EOP 16
April 6
EOP 16 East
Page 4298
Thursday, April 6, 2023
Graham continued to work on the story. On the one hand, he was very excited to continue developing his website prototype, post pictures of the story, and write about his experience, but on the other hand, there were days when he just didn’t feel like writing or doing any work on the website and yesterday was one of those days. He wondered if he was going through some kind of trial in preparation for becoming alive, aware, in the current dream. He realized that when he would die, he would in effect be taken out of his current reality and so he wanted to take advantage of every waking moment to work his way out. He felt like he was a butterfly in his cocoon where he had to struggle to get out. He wanted to share his experiences with others because he was going down a new path. He saw the beauty on the road ahead as he ventured far into it almost every day in his meditations, but now it was more than just seeing and feeling it. Now it was time to lay down the bricks, one brick, one page at a time so that others could see all the beauty that lies ahead.
Graham was reading “Lifting the Veil of Duality” by Andreas Moritz. Graham liked his writing because he came to many of the same conclusions that Andreas did and that is basically that we create the kind of life we want to live.
To the questions, what is my true intention for being here on this planet? How will you ever know for sure? That is an interesting but unending path. How do you spend your time, energy, and money? Answers to those questions may help you with your answer, but ultimately, you may never truly find out, but what you can know is the kind of life that you create. What kind of world do you want for yourself and your great great grandchildren? How can you make this world a better place?
Andreas said the search for life’s meaning is a “dead-end road; it leads nowhere because there is no meaning other than the one you create each new moment.” Graham wished he had studied from Andreas long before he ventured down the “life’s meaning” path and gone straight to the “what can I create path.” It would have saved a lot of time, but he gained valuable experience and met wonderful people on that path. What is the kind of world you want to create? What are your shared and personal dreams? We would love to hear your dreams.
Graham also found that the search for the answer of “Who am I?” is also a dead end. When one comes to the end of that road, they will find that the answer is “I don’t know.” This questions goes beyond the identities of our every day life of son/daughter, brother/sister, father/mother, nationality, sexual orientation, race, skin color, job profession, etc. So if one arrives at the conclusion, “I don’t know,” then what? Now where would one put their time and energy after arriving at this profound understanding?
There are thousands of paths to follow but in Grahams opinion, one of the best paths to follow is that of creating the kind of world where there is beauty, lots of mystery, and most importantly, love. What does that look like? How would you imagine that?
Graham was deeply fascinated by the mystery of life. Every day he would contemplate his existence. He studied many religions and philosophies and they provided many answers but not all of them. He noted that most religions, if not all, speak of an infinite God. While the religions provided many good insights on a preferred way of living, they don’t provide all the answers to life. How could all the answers of an infinite God be provided? There would only be infinite questions along with infinite answers.
Graham kept asking the questions and kept finding answers. He felt he was growing, coming out of his cocoon. He was beginning to see the light and even with that new little light, he knew it was something good, something he could move toward and get stronger. It gave him hope. After being in the dark cocoon for over 60 years, he was beginning to see glimmers of light and it gave him hope. “Is it over? Is the darkness over? Is this when I become a butterfly? Can I do it? Yes, I can do it. I know I just have to push a little harder and I can be out. I will be able to fly. I don’t know how but I was told that I would be able to fly. The light will feel so good on my wings. I will love the energy, the pure raw energy.”
He had spent so many years in the dark and it lead to dark stories. That’s all he heard about. There was no balance. He knew the dark stories are needed to remind him of and appreciate the light. Now it was time for the stories to start with the beginning of the light, the emergence into light, the awakening. He decided to challenge himself to 30 pages. He thought that he could complete all his tasks for his website in 30 days. This will push him and make him stronger and then he knew he would be able to fly. His Dream Story was meant to provide a platform for the world to on how to create the focus for the better psychological and physical health of the people and planet. He would start the story but that’s all he needed was 30 days. That is his goal. The purpose is to turn over a product that will bring folks up the emotional guidance spiral scale to a state to experience more happiness. We are ending the duality by including it, acknowledging the dual nature of things, but what percent of your time and energy do you give to each end of the duality stick? We need the good and the bad in our lives. We don’t really have a choice anyway. We can keep a balance, like in the ideal scenario we have the majority dreaming positive things that are good in our world and we have the 1% or less bad stuff.
