EOP 25
April 15
EOP 25 East
Page 4289
Saturday, April 15, 2023
Today Graham was 42% into the dream. He was growing, developing the perspective from the dream point of view. His question, his experiment is “What is it like looking at life as though it really is a dream?” He didn’t think that children need to have this perspective because they, in a way, already live life from that perspective, but it was more for adults, based solely on his own experience in talking to a lot of people and reading lots of books. He felt like something happened to him as an adult, like he lost the feeling of his fascination in younger years, fascination with life, but he was getting that perspective back, through his dreaming.
He talked to his Queen more about the Dream Story and the development of Dream Story website. She also like the idea of “Global Dream Story.” Perhaps he would get that domain as well. He wanted to show her all the components but it was still under development. He told her, “I could make a ‘Sample’ page which would show the result of the 12 years of growth.
In their conversation he forgot to mention that a big part of this Global Dream Story is cleaning the Seas. He felt even more inspired to get to work on the Dream Story website. “Where and when will I find the time?” he wondered. “Let’s Sea…”
Page 4289
Saturday, April 15, 2023
Today Graham was 42% into the dream. He was growing, developing the perspective from the dream point of view. His question, his experiment is “What is it like looking at life as though it really is a dream?” He didn’t think that children need to have this perspective because they, in a way, already live life from that perspective, but it was more for adults, based solely on his own experience in talking to a lot of people and reading lots of books. He felt like something happened to him as an adult, like he lost the feeling of his fascination in younger years, fascination with life, but he was getting that perspective back, through his dreaming.
He talked to his Queen more about the Dream Story and the development of Dream Story website. She also like the idea of “Global Dream Story.” Perhaps he would get that domain as well. He wanted to show her all the components but it was still under development. He told her, “I could make a ‘Sample’ page which would show the result of the 12 years of growth.
In their conversation he forgot to mention that a big part of this Global Dream Story is cleaning the Seas. He felt even more inspired to get to work on the Dream Story website. “Where and when will I find the time?” he wondered. “Let’s Sea…”
Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-surfing-416676/
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