How Many Identities Do You Have?
What is it that causes individuals to call themselves by a particular identity? How many identities do you have? Any person in any country has several identities and each identity has a story. Amazingly, we are able to integrate all these identities, along with our dreams, thoughts, and emotions into a unique human character. There is absolutely no one like you.
If one no longer claims a particular identity because they have outgrown it, should it only strictly be referred to in the past tense? When/If time doesn't matter, the following identities are written in the present tense
I am...
1. a son or daughter of...
2. a brother or sister to...
3. a brother or sister to...
4. a brother or sister to...
5. a mother or father of...
6. a mother or father of...
7. a mother of father of...
8. a husband or wife of...
9. a partner of....
10. an elementary student of...
11. a middle school student of...
12. a high school student of...
13. a university student of
14. a citizen of...(country)
15. a speaker of...(language(s))
16. a follower of....(religion or philosophy)
17. a...(job title(s)
18. a person with (handicap(s))
19. a (sexuality - private)
20. a... (job title, including past jobs)
21. a... (job title, including past jobs)
22. a... (job title, including past jobs)
23. a healthy/unhealthy person
24. a...(curious, interesting, fun, etc. person)
25. a person passionate about...
26. a resident of...(city including past cities)
27. a resident of ...(city including past cities)
28. a resident of...(city including past cities)
29. passionate about...
30. passionate about...
31. a tourist of... (city/state/country)
32. a tourist of...(city/state/country)
33. a tourist of...(city/state/country)
34. a neighbor of...
35. a neighbor of...
36. a friend of...
37. a friend of...
38. a friend of...
39. an owner/user of _____ car (including past cars)
40. a user of ____ product
41. a user of ____ product
42. a vegetarian, vegan, or carnivore
43. a storyteller...
44. a homeowner in ____ (city including past cities)
45. side hair parter, middle hair parter, no part
46. (race/ethnicity)
47. a sports fan of ____soccer team
48. a sports fan of ____football team
49. a sports fan of ____baseball team
50. a sports fan of _________ team/sport
51. my good energy
52. a subscriber to ___________ (apps, magazines, channels, etc)
53. a subscriber to ___________
54. a subscriber to __________
55. a ____ player (musical instrument)
56. a ____ collector (Graham is a "ring guy"
57. _____ handed (right, left or ambidextrous)
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