EOP 21
April 11
EOP 21 East
Page 4293
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Graham was excited to connect with his computer, which would soon be his website where he published the story. He imagined this story to be a future classic because there was absolutely nothing like it on the market. Was it his fault that many people didn’t seem to give much attention to religious, philosophical, or dream questions? He gave all of those a lot of thought over the years, and then he found something or something found him. They were visions or he found the way to use his imagination. He meditated 3-4 hours almost every day. He would slow his thoughts until his breathing slowed and then he listened for the sound current and followed that sound, just listening, wondering, hoping. Then one day, the new thoughts or scenes would come to his mind, and almost every time he meditates, he gets these visions/thoughts/ideas and he knows they are not his. He knows his regular brain and thoughts very well, but these thoughts were different. They were new, fresh, different.
He has been meditating regularly for 5 years and these thoughts turned into a story, an idea. He knew that he would have to actually try out these thoughts and ideas that have been evolving over 5 years and those were a result of 55 years of living. Now they have turned into a story, Dream Story.Love, which he is going to point to the current site, DreamStory.org.
“ I welcome you my readers to follow me in this story. I made this story format very easy to use because I had to make sure the story would be able to continue easily without me. Even after I am “dead” record and take action on the dreams of your children, parents, teachers, grandparents and great grandparents to continue to infinity and beyond.
Education is super important. I hope all of you continue learning about this life mystery. I hope schools continue providing rigorous and rich curriculums. I’ve been recently studying about other curriculums. I like what I see with Hirsch’s Core Curriculum. I like the IB 10 learner profiles, although I would add “Imaginative”- where students get to learn and practice using their imagination
I agree with Hirsch – that there has been too much focus on building skills and what we want to build knowledge. As a result of that knowledge, one paradoxically develops those skills. I do not like the Common Core State Standard and the too frequent testing. This is sucking life from the joy of learning.
What are the dreams of our presidents, leaders, teachers. Graham listed all his dreams and identities because he wanted to show the young that even old people continue to dream. Hey all you people out there. I learned so much from you in the past 60 years. I took a lot of your teachings and incorporated them into this DreamStory.Love and now it is my turn to give back. This is the great give away.
I don’t know what happens to adults, so this is a warning to young people. Perhaps it is just me, but now that I am 60 years old, there is something that is gone, it’s like that rich enthusiasm for life almost disappears at an older age. I don’t think it is only me. My theory is that is why there is a lot of drinking and drug use because older people who lost it want to feel it again. There is great joy in being young, of having a fresh perspective, an open mind, a streak of adventure, and great enthusiasm. Maybe I feel the way I do because it is time for me to finally give back. I have taken so much knowledge from my friends all around the world. I would love listening to their stories and I still do. I combined all those stories and worked out something that can be peaceful for everyone. I have learned that the dreams of people are 99% always good. I love to hear people’s dreams, and now I created a platform for sharing those dreams. Even Fox News, CNN, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other such sites could format the sites to include the same page number we are on. This is the world we are creating. It is only a shift in focus. It’s time to recognize fear, thank fear for doing such a good job, but it is time to leave fear almost in the dust. Fear can never be forgotten. He is a good reminder of how good we can have it, to live mostly without fear, we can still give him 1% of our time and energy or less, and then move our 99% focus to our dreams, our shared dreams, practicing the dreams, and just dreaming.
I spent 60 years on this life navigating and learning about the 3D reality. Somehow we are spirit or consciousness just inhabiting this physical body. Now, I’m spending more time on my theory, “What if this thing we call life, really is a dream?” I know I’m not the only one that shares that thought. I have been adopting the perspective of being in this “real” fun dream. It is fun and playful because that is what I want for my children, family, students, teachers, their parents, grandparents and great grandparents. It feels like I’m cutting away the layers that bound me to that reality, and now along with the ideas I receive in my meditations and thoughts throughout the day, I’m spending time in the dream, describing what it is like from the inside. I know that I will die soon, relatively speaking, so I am having fun continuing with describing life from inside the dream. It is fun, playful, adventurous, and just amazing, and we will be meeting you there. Let’s Sea….
Life can be rough. It seems that everyone deals with the same kind of issues like losing a loved one, financial, relationship, health, career. What I learned is that one has to create and then live that creation to see if it really works in regards to living a joyful life. This will change all the time. Don’t ever think that you will get to the perfect place. You are here to grow and understand because that is what you wanted. In this game, it is very important that you play by the rules, the laws your country has currently put in place. Some countries have laws in which they believed are ordained by God. Those should be respected. Our country of the United States of America has laws enacted by our fathers and mothers and grandparents. They aren’t always the best laws, but it was something they needed at the time. It is important to follow the laws and most of all respect our military, police, and fire personnel because they are our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, and sometimes parents and they are here to protect us because this is what we want of our public servants. They are also our neighbors and relatives and they want the best for us and themselves.
