EOP 22
April 12
EOP 22 East
Page 4292
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Graham got home at 7:30 after a long day. He had to Travel to Aztec, NM for a school board meeting. It was 2.5 hours away, but that was life on the Prez. The treat was to go to Walmart and get some fast food Chipotle because there was nothing like that close to Rocket Point. Rocket Point was the name of the village he was a school principal at. It was a small village. It only had a post office, laundromat, and a gas station store, which everyone called “The Store.” If anyone at the village said, “I’m going to the store, everyone new which store because it was the only one within an hour of the village.
He knew he would have most of his website done by May 7th, at least enough to tell others about. This is what is happening to me in my dream. It is the best dream I ever had and that is why I am not only telling it, but I’m living it. In this dream I’m consciously aware that it is a dream. I had to convince myself of that and that took several weeks. When one goes live with the dream, then the former awareness gets upgraded. This is a one reason why people are addicted to their phones. They are waiting for this new awareness to surface.
Then what? It is one of Graham’s favorite questions. Once one goes through and sees the dream for what it is, it changes one’s understanding of life, and that is a period of coming into awareness. We should say, “more awareness” because we have not yet come across anyone in the world in our life time who has answers to all things, and Google doesn’t even come close to all the knowledge out there. Have others given up on the mystery? Do old people resort to putting puzzles together on the coffee table and forget about the Great Mystery. Do they know everything or have they just given up on asking anymore questions.
Many educated people have learned that the more you study, the more that you know that you don’t know. I am the first to admit it. I would estimate that my knowledge is less than 1% of all the knowledge out there. I’m a school principal. I know a lot, relatively speaking, but there is so much more that I don’t know, and I love exploring the unknown.
So what if you come to live the dream as true? Then what. That is the exciting thing because every day we are searching for how we are progressing in our dream. What percent of the seas do you think we can clean by March 14 of 2035? We will do good, but we also need a lot of friends. Tell us how your school or you are going to help us with this shared but temporary dream. This dream, at least this volume of the dream comes to an end on March 14, 2035 because it will be time for us to move on to the next major dream. We will still continue to guard our seas from pollutants, and we will move on to our next shared dreams and learn as much as we can.
The best path you can ever go down is the one that you create. With your story on whatever numbered pages keep writing that story that your life is going to be about. What kind of world do you want to live in? Do you share that dream with anyone? Are you doing anything towards your dreams? What page numbers are you using in your story? When does your first volume end? Does it end the same day as ours, March 14, 2035? Does volume II start the same day? Are you on the same page as us? Can you imagine what we can accomplish together? Let’s Sea…
Page 4292
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Graham got home at 7:30 after a long day. He had to Travel to Aztec, NM for a school board meeting. It was 2.5 hours away, but that was life on the Prez. The treat was to go to Walmart and get some fast food Chipotle because there was nothing like that close to Rocket Point. Rocket Point was the name of the village he was a school principal at. It was a small village. It only had a post office, laundromat, and a gas station store, which everyone called “The Store.” If anyone at the village said, “I’m going to the store, everyone new which store because it was the only one within an hour of the village.
He knew he would have most of his website done by May 7th, at least enough to tell others about. This is what is happening to me in my dream. It is the best dream I ever had and that is why I am not only telling it, but I’m living it. In this dream I’m consciously aware that it is a dream. I had to convince myself of that and that took several weeks. When one goes live with the dream, then the former awareness gets upgraded. This is a one reason why people are addicted to their phones. They are waiting for this new awareness to surface.
Then what? It is one of Graham’s favorite questions. Once one goes through and sees the dream for what it is, it changes one’s understanding of life, and that is a period of coming into awareness. We should say, “more awareness” because we have not yet come across anyone in the world in our life time who has answers to all things, and Google doesn’t even come close to all the knowledge out there. Have others given up on the mystery? Do old people resort to putting puzzles together on the coffee table and forget about the Great Mystery. Do they know everything or have they just given up on asking anymore questions.
Many educated people have learned that the more you study, the more that you know that you don’t know. I am the first to admit it. I would estimate that my knowledge is less than 1% of all the knowledge out there. I’m a school principal. I know a lot, relatively speaking, but there is so much more that I don’t know, and I love exploring the unknown.
So what if you come to live the dream as true? Then what. That is the exciting thing because every day we are searching for how we are progressing in our dream. What percent of the seas do you think we can clean by March 14 of 2035? We will do good, but we also need a lot of friends. Tell us how your school or you are going to help us with this shared but temporary dream. This dream, at least this volume of the dream comes to an end on March 14, 2035 because it will be time for us to move on to the next major dream. We will still continue to guard our seas from pollutants, and we will move on to our next shared dreams and learn as much as we can.
The best path you can ever go down is the one that you create. With your story on whatever numbered pages keep writing that story that your life is going to be about. What kind of world do you want to live in? Do you share that dream with anyone? Are you doing anything towards your dreams? What page numbers are you using in your story? When does your first volume end? Does it end the same day as ours, March 14, 2035? Does volume II start the same day? Are you on the same page as us? Can you imagine what we can accomplish together? Let’s Sea…
Photo above by Tom Swinnen: https://www.pexels.com/photo/swimming-dolphins-2347462/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025