EOP 14
April 4
EOP 14 East
Page 4300
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Graham was excited because today was his first published entry onto the Dream Story website. Graham wrote, “On the one hand, if feel like I’m dragging my feet to put this story all together. It feels like the first step in a 4,320 mile journey, but I have plenty of perseverance and imagination and I have seen it many times, day after day. It is merely a shift in focus and it is an exciting shift because it shifts the attention from the politics of our public servants, to the dreams of our children, teachers, parents, grandparents, and great grandparents. So, on the other hand, I’m excited to get this story going.
This is a story that is meant for all ages, from the preschool to those 100+ years old.
Today I am working on my DreamStory.org Weebly site. My Internet is slow. If I can format the first 20 pages, I will be happy, but where will we be in 360 pages when we spiral back to EOP 14? Will the website prototype be completely built out? Will some social media websites format their products to the same or similar page numbers? How many schools will begin telling their story of the kind of world do they want to create? In 360 pages, how many people will join the clean the Ocean shared dream? Let’s Sea….
Let’s Sea indeed. Graham was diving deeper into the Dream. Was it possible to live every waking moment in the Dream? Is it? He had a hypothesis that it is possible. His formula for care equaled time and energy. To him the most valuable possession is time, not money. Time can always be used to expand the dream. He wants to continue to expand the dream because it is fun anticipating and seeing things manifest. He knew that dreams take time to manifest, from imagination, to action, to manifestation. That is why he liked working on many dreams simultaneously because he could see one manifest right after the other. He dreamed of bringing his brother and three sisters together because they almost all live in different states and so their solution was to have a once a month family call. It gives him something to look forward to. Now he is also dreaming of a new school to work in. He is moving to live with his Queen in her city. She was settled in her city for over 30 years and he is an itinerant educator, travelling to learn. He dreamed that every day he would tell a story to his staff and students and when they learned how to tell the Dream Story, his students and staff would tell the story and he would just became another actor on the stage.
He decided that he would work as much as he could on his dream so he could live his life as a dream, as a live dream, and he would begin to tell it, the whole dreams story, but he had only worked out an outline. His story started on March 14, 2023 and will finish on March 14, 2035, it will be 12 book years exactly. I book year is 360 pages. It’s not a circular story but rather a spiral story; as one circles back he or she can see the progress and the dreams that keep expanding. He will encourage the formation of 100+ dreams. Would 1000 dreams be better or is less more? This will be one tab on the prototype website, “My Dreams” And the list will grow as the person grows from year to year. When we discovered that peoples of all countries dream, that they have in common many shared dreams.
He began to see everything in his life as part of his Dream, including all the bad stuff that one sees on the news, but that is a key thing. How much time does he spend on the news every day. He looks at at least two newsites every day, one conservative and one on the liberal side. How much time would he spend on them? Only 1-5 minutes. What he saw on most news sites he appreciates because this gives him contrasts and helps the momentum of the dream world, his dreams and his shared dreams. Maybe he would spend more time on some news sites if they had dream updates, like who or what helped with the Sea clean up today? What companies contributed to the Sea clean up? What schools posted their heroes of sea cleaner uppers. How would companies like Pyrogenesis or similar companies help?
When he went home, usually around 5 of 6 pm, he would spend his time on his dream. Even the time he spent cleaning up his home or heating up his meals he would make sure that was all part of his dream and so he spent 1-5 minutes on the news and the remainder of this day was in living out and creating his dream. That was 8-10 hours at his school principal job. 6-8 hours of sleep much of which were with the night dream system. Then 5-7 hours of moving the dream forward. How lucky he was to have received this perspective.
