, 2023 I can have enough substance and some example pages and I will just add a new page here and there when I have the time. That is my biggest problem is that there is not enough time and this is why I wish I can earn a living and provide for my family with this Dream Story. Who else will be in this Dream Story. Unfortunately there are only 4320 pages. Some of them have been filled, but most are blank. Who will be creating a beautiful story for our planet? How will be next? How will they get our attention, the attention we look forward to giving on one of our 4320 illustrious pages.
Who will be the first reader, the first social media Dream Story Builder? How many shared dreams will there be? Will we be able to find the fun in the Dream Story game? Will they respect our public servants and our police officers? Will they follow the laws for the sake of peace in our country? Will they go through the process to change a law if they don’t like it? Can they not talk about laws a lot? They are very boring to talk about. Can we gently remind our public servants of our power, “We vote next?” we will say. This is how we make change. It is a slow process, but we are all here to make it even better. We can thank our ancestors who dreamed before us, and now we can continue building upon their dreams, just as our children will build upon ours and create their own Dream Story, their ideal world.
Page 4287
Monday, April 17, 2023
Graham excitedly sat at his computer. Thoughts came into his mind, “What is it like from the dream perspective?” To him that meant living from the perspective that “life is an amazing dream and it is up to me to find my way out of it, and to have fun along the way.” Why not? Could it be done? Is there anyone else out there doing this? “Am I the first to write from this perspective?” He hadn’t heard of anyone else doing this, but he knew there were people out there who would want to give this a try. He wondered when he would meet them and what dreams they had. Can I be in your dream story?” He would always ask. He wanted to be part of as many dreams as possible, especially the dream of cleaning up the Seas. Does anyone else out there have this Dream? He wondered.
He wanted to remind everyone to follow the laws. Don’t you understand that this makes us, our neighbors, and the police and the government happy? It may not make CNN to happy. What are they going to put for the headlines, “Zero Robberies in New York today” Who wants to read that? Our police and our public servants are our brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, grandparents and great grandparents. Let’s treat them well and respect the laws we have created.
Graham, continued writing, “In my 30+ years in education & 60 years of living, I can tell you that out of all the people on this Earth, I trust teachers the most. They see life from so many perspectives and they are able to maintain the peace with all kinds of students. I wonder what their dreams are? I know that Hamish Brewer came up with at least 100 dreams. I know all teachers can do that for themselves and I know they can collect the dreams of their students. What will be their Dream Story? What were the dreams of their parents, grand parents, and great grandparents, of their teachers, friends, neighbors?
Graham continued, “Living in the dream is a perspective. The real fun of it is connecting and laughing with others who are able to see life from this perspective. I’m finding it hard to live in the dream full time. I’m at about 45% in the dream and 55% acting on old current reality. As far as I know, I’m the only one doing this right now. I’m sure there are others out there doing something similar but we just haven’t found a good way to connect and tell our Dream Stories….yet.”
I spend at least 4 hours a day in the privacy of my home acting as if I’m in the dream. This means talking a lot to whoever is in charge of this unfathomable and beautiful reality. Whoever is in charge has been called by 1,000 names. Can we spend our time learning about the names of others’ religions and what piece of the puzzle they have? I have met a lot of people from all over the world and they are good. They have good hearts, like you all. Can we focus on our dreams? How about one little shared dream of cleaning our Seas? Can you help us? We would love to have your support, even if it means dropping a message of our support board, “Fish Out the Garbage” We thank you for being a part of our shared dream and our story.
The questions that people ask of the one who his known by 1000 names helps individuals to evolve. Can one get past the conspiracies and spend time and energy on what he or she wanst to see in the world, for the world and for himself/herself and their families, families of biology and by choice.
“The thing that is most stressful now is my self-imposed deadline of 30 pages, which will be complete on May 7th. I think I bit off more than I can chew. I keep getting new ideas often and they will delay the process. What I will have is some skeletal prototype of what application developers could do. What I can/will do then is start talking about it. My first time to talk about the most up to date ideas with anyone was with my Queen over the weekend but I told her I want to wait to tell her all about it when I have some substance to it. I know that by May 7th, 2023 I can have enough substance and some example pages and I will just add a new page here and there when I have the time. That is my biggest problem is that there is not enough time and this is why I wish I can earn a living and provide for my family with this Dream Story. Who else will be in this Dream Story. Unfortunately there are only 4320 pages. Some of them have been filled, but most are blank. Who will be creating a beautiful story for our planet? How will be next? How will they get our attention, the attention we look forward to giving on one of our 4320 illustrious pages.
Who will be the first reader, the first social media Dream Story Builder? How many shared dreams will there be? Will we be able to find the fun in the Dream Story game? Will they respect our public servants and our police officers? Will they follow the laws for the sake of peace in our country? Will they go through the process to change a law if they don’t like it? Can they not talk about laws a lot? They are very boring to talk about. Can we gently remind our public servants of our power, “We vote next?” we will say. This is how we make change. It is a slow process, but we are all here to make it even better. We can thank our ancestors who dreamed before us, and now we can continue building upon their dreams, just as our children will build upon ours and create their own Dream Story, their ideal world.
Photo above by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/sunlight-piercing-through-green-tall-trees-during-daytime-47864/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025