How much time did I spend writing this? This is how I am spending my time and energy. I wish to be finished with talking about myself and then, like the Sun, I will be like a spotlight and I will give you time and energy because I believe in the good you are doing. Most of all, I would turn the spotlight on our teachers because they have one of the most important jobs in the world. We, the majority of the people in the world have 99+ individual dreams and those, along with our 99+ identities, are all unique individuals, but in addition to our individual traits, we share the hope, the dream of cleaning the oceans all around the world. Let us know who is sharing that dream and what actions are they taking. We are here to give them the spotlight in this DreamStory.Love. There are only 4320 pages. We hope you are part of your story. Can we be part of yours?
It’s likely in your time there will be wars, debt, diseases, corruption, hardship and those things we commonly call sad or bad. But, whatever happens, don’t give up on your dreaming, your dream story. Your dreams will evolve. That’s part of life. I don’t say don’t give up on your dream because your dream will likely evolve into something even better. When I was in middle school, I wanted to be an architect and I was fortunate to become an architectural and an industrial engineering draftsman in my realy 20s because I got a taste of what it was like to be and architect and engineer. Although I liked these professions very much, they were not for me. There was something else waiting for me and I had to follow those questions. I ended up as a teacher for 10 years and a school principal for 18 years and now, I am in my first year of storytelling. I didn’t give up on dreaming. My dream evolved into a career where I would be able to make a living and pursue my questions at the same time and now, I am in the middle of this live dream, hoping to share this perspective by May 7th of this year, on page 46. Because of all my studies, I have become aware I am in the middle of this dream. I wouldn’t say I have “woken up” because that implies woken up to a final state of some kind of consciousness. Now I am aware enough to play in this game. We will abide by the rules, including the approach to changing laws we don’t like. We will be patient and we will have fun shifting our focus to our individual and shared dreams. I am continuing to dream and I can’t think of a better place I could be in. I am aware that I am in the middle of this unfathomable dream, at least most of the time, but I’m going for 99%.
Did I give you the warning? This Dream does contain bad guys, corrupt politicians, debt, lies, and stagnancy, but those, by our calculations, are less than 1%. We give our time and energy to the 99% because that is where the good energy is, the good people, the good hearts. There are a lot of them out there. Ask yourself often where you are spending your time and energy. This will develop who you are and what you become. Don’t stop dreaming and most importantly continue working towards your dreams.
Do politicians dream? I may not trust all politicians, but I trust the 99%+ of our teachers. What are their dreams? What are the dreams of their students and parents, and grandparents and great grandparents? How are we going to workout all of our dreams? What dreams can we share?
Page 4293
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Graham was excited to connect with his computer, which would soon be his website where he published the story. He imagined this story to be a future classic because there was absolutely nothing like it on the market. Was it his fault that many people didn’t seem to give much attention to religious, philosophical, or dream questions? He gave all of those a lot of thought over the years, and then he found something or something found him. They were visions or he found the way to use his imagination. He meditated 3-4 hours almost every day. He would slow his thoughts until his breathing slowed and then he listened for the sound current and followed that sound, just listening, wondering, hoping. Then one day, the new thoughts or scenes would come to his mind, and almost every time he meditates, he gets these visions/thoughts/ideas and he knows they are not his. He knows his regular brain and thoughts very well, but these thoughts were different. They were new, fresh, different.
He has been meditating regularly for 5 years and these thoughts turned into a story, an idea. He knew that he would have to actually try out these thoughts and ideas that have been evolving over 5 years and those were a result of 55 years of living. Now they have turned into a story, Dream Story.Love, which he is going to point to the current site, DreamStory.org.
“ I welcome you my readers to follow me in this story. I made this story format very easy to use because I had to make sure the story would be able to continue easily without me. Even after I am “dead” record and take action on the dreams of your children, parents, teachers, grandparents and great grandparents to continue to infinity and beyond.
Education is super important. I hope all of you continue learning about this life mystery. I hope schools continue providing rigorous and rich curriculums. I’ve been recently studying about other curriculums. I like what I see with Hirsch’s Core Curriculum. I like the IB 10 learner profiles, although I would add “Imaginative”- where students get to learn and practice using their imagination
I agree with Hirsch – that there has been too much focus on building skills and what we want to build knowledge. As a result of that knowledge, one paradoxically develops those skills. I do not like the Common Core State Standard and the too frequent testing. This is sucking life from the joy of learning.
What are the dreams of our presidents, leaders, teachers. Graham listed all his dreams and identities because he wanted to show the young that even old people continue to dream. Hey all you people out there. I learned so much from you in the past 60 years. I took a lot of your teachings and incorporated them into this DreamStory.Love and now it is my turn to give back. This is the great give away.
