EOP 24
April 14
EOP 24 East
Page 4290
Friday, April 14, 2023
It was Friday, the last day of the week before the weekend. Graham managed to leave his office by 4:00 and was on the road to Albuquerque to visit his Queen. He listened to more of Hirsch’s book, “Why Knowledge Matters,” and he was becoming more convinced that this is a good path. He was very familiar with the common core state standards (CCSS) many schools all over the United States incorporated into their curriculum. Educators were even calling them, “The Curriculum.” In his current school, he felt like the CCSS were sucking the life out of the teachers and the students. “There’s has to be a better way,” he always thought. He knew that his ISG could give reason and motivation for studying but study what and why. Out of a Trillion things to study, who exactly puts forward what students should study and why does a society choose those things in their language, history, science, and math? Someone has to choose something, and Hirsch’s Core Knowledge seemed an excellent starting place. He hoped he could see it in action. He had more research to do. Would his next school use the Core Standards or find something even better?
It was a long 5.5 hour drive, but he kept himself busy with his audio books, music and imagining his story. He would often get new ideas and so he would try them out. This afternoon he had the thought of labeling each new lunar month, starting with Moon 1. It would be a good way to put out chapters, they would be moon based.
He thought about the Dream Story Website, that each month all 12 connections with other dreamers would rotate or each person would have a connection for 30 days and then it would go on to someone else. There would also be a chat room for the 12 friends.
His goal was to dive deeper into the dream and connect with other shred dreams. He wanted to live it 100% of the time and he felt every day he got closer. Yesterday it was 60/40, today perhaps 59/41 – 41% of living in the dream, as the dream, so much so that the dream becomes the new reality.
In addition to the 99+ identities, 99+ Dreams, there would also be the 99+ feelings and concepts that were part of his wiring which included the end of the feeling spectrum like hate and jealousy, but also Love, Joy, Hope, passion, knowledge, imagination, etc.
As he went further into his Dream Story, he knew he would have to lovingly put a Warning on the first page, something as simple as “Warning, You are about to enter a dream story. You may never be able to wholly go back.”
He read stories about rich people who wrote checks for millions of dollars to themselves, far before they ever earned it, because they believed in themselves. While he would like to live comfortably, he was also ready to give billions away. “I would like to give away $100 billion dollars.” It was a lot for him. He didn’t even have enough to help his son with University expenses, but he felt it would be soon, and he would give away mostly to schools, for teacher bonuses, for student scholarships, and to repair or build schools. It was time for the Great give away as Alberto Villoldo taught him. “Let’s Sea…”
Page 4290
Friday, April 14, 2023
It was Friday, the last day of the week before the weekend. Graham managed to leave his office by 4:00 and was on the road to Albuquerque to visit his Queen. He listened to more of Hirsch’s book, “Why Knowledge Matters,” and he was becoming more convinced that this is a good path. He was very familiar with the common core state standards (CCSS) many schools all over the United States incorporated into their curriculum. Educators were even calling them, “The Curriculum.” In his current school, he felt like the CCSS were sucking the life out of the teachers and the students. “There’s has to be a better way,” he always thought. He knew that his ISG could give reason and motivation for studying but study what and why. Out of a Trillion things to study, who exactly puts forward what students should study and why does a society choose those things in their language, history, science, and math? Someone has to choose something, and Hirsch’s Core Knowledge seemed an excellent starting place. He hoped he could see it in action. He had more research to do. Would his next school use the Core Standards or find something even better?
It was a long 5.5 hour drive, but he kept himself busy with his audio books, music and imagining his story. He would often get new ideas and so he would try them out. This afternoon he had the thought of labeling each new lunar month, starting with Moon 1. It would be a good way to put out chapters, they would be moon based.
He thought about the Dream Story Website, that each month all 12 connections with other dreamers would rotate or each person would have a connection for 30 days and then it would go on to someone else. There would also be a chat room for the 12 friends.
His goal was to dive deeper into the dream and connect with other shred dreams. He wanted to live it 100% of the time and he felt every day he got closer. Yesterday it was 60/40, today perhaps 59/41 – 41% of living in the dream, as the dream, so much so that the dream becomes the new reality.
In addition to the 99+ identities, 99+ Dreams, there would also be the 99+ feelings and concepts that were part of his wiring which included the end of the feeling spectrum like hate and jealousy, but also Love, Joy, Hope, passion, knowledge, imagination, etc.
As he went further into his Dream Story, he knew he would have to lovingly put a Warning on the first page, something as simple as “Warning, You are about to enter a dream story. You may never be able to wholly go back.”
He read stories about rich people who wrote checks for millions of dollars to themselves, far before they ever earned it, because they believed in themselves. While he would like to live comfortably, he was also ready to give billions away. “I would like to give away $100 billion dollars.” It was a lot for him. He didn’t even have enough to help his son with University expenses, but he felt it would be soon, and he would give away mostly to schools, for teacher bonuses, for student scholarships, and to repair or build schools. It was time for the Great give away as Alberto Villoldo taught him. “Let’s Sea…”
Photo by Tom Fisk: https://www.pexels.com/photo/underwater-photography-of-brown-sea-turtle-668867/
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