What does it look like? Imagine that you are standing on the Earth with a super long rope. At the end of the rope is a heavy hook, like the one Maui uses. Your task is to throw your rope around the sun. Not so close that the sun will burn the rope but far enough away that a planet could follow in an orbit around your rope. But your rope is long enough for it to go around the sun 12 times, like in a spiral pattern around the sun. If you lined one strand of rope with pages, you could fit 360 pages around the Sun. And after one revolution around the Sun and making it all the way to page 360, the story would continue with page 1 and work its way around the sun. The sun that was moving at what speed around his galaxy? How fast was the Earth moving around the Sun? How fast was the universe expanding? How fast did the Earth rotate? What does it all add up to?
We have our laws. Laws can be annoying at times, but they are here for our own good. They are there to protect us just as our police officers are out there to protect us. Just as our military is out there to protect us. We are protected by some of the finest in the world. This is not a political revolution. Please do not start any trouble, as this will only slow us down. Go with the flow. Sometimes the flow is slow, but it will get you their faster. We all have to pick up the pace. Let’s appreciate our police force. They are here to protect us. In America, our politicians are our public servants. We must show them what we dream of.
What do we dream of? This is a scary topic for most, but not all. We show our shared dream by showing our heroes like Boyan Slat. I’m dreaming of more people like Boyan Slat and the lawyer Indian guy in India who inspired others to clean up their beach. We share our vision about how many tons of trash we can clean up each year and we will know, if any, how much trash is added to the ocean every year. What celebrities will help us clean up the Seas? What schools will start with the blank pages of the ISG. Can we share our stories together? Some of us are on the same page and some are not. Some have their own page numbering system, but the important thing is they are sharing their dream story.
I love my dream. I can do so many things in it and remember what I did. I can plan it out, write about it, go to live my dream as a principal and come home to work on my prototype dream story. I will work on it every minute I can because my life becomes a dream or my dream becomes life. I don’t know what started first.
I have a theory that if I can keep this dream so alive, that when I die, the transition will seem almost seamless, but it is only a theory. To me, this reality that we are born into is like a huge puzzle and I have only 100 pieces to the puzzle and everyone else on the Earth also has 100 pieces. And I’m having fun learning about all the pieces every other person has and we are all putting the pieces to the puzzle together and it is so fun learning about the mystery, the Infinite Mastadon.
This afternoon/evening was a good dreaming night. I felt like I was in the middle of the dream, living the dream, as if I was actually dreaming but I could use my phone, heat the food, and type thoughts onto the computer screen and the thoughts, the time and energy, go into creating, imagining a better world for all of our little ones, an Earth where there is no garbage in the Seas, and laws governing the Sea are respected because we understand that the laws are here to better our people.
I imagine that 99% of the schools in the world will use the ISG or something similar. Each school will tell their dreams and their heroes, like Hamish Brewer. We need more people like him and tomorrow, we will have another hero and we will paint this sphere of influence.
From the perspective of sitting on the Sun, we will look at the people on the Earth. Each day, there is a page, and a page number and on each new page in their story, their history, there is a new dream, hero, or beautiful picture or quote there to inspire us in our dreaming. We are shifting our focus. Everything is the same but we are merely shifting our focus and the cheese will likely move a lot. Don’t blame anyone if a business fails. Listen to the dreamers. What are they dreaming about? What are you dreaming about? Will you join our 99+ dream club? We would love to hear your dreams and to discover which dreams we share as we discover this mystery of life and put all the pieces together.
Graham didn’t published his writing this night. He needs his phone to connect to the internet and his phone is busy downloading all his 10,000+ pictures to a SanDisk. It’s slow, but it’s working. Tomorrow is another day to continue to race in this dream. He knows his time left on Earth is so limited and he wants to begin this story so others can take it over.
Why is there a hook on the end of the rope? Because after 4320 pages, that volume shall be declared complete and labeled “A Book of Love, vol I. March 14, 2023-March 14, 2035,” And as soon as we get to page 1, on the very same day of March 14, 2035, the second volume begins. What will the dreamers of that era dream? Who will be their heroes?
Graham also wanted to start an identify page. He wanted to show how many identities a single person has and how we integrate those identities into our being.