Let’s focus on what we want to create. We the people have the freedom to do that and in the United States, all the people have public servants to do a lot of the heavy work for us that we don’t like doing, like writing laws. We the people are free to explore our freedmom within the limits of the laws we put in place. We the people have the ability to create, change, and eliminate laws and this is what he agreed to. We the people appreciate our public servants who are here to protect us. After those public servants finish their shift, then they are absorbed into the free people gathering and they then have public servants to protect them as well. Let us share our dreams, Lets Sea…
The 30 page challenge will start tomorrow, April 7, on page 17, and will finish on p. 46, May 7th. It will be complete when it is finished. It will not even need Graham to explain it because it will be easy to use and he provided a model for many pages.
He knew he would have to push himself but he knew it would make him stronger and prepare him better for his new job position where he would be able to fly. He knew he had to make it so that it was almost self-explanatory. He didn’t want to tell people how to run their lives. He wished only that all their dreams come true. He never heard of someone creating just bad dreams for themselves, but there has to be that other end of the duality so there probably is that less than 1%, but that is not where he would put his time and energy. He would work on exploring the shared dreams and working on his personal and private dreams. When one consciously dreams, he or she dreams of the good life for themselves, family, and others. Let them dream. Let’s share our dreams. Let’s Sea…
Graham continued to write out his thoughts. He didn’t have time to go back and read his them. It was just a rough draft of things to come. He would leave it up to his publisher to help with the suggested edits. He was living the dream. He was playing with it. He was creating the kind of world he imagined and that is a world where the focus was on all the dreams the people had and the shared dreams they had. They were all so unique, but only similar in their shared dreams.
Page 4298
Thursday, April 6, 2023
Graham continued to work on the story. On the one hand, he was very excited to continue developing his website prototype, post pictures of the story, and write about his experience, but on the other hand, there were days when he just didn’t feel like writing or doing any work on the website and yesterday was one of those days. He wondered if he was going through some kind of trial in preparation for becoming alive, aware, in the current dream. He realized that when he would die, he would in effect be taken out of his current reality and so he wanted to take advantage of every waking moment to work his way out. He felt like he was a butterfly in his cocoon where he had to struggle to get out. He wanted to share his experiences with others because he was going down a new path. He saw the beauty on the road ahead as he ventured far into it almost every day in his meditations, but now it was more than just seeing and feeling it. Now it was time to lay down the bricks, one brick, one page at a time so that others could see all the beauty that lies ahead.
Graham was reading “Lifting the Veil of Duality” by Andreas Moritz. Graham liked his writing because he came to many of the same conclusions that Andreas did and that is basically that we create the kind of life we want to live.
To the questions, what is my true intention for being here on this planet? How will you ever know for sure? That is an interesting but unending path. How do you spend your time, energy, and money? Answers to those questions may help you with your answer, but ultimately, you may never truly find out, but what you can know is the kind of life that you create. What kind of world do you want for yourself and your great great grandchildren? How can you make this world a better place?
Andreas said the search for life’s meaning is a “dead-end road; it leads nowhere because there is no meaning other than the one you create each new moment.” Graham wished he had studied from Andreas long before he ventured down the “life’s meaning” path and gone straight to the “what can I create path.” It would have saved a lot of time, but he gained valuable experience and met wonderful people on that path. What is the kind of world you want to create? What are your shared and personal dreams? We would love to hear your dreams.
Graham also found that the search for the answer of “Who am I?” is also a dead end. When one comes to the end of that road, they will find that the answer is “I don’t know.” This questions goes beyond the identities of our every day life of son/daughter, brother/sister, father/mother, nationality, sexual orientation, race, skin color, job profession, etc. So if one arrives at the conclusion, “I don’t know,” then what? Now where would one put their time and energy after arriving at this profound understanding?