I don’t know what happens to adults, so this is a warning to young people. Perhaps it is just me, but now that I am 60 years old, there is something that is gone, it’s like that rich enthusiasm for life almost disappears at an older age. I don’t think it is only me. My theory is that is why there is a lot of drinking and drug use because older people who lost it want to feel it again. There is great joy in being young, of having a fresh perspective, an open mind, a streak of adventure, and great enthusiasm. Maybe I feel the way I do because it is time for me to finally give back. I have taken so much knowledge from my friends all around the world. I would love listening to their stories and I still do. I combined all those stories and worked out something that can be peaceful for everyone. I have learned that the dreams of people are 99% always good. I love to hear people’s dreams, and now I created a platform for sharing those dreams. Even Fox News, CNN, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other such sites could format the sites to include the same page number we are on. This is the world we are creating. It is only a shift in focus. It’s time to recognize fear, thank fear for doing such a good job, but it is time to leave fear almost in the dust. Fear can never be forgotten. He is a good reminder of how good we can have it, to live mostly without fear, we can still give him 1% of our time and energy or less, and then move our 99% focus to our dreams, our shared dreams, practicing the dreams, and just dreaming.
I spent 60 years on this life navigating and learning about the 3D reality. Somehow we are spirit or consciousness just inhabiting this physical body. Now, I’m spending more time on my theory, “What if this thing we call life, really is a dream?” I know I’m not the only one that shares that thought. I have been adopting the perspective of being in this “real” fun dream. It is fun and playful because that is what I want for my children, family, students, teachers, their parents, grandparents and great grandparents. It feels like I’m cutting away the layers that bound me to that reality, and now along with the ideas I receive in my meditations and thoughts throughout the day, I’m spending time in the dream, describing what it is like from the inside. I know that I will die soon, relatively speaking, so I am having fun continuing with describing life from inside the dream. It is fun, playful, adventurous, and just amazing, and we will be meeting you there. Let’s Sea….
Life can be rough. It seems that everyone deals with the same kind of issues like losing a loved one, financial, relationship, health, career. What I learned is that one has to create and then live that creation to see if it really works in regards to living a joyful life. This will change all the time. Don’t ever think that you will get to the perfect place. You are here to grow and understand because that is what you wanted. In this game, it is very important that you play by the rules, the laws your country has currently put in place. Some countries have laws in which they believed are ordained by God. Those should be respected. Our country of the United States of America has laws enacted by our fathers and mothers and grandparents. They aren’t always the best laws, but it was something they needed at the time. It is important to follow the laws and most of all respect our military, police, and fire personnel because they are our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, and sometimes parents and they are here to protect us because this is what we want of our public servants. They are also our neighbors and relatives and they want the best for us and themselves.
How much time did I spend writing this? This is how I am spending my time and energy. I wish to be finished with talking about myself and then, like the Sun, I will be like a spotlight and I will give you time and energy because I believe in the good you are doing. Most of all, I would turn the spotlight on our teachers because they have one of the most important jobs in the world. We, the majority of the people in the world have 99+ individual dreams and those, along with our 99+ identities, are all unique individuals, but in addition to our individual traits, we share the hope, the dream of cleaning the oceans all around the world. Let us know who is sharing that dream and what actions are they taking. We are here to give them the spotlight in this DreamStory.Love. There are only 4320 pages. We hope you are part of your story. Can we be part of yours?
It’s likely in your time there will be wars, debt, diseases, corruption, hardship and those things we commonly call sad or bad. But, whatever happens, don’t give up on your dreaming, your dream story. Your dreams will evolve. That’s part of life. I don’t say don’t give up on your dream because your dream will likely evolve into something even better. When I was in middle school, I wanted to be an architect and I was fortunate to become an architectural and an industrial engineering draftsman in my realy 20s because I got a taste of what it was like to be and architect and engineer. Although I liked these professions very much, they were not for me. There was something else waiting for me and I had to follow those questions. I ended up as a teacher for 10 years and a school principal for 18 years and now, I am in my first year of storytelling. I didn’t give up on dreaming. My dream evolved into a career where I would be able to make a living and pursue my questions at the same time and now, I am in the middle of this live dream, hoping to share this perspective by May 7th of this year, on page 46. Because of all my studies, I have become aware I am in the middle of this dream. I wouldn’t say I have “woken up” because that implies woken up to a final state of some kind of consciousness. Now I am aware enough to play in this game. We will abide by the rules, including the approach to changing laws we don’t like. We will be patient and we will have fun shifting our focus to our individual and shared dreams. I am continuing to dream and I can’t think of a better place I could be in. I am aware that I am in the middle of this unfathomable dream, at least most of the time, but I’m going for 99%.
Did I give you the warning? This Dream does contain bad guys, corrupt politicians, debt, lies, and stagnancy, but those, by our calculations, are less than 1%. We give our time and energy to the 99% because that is where the good energy is, the good people, the good hearts. There are a lot of them out there. Ask yourself often where you are spending your time and energy. This will develop who you are and what you become. Don’t stop dreaming and most importantly continue working towards your dreams.
Do politicians dream? I may not trust all politicians, but I trust the 99%+ of our teachers. What are their dreams? What are the dreams of their students and parents, and grandparents and great grandparents? How are we going to workout all of our dreams? What dreams can we share?
Photo above by Nadi Lindsay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/illuminated-neon-sign-3078831/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025