Page 4300
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Graham was excited because today was his first published entry onto the Dream Story website. Graham wrote, “On the one hand, if feel like I’m dragging my feet to put this story all together. It feels like the first step in a 4,320 mile journey, but I have plenty of perseverance and imagination and I have seen it many times, day after day. It is merely a shift in focus and it is an exciting shift because it shifts the attention from the politics of our public servants, to the dreams of our children, teachers, parents, grandparents, and great grandparents. So, on the other hand, I’m excited to get this story going.
This is a story that is meant for all ages, from the preschool to those 100+ years old.
Today I am working on my DreamStory.org Weebly site. My Internet is slow. If I can format the first 20 pages, I will be happy, but where will we be in 360 pages when we spiral back to EOP 14? Will the website prototype be completely built out? Will some social media websites format their products to the same or similar page numbers? How many schools will begin telling their story of the kind of world do they want to create? In 360 pages, how many people will join the clean the Ocean shared dream? Let’s Sea….
Let’s Sea indeed. Graham was diving deeper into the Dream. Was it possible to live every waking moment in the Dream? Is it? He had a hypothesis that it is possible. His formula for care equaled time and energy. To him the most valuable possession is time, not money. Time can always be used to expand the dream. He wants to continue to expand the dream because it is fun anticipating and seeing things manifest. He knew that dreams take time to manifest, from imagination, to action, to manifestation. That is why he liked working on many dreams simultaneously because he could see one manifest right after the other. He dreamed of bringing his brother and three sisters together because they almost all live in different states and so their solution was to have a once a month family call. It gives him something to look forward to. Now he is also dreaming of a new school to work in. He is moving to live with his Queen in her city. She was settled in her city for over 30 years and he is an itinerant educator, travelling to learn. He dreamed that every day he would tell a story to his staff and students and when they learned how to tell the Dream Story, his students and staff would tell the story and he would just became another actor on the stage.
He decided that he would work as much as he could on his dream so he could live his life as a dream, as a live dream, and he would begin to tell it, the whole dreams story, but he had only worked out an outline. His story started on March 14, 2023 and will finish on March 14, 2035, it will be 12 book years exactly. I book year is 360 pages. It’s not a circular story but rather a spiral story; as one circles back he or she can see the progress and the dreams that keep expanding. He will encourage the formation of 100+ dreams. Would 1000 dreams be better or is less more? This will be one tab on the prototype website, “My Dreams” And the list will grow as the person grows from year to year. When we discovered that peoples of all countries dream, that they have in common many shared dreams.
He began to see everything in his life as part of his Dream, including all the bad stuff that one sees on the news, but that is a key thing. How much time does he spend on the news every day. He looks at at least two newsites every day, one conservative and one on the liberal side. How much time would he spend on them? Only 1-5 minutes. What he saw on most news sites he appreciates because this gives him contrasts and helps the momentum of the dream world, his dreams and his shared dreams. Maybe he would spend more time on some news sites if they had dream updates, like who or what helped with the Sea clean up today? What companies contributed to the Sea clean up? What schools posted their heroes of sea cleaner uppers. How would companies like Pyrogenesis or similar companies help?
When he went home, usually around 5 of 6 pm, he would spend his time on his dream. Even the time he spent cleaning up his home or heating up his meals he would make sure that was all part of his dream and so he spent 1-5 minutes on the news and the remainder of this day was in living out and creating his dream. That was 8-10 hours at his school principal job. 6-8 hours of sleep much of which were with the night dream system. Then 5-7 hours of moving the dream forward. How lucky he was to have received this perspective.
What does it look like? Imagine that you are standing on the Earth with a super long rope. At the end of the rope is a heavy hook, like the one Maui uses. Your task is to throw your rope around the sun. Not so close that the sun will burn the rope but far enough away that a planet could follow in an orbit around your rope. But your rope is long enough for it to go around the sun 12 times, like in a spiral pattern around the sun. If you lined one strand of rope with pages, you could fit 360 pages around the Sun. And after one revolution around the Sun and making it all the way to page 360, the story would continue with page 1 and work its way around the sun. The sun that was moving at what speed around his galaxy? How fast was the Earth moving around the Sun? How fast was the universe expanding? How fast did the Earth rotate? What does it all add up to?
