EOP 10
March 30/31
EOP 10 East
Page 4304
Thursday/Friday, March 30/31 2023
Today I hope to finish up the explanation on the ISG. It seems that this story was meant to be told at a school. This is how one school changed the world. I kind of just realized that the EOP should be on top because in this diary, it will go back to the EOP so that we may see the growth. Each EOP page is what we are thinking today, where our consciousness and questions are. How much will our dreams grown in a year, two years, 12 years from now? We are planting seeds.
Its like the “cat’s got my tongue” but not only that, my fingers too (mostly). I can type enough just to get a few thoughts out because the emphasis should be on doing, not that thinking isn’t important. Imagining and thinking always come before the doing. One can think and say a lot of good things, but what do they actually do? What are their passions, dreams, hopes and what are they doing about it?
What am I doing about it…I am writing and examples of many dreams. I get to tell a live story and eventually, every day we will be talking about our shared dreams and what people are doing about them. We will have an understanding that you can have personal dreams which you share with no one or perhaps the immediate ones around you with whom you feel comfortable telling your dreams. Then there are also the many shared dreams, thousands of them, and you may share only one of those many dreams or you may share many of the dreams, like delivering a clean healthy vibrant planet for the next generations - clean oceans, cleaned up hazardous Uranium sites, and no national debt.
Page 4304
Thursday/Friday, March 30/31 2023
Today I hope to finish up the explanation on the ISG. It seems that this story was meant to be told at a school. This is how one school changed the world. I kind of just realized that the EOP should be on top because in this diary, it will go back to the EOP so that we may see the growth. Each EOP page is what we are thinking today, where our consciousness and questions are. How much will our dreams grown in a year, two years, 12 years from now? We are planting seeds.
Its like the “cat’s got my tongue” but not only that, my fingers too (mostly). I can type enough just to get a few thoughts out because the emphasis should be on doing, not that thinking isn’t important. Imagining and thinking always come before the doing. One can think and say a lot of good things, but what do they actually do? What are their passions, dreams, hopes and what are they doing about it?
What am I doing about it…I am writing and examples of many dreams. I get to tell a live story and eventually, every day we will be talking about our shared dreams and what people are doing about them. We will have an understanding that you can have personal dreams which you share with no one or perhaps the immediate ones around you with whom you feel comfortable telling your dreams. Then there are also the many shared dreams, thousands of them, and you may share only one of those many dreams or you may share many of the dreams, like delivering a clean healthy vibrant planet for the next generations - clean oceans, cleaned up hazardous Uranium sites, and no national debt.
Photo above by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/silhouette-of-tree-near-body-of-water-during-golden-hour-36717/
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