Emotions are fascinating. How do they connect to one's story? Is there a different emotion(s) connected with each person in one's life, each dream, personality trait, identity, etc?
Is there a different energy that is associated with each emotion? For example, is the energy unworthiness much different than the energy of enthusiasm? We liked Abraham Hicks analogy of a canal lock. The ship, in a canal, cannot jump the 42' or 82' feet it needs to go up to the next level. It takes time for the transition. In the same way, one cannot jump from hate to love. This takes time and an experience of different emotions along the way
Is there a different energy that is associated with each emotion? For example, is the energy unworthiness much different than the energy of enthusiasm? We liked Abraham Hicks analogy of a canal lock. The ship, in a canal, cannot jump the 42' or 82' feet it needs to go up to the next level. It takes time for the transition. In the same way, one cannot jump from hate to love. This takes time and an experience of different emotions along the way
The above illustration of spiralling emotions is from Home - All Things Possible
How many emotions are our beings preprogramed with? The illustration above shows almost over 40 emotions at each end of the spectrum. For an even more extensive list, see the following list of 271 emotions from The Berkeley Well-Being Institute (berkeleywellbeing.com.
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