We have our laws. Laws can be annoying at times, but they are here for our own good. They are there to protect us just as our police officers are out there to protect us. Just as our military is out there to protect us. We are protected by some of the finest in the world. This is not a political revolution. Please do not start any trouble, as this will only slow us down. Go with the flow. Sometimes the flow is slow, but it will get you their faster. We all have to pick up the pace. Let’s appreciate our police force. They are here to protect us. In America, our politicians are our public servants. We must show them what we dream of.
What do we dream of? This is a scary topic for most, but not all. We show our shared dream by showing our heroes like Boyan Slat. I’m dreaming of more people like Boyan Slat and the lawyer Indian guy in India who inspired others to clean up their beach. We share our vision about how many tons of trash we can clean up each year and we will know, if any, how much trash is added to the ocean every year. What celebrities will help us clean up the Seas? What schools will start with the blank pages of the ISG. Can we share our stories together? Some of us are on the same page and some are not. Some have their own page numbering system, but the important thing is they are sharing their dream story.
I love my dream. I can do so many things in it and remember what I did. I can plan it out, write about it, go to live my dream as a principal and come home to work on my prototype dream story. I will work on it every minute I can because my life becomes a dream or my dream becomes life. I don’t know what started first.
I have a theory that if I can keep this dream so alive, that when I die, the transition will seem almost seamless, but it is only a theory. To me, this reality that we are born into is like a huge puzzle and I have only 100 pieces to the puzzle and everyone else on the Earth also has 100 pieces. And I’m having fun learning about all the pieces every other person has and we are all putting the pieces to the puzzle together and it is so fun learning about the mystery, the Infinite Mastadon.
This afternoon/evening was a good dreaming night. I felt like I was in the middle of the dream, living the dream, as if I was actually dreaming but I could use my phone, heat the food, and type thoughts onto the computer screen and the thoughts, the time and energy, go into creating, imagining a better world for all of our little ones, an Earth where there is no garbage in the Seas, and laws governing the Sea are respected because we understand that the laws are here to better our people.
I imagine that 99% of the schools in the world will use the ISG or something similar. Each school will tell their dreams and their heroes, like Hamish Brewer. We need more people like him and tomorrow, we will have another hero and we will paint this sphere of influence.
From the perspective of sitting on the Sun, we will look at the people on the Earth. Each day, there is a page, and a page number and on each new page in their story, their history, there is a new dream, hero, or beautiful picture or quote there to inspire us in our dreaming. We are shifting our focus. Everything is the same but we are merely shifting our focus and the cheese will likely move a lot. Don’t blame anyone if a business fails. Listen to the dreamers. What are they dreaming about? What are you dreaming about? Will you join our 99+ dream club? We would love to hear your dreams and to discover which dreams we share as we discover this mystery of life and put all the pieces together.
Graham didn’t published his writing this night. He needs his phone to connect to the internet and his phone is busy downloading all his 10,000+ pictures to a SanDisk. It’s slow, but it’s working. Tomorrow is another day to continue to race in this dream. He knows his time left on Earth is so limited and he wants to begin this story so others can take it over.
Why is there a hook on the end of the rope? Because after 4320 pages, that volume shall be declared complete and labeled “A Book of Love, vol I. March 14, 2023-March 14, 2035,” And as soon as we get to page 1, on the very same day of March 14, 2035, the second volume begins. What will the dreamers of that era dream? Who will be their heroes?
Graham also wanted to start an identify page. He wanted to show how many identities a single person has and how we integrate those identities into our being.
Photo by Nathan Cowley: https://www.pexels.com/photo/sea-horizon-1089168/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025