“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.”
- Frank Zappa
Welcome to Dream Story and Dream Story Live (DSL) Presentation
What is DSL? What can it do? What should I know?
& DSL is an exploration into the Infinite. From the human perspective, the Universe appears to be infinite, which means that even if we had an infinite supply of paper and ink, we would still not be able to write everything we are learning about. It would be a constant journey into the Infinite, impossible to be contained by books.
& DSL is a journey through one's imagination. Einstein said that Imagination is more important than knowledge. How do we teach our children to use their imaginations. On DSL anyone is free to take their thoughts to new pathways
& On DSL, Think of your life as a story and each page is like a note in the middle of a song. What happens when you put all of those pages together? What story would they tell?
- Frank Zappa
Welcome to Dream Story and Dream Story Live (DSL) Presentation
What is DSL? What can it do? What should I know?
& DSL is an exploration into the Infinite. From the human perspective, the Universe appears to be infinite, which means that even if we had an infinite supply of paper and ink, we would still not be able to write everything we are learning about. It would be a constant journey into the Infinite, impossible to be contained by books.
& DSL is a journey through one's imagination. Einstein said that Imagination is more important than knowledge. How do we teach our children to use their imaginations. On DSL anyone is free to take their thoughts to new pathways
& On DSL, Think of your life as a story and each page is like a note in the middle of a song. What happens when you put all of those pages together? What story would they tell?
Photo by Elviss Railijs Bitāns: https://www.pexels.com/photo/blue-vinyl-record-playing-on-turntable-1389429/
& On DSL the public cannot, at this time of November 2024, see your daily entries or dream list. There may be a future option where you can flip a switch and allow your personal dreams to become public. Anything you enter on shared dreams is public.
& You are an author and storyteller. On the settings you can export your story to a PDF. What will you do with your story?
& Why 360 pages? It was decided to have 360 pages instead of 365 pages, as in one page a day for every day in a year for a couple reasons. First, because there is a lot of cool math associated with 360. Please see the video Sonic Geometry on Youtube.
Another reason is we wanted to make an easy distinction between each of the 90 pages of the four directions. And yet, another reason is we didn't want to get anyone concerned that Dream Story is some kind of new wierdo religion or cult. The 360 spiraling pages present themselves as just blank pages to a story and they will remain blank unless you fill them in with whatever you see as beautiful or amazing.
Another reason is we wanted to make an easy distinction between each of the 90 pages of the four directions. And yet, another reason is we didn't want to get anyone concerned that Dream Story is some kind of new wierdo religion or cult. The 360 spiraling pages present themselves as just blank pages to a story and they will remain blank unless you fill them in with whatever you see as beautiful or amazing.
& What is the Zia Sun Symbol? In conclusion, the Zia Sun Symbol is a powerful symbol of the Zia Pueblo people and their culture. Its history stretches back over a thousand years, and it has survived centuries of oppression and hardship. Today, the symbol remains an important part of the Zia identity, and it has become an iconic symbol of the state of New Mexico. The Zia Sun Symbol is a testament to the resilience of the Zia people and their enduring connection to their traditional culture. You can read more about this at https://www.ziapueblo.co/pages/history-of-the-zia-sun-symbol. The Zia Sun symbol was used with permission from the Zia Pueblo of New Mexico. |
& what are the 4 directions all about? According to a Google AI search, the following is explained
& Why the Spiral?
The main purpose of the 360 degree spiral is for you to easily see your growth and the beautiful and amazing path you are creating over the years. Each page number represents a day and in some cases two days. Every page number will always have the same date. Page 1 begins in the East and Spring because this is a time for new beginnings. On phones, the page numbers are displayed at the top. On the web page, DreamStoryLive.com, page numbers are displayed in the right hand column.
The main purpose of the 360 degree spiral is for you to easily see your growth and the beautiful and amazing path you are creating over the years. Each page number represents a day and in some cases two days. Every page number will always have the same date. Page 1 begins in the East and Spring because this is a time for new beginnings. On phones, the page numbers are displayed at the top. On the web page, DreamStoryLive.com, page numbers are displayed in the right hand column.
Slinky spiral Photo by Tara Winstead: https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-and-yellow-stripe-textile-7123058/
& why is it Dream Story "Live"? Why the "Live"?
As one begins listing his or her dreams and chasing them, working hard to achieve dreams, one will start to see that they are living their dreams and they are "Live"
As one begins listing his or her dreams and chasing them, working hard to achieve dreams, one will start to see that they are living their dreams and they are "Live"
& On the same page - What does it mean to say "We are all on the same page?" Is it possible to be on the same page but to be telling a very different story?
& Why tell this story every day?
I like the quote by Zig Ziglar, "People often say motivation doesn't last. Neither does bathing - that why we recommend it daily." The same is true with your dreams. It is so easy to get distracted in this life that you were born into. By listing and writing about your dreams daily, you will be sure to reach to new levels in the spiral.
I like the quote by Zig Ziglar, "People often say motivation doesn't last. Neither does bathing - that why we recommend it daily." The same is true with your dreams. It is so easy to get distracted in this life that you were born into. By listing and writing about your dreams daily, you will be sure to reach to new levels in the spiral.
& On Dreams, Goals, Bucket Lists, & Visions
For this app Dreams are considered synom0us with goals, visions, and bucket list.
For this app Dreams are considered synom0us with goals, visions, and bucket list.
May say the confirmation email link is fraud
What is it that adults wonder about, curious, in awe of, find amazing and beautiful. Do children know these things of adults?
Visions bucket lists
What will you do with your 100 years
World vision
Donating to seas
Treat everything as an option of truth, including my opinion. I’m only offering my piece of the infinite mastodon
You can make past entries
Dreams are positive
Positive dreams emotions
Unconditional energy & love
Where your colorful history meets the great mystery
Distinction between 3D and Soul
Knowing how to operate in 3D and piecing together the infinite mastodon
What can AI do?
Banner Photo by 祝 鹤槐: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-beside-flat-screen-television-with-photos-background-716276/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025