There are thousands of paths to follow but in Grahams opinion, one of the best paths to follow is that of creating the kind of world where there is beauty, lots of mystery, and most importantly, love. What does that look like? How would you imagine that?
Graham was deeply fascinated by the mystery of life. Every day he would contemplate his existence. He studied many religions and philosophies and they provided many answers but not all of them. He noted that most religions, if not all, speak of an infinite God. While the religions provided many good insights on a preferred way of living, they don’t provide all the answers to life. How could all the answers of an infinite God be provided? There would only be infinite questions along with infinite answers.
Graham kept asking the questions and kept finding answers. He felt he was growing, coming out of his cocoon. He was beginning to see the light and even with that new little light, he knew it was something good, something he could move toward and get stronger. It gave him hope. After being in the dark cocoon for over 60 years, he was beginning to see glimmers of light and it gave him hope. “Is it over? Is the darkness over? Is this when I become a butterfly? Can I do it? Yes, I can do it. I know I just have to push a little harder and I can be out. I will be able to fly. I don’t know how but I was told that I would be able to fly. The light will feel so good on my wings. I will love the energy, the pure raw energy.”
He had spent so many years in the dark and it lead to dark stories. That’s all he heard about. There was no balance. He knew the dark stories are needed to remind him of and appreciate the light. Now it was time for the stories to start with the beginning of the light, the emergence into light, the awakening. He decided to challenge himself to 30 pages. He thought that he could complete all his tasks for his website in 30 days. This will push him and make him stronger and then he knew he would be able to fly. His Dream Story was meant to provide a platform for the world to on how to create the focus for the better psychological and physical health of the people and planet. He would start the story but that’s all he needed was 30 days. That is his goal. The purpose is to turn over a product that will bring folks up the emotional guidance spiral scale to a state to experience more happiness. We are ending the duality by including it, acknowledging the dual nature of things, but what percent of your time and energy do you give to each end of the duality stick? We need the good and the bad in our lives. We don’t really have a choice anyway. We can keep a balance, like in the ideal scenario we have the majority dreaming positive things that are good in our world and we have the 1% or less bad stuff.
Let’s focus on what we want to create. We the people have the freedom to do that and in the United States, all the people have public servants to do a lot of the heavy work for us that we don’t like doing, like writing laws. We the people are free to explore our freedmom within the limits of the laws we put in place. We the people have the ability to create, change, and eliminate laws and this is what he agreed to. We the people appreciate our public servants who are here to protect us. After those public servants finish their shift, then they are absorbed into the free people gathering and they then have public servants to protect them as well. Let us share our dreams, Lets Sea…
The 30 page challenge will start tomorrow, April 7, on page 17, and will finish on p. 46, May 7th. It will be complete when it is finished. It will not even need Graham to explain it because it will be easy to use and he provided a model for many pages.
He knew he would have to push himself but he knew it would make him stronger and prepare him better for his new job position where he would be able to fly. He knew he had to make it so that it was almost self-explanatory. He didn’t want to tell people how to run their lives. He wished only that all their dreams come true. He never heard of someone creating just bad dreams for themselves, but there has to be that other end of the duality so there probably is that less than 1%, but that is not where he would put his time and energy. He would work on exploring the shared dreams and working on his personal and private dreams. When one consciously dreams, he or she dreams of the good life for themselves, family, and others. Let them dream. Let’s share our dreams. Let’s Sea…
Graham continued to write out his thoughts. He didn’t have time to go back and read his them. It was just a rough draft of things to come. He would leave it up to his publisher to help with the suggested edits. He was living the dream. He was playing with it. He was creating the kind of world he imagined and that is a world where the focus was on all the dreams the people had and the shared dreams they had. They were all so unique, but only similar in their shared dreams.
Photo above by stein egil liland: https://www.pexels.com/photo/aurora-borealis-1933239/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025