EOP 20
April 10
EOP 20 East
Page 4294
Monday, April 10, 2023
Graham heard from the first school he interviewed with last Friday, and he heard from the 2nd school he interviewed with while in Cairo; both told him they found another principal candidate. On the one hand, he felt disappointed, but on the other hand, he knew that everything works out for the best. He wondered if a school would hire him. When and how would he tell them that he has this story going on, called, “Dream Story.” Dream Story is going to change the way the world looks at life. He couldn’t tell them, “It’s time to have fun with all the people on our planet. It’s time to play.” Could he? He knew he was not very good at interviewing. He gets into this pattern of just regurgitating the standard stuff that he thinks the interview panels want to here. He knows he needs to just share his passion, his dream and then leave it up to the universe to match him up with the right school.
Today is Graham is working on the website. He is creating the 360 pages. It’s a tedious task, but who else could do this? He’s been listening to Reinhardt Buhr on Spotify a lot. It’s the perfect background music while he focuses on the pages.
Graham was happy with his DreamStory.Love progress. He was able to create all 360 pages and format the first 45. He felt like he would be in good shape by the end of his 30 page self-imposed deadline which will take place on May 7, 2023
Page 4294
Monday, April 10, 2023
Graham heard from the first school he interviewed with last Friday, and he heard from the 2nd school he interviewed with while in Cairo; both told him they found another principal candidate. On the one hand, he felt disappointed, but on the other hand, he knew that everything works out for the best. He wondered if a school would hire him. When and how would he tell them that he has this story going on, called, “Dream Story.” Dream Story is going to change the way the world looks at life. He couldn’t tell them, “It’s time to have fun with all the people on our planet. It’s time to play.” Could he? He knew he was not very good at interviewing. He gets into this pattern of just regurgitating the standard stuff that he thinks the interview panels want to here. He knows he needs to just share his passion, his dream and then leave it up to the universe to match him up with the right school.
Today is Graham is working on the website. He is creating the 360 pages. It’s a tedious task, but who else could do this? He’s been listening to Reinhardt Buhr on Spotify a lot. It’s the perfect background music while he focuses on the pages.
Graham was happy with his DreamStory.Love progress. He was able to create all 360 pages and format the first 45. He felt like he would be in good shape by the end of his 30 page self-imposed deadline which will take place on May 7, 2023
Photo by Alexsandro Rosa de Mello: https://www.pexels.com/photo/crab-on-beach-306908/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025