300 January 20
Graham woke up at 6:00 a.m. It was a big day. Not only was it his father's birthday. It was a day to stop, at some point, and reflect on the dreams and life of Martin Luther King jr. It was the day to commemorate democracy with honoring the majority. This brought with it the hope of a new era of public servants that worked together for the owners of the Freedom mansion. This was the page, in 2025, that the Narrator honored Graham, Robert, and Mr. Moon with the title of "Master Storyteller." He had successfully entered in 360 pages. There was no ceremony to speak of. There was a smile of appreciation and they moved on.
What did he focus on for 360 pages? What emotions did he carry for 360 pages. He carried those emotions of hope for more than 60 years. This is what his parents lived. He saw it in their actions. In his family, actions were much more meaningful than words. It was just the way they communicated, it was with respect and a kind of honor with his brother and sister. He didn't remember anyone ever getting into arguments. He only remember only one time over a span of almost 90 years, that his father raised his voice in frustration and that is when Robbie was out in the car honking the horn while he gathered his 3 sisters and belongings to go down to the hospital to meet mother for the entrance of his little brother. There was so much love in his family. He got to experience it all the time and he thought all of the other families lived that way.
Can you run at the pace of 1 page per day? This is where the Lobos were going. They all chose at least one shared dream, and they filled in their individual dream pages and lists.
This is a day to acknowledge the dreamers from all around the world who share the dream with MLK jr. This is how we run into the great mystery. We go at a pace of just one page per day except for the 6 pages where it is slowed down to one page for two Gregorian Days.
The Narrator tried putting Graham, Robert, and Mr. Moon into the entity of "they," but this slowed down and confused the energy. At least his energy. He had learned that it is better to focus on the one character that is needed at the moment and for free writing, that was Graham's job. For educating students all around the world, that was Mr. Moon's job. He felt it a privilege to be able to reflect the light of the Sun. Graham loved the energy of the Sun. He knew it was something everyone had and many didn't even think about this? Where do they ultimately get their energy from? Does that mean that the Sun is God, but who created and made the Sun? There billions of stars in their very own galaxy and in other billions of galaxies, and who made all of those?
This was the day that The Narrator wrote that Robert, Graham and Mr. Moon were ready to begin telling the story from different angles but that ultimately they are on the DSL 360 journey. It was Grahams job to begin telling the story one page every day, but he wanted to see this path learned by others as soon as possible because he hypothesized, "What if tomorrow is my last page? What if I die tomorrow." He wanted to leave the world a bit better and so, they all finally decided that page 300 was the "Live" kick off. In the back of his mind he experimented with what worked and what didn't and basically Graham learned that in telling it like it is, is a way of giving the story substance.
Graham worried that if he had more than 8 shared dreams, he would simply not have enough time in the day to keep up with all the shared dreams. He wanted to widdle his shared dreams down to three. He wanted to keep "The Infinite Mastodon," "Let's Sea," and "Our Dream Studio." For the 5 other shared dreams, he wanted to share links to the other websites and organizations who are focusing time and energy every page on those shared dreams. They are telling their story and at the end of 90 pages, they will be able to publish their very own work, "The __________ Story, by so and so individual or by so and so company. This is when you will learn how they worked to make the world a bit better. Companies and individuals did this and together, they spent some of their energy helping the world to be more beautiful and "Awesome" as said by Kid President. These are the kinds of people we are putting out attention to. We are running, just one page per day on "Our Dream Studio". We spend at least 10 minutes every day on DSL to keep our stories life, and we allow our Narrator to tell the story through one of us, the identity that is best at writing or taking pictures. On the path to your many dreams, what was the best picture of your day. We know you took 100 pictures or more today and out of all of those, show us the one that made your heart sing the most. Do that for 360 pages, and you will become a Master Storyteller. We don't hand out certificates. How will you know?
"We are looking for other wolves to run with us, just because it is so fun. We keep our focus on the Infinite Mystery, and we participate in at least one shared dream and we check in every day just to say "Hi, and respectfully provide one sentence (maybe a word limit later and one link) for an update on your progress? We understand that even Robert, Graham, and Mr. Moon will not be able to keep up with 25 million entries (Is there a way to measure the "Hi's" every day? Can we say hi to all the other users of DSL? How are your stories coming? How many of the pages were you able to complete of the 90 pages? Did you leave any blank?
Graham developed a relationship with SolGuruz. Over a period of almost one year, 360 pages of working with them, they have gained his trust. If they told him they could do it, he trusted them. The risk he took was well worth it because he came away with a beautiful simple platform, a dream studio that was a place where all dreamers could pop in and say "hi" for the page. In Our Dream Studio, we do not know of anything of the other persons identity, but we do know that they have at least one shared dream and they give us updates.
"We have our dreams....but please don't tell anyone, wink, wink, wink, with an exaggerated dorky wink and a great big smile.
We are running, which means, we fill in our page with the best, we look at our Dream List, and we pop in to say "hi" to all the other DSL Users who were also telling their dreams live.
There is this other pathway, beyond good and bad. It is a field where we can play. Social expectations are valued and understood and we all felt free to hug based on social expectations.
How will you tell your story? What do you dream about? Can you be relentless and run with us, just one page per day, and at the very least, one picture per day of the world you want to create.
Will they find the Love? Will they understand Love? Will they compare Love to their Sun? What analogies could be made to the Infinite they were always searching. What is truth? Who else is telling their story, one page per day.
They seemed to be beating to death one page per day. He wanted to bring to their attention this is all they were asking for and if they did this, they would find that they were running together because they were all connected and in this case, they connected by a page numbering system that was related to the Earths position around the great big ball of energy they commonly called "The Sun." It is our Star. We have learned what would happen to us if the Sun wasn't there. We give our thanks and then we fill in our pages on the paths to our dreams and we leave behind a printable version of our history in PDF format for those who help the "Let's Sea" story with their subscription to a premium.
What is "Our Dream Studio"? It is a journey into the Great Mystery of Life, at a pace of just one page per day. It is a place to play with ideas, to entertain them and to grow with them and to provide your ideas so that we may all grow together. It is a place of freedom, but with the expectation is that these ideas presented could also be, with the approval of parents, told to kindergarteners. It is the field that Rumi talked about. It is a place to just drop in and say, "Hi," which will mean the world to us because we will all be on the same page dreaming together in this global effort
Graham typed the introduction to "Our Dream Studio,"
Hello fellow Users of Dream Story Live or DSL. My name is Robert W. Mond. I am the founder of DSL. DSL was one of my dreams – to make a place where people from all over the world could share lists, goals, visions, and dreams to create a better world for the next generations. I am looking for Users who want to run with me at a pace of one page per day. It is my commitment to you as a fellow User of DSL to at least pop in every day into Our Dream Studio" and say “Hi” to all of you. This Dream Studio is for you and me and millions of others. You can call it "Ours." It is my hope that we can watch this dream grow together. I would love to know about your dreams. How can we weave our dreams together and tell this awesome story?
I often tell my students “I am almost 100 years old.” In actual Earth years, I am 62 years old, young at heart with an incredible body that has brought me thus far and I will continue going forward with all of my individual and shared dreams until my body says, “good job time to move on.”
I also like to refer to myself as “The Farm Boy from Poway.” I grew up in Poway, a suburb of San Diego county. My mother and father met on a plane out to California. My Father is from Chicago and my mother from a real farm in Wisconsin. My father was a telephone repairman and my mother stayed home and grew with us, took care of us, loved us. She was always there for us.
When asked about my dreams, I said "I want to be an architect!" I had a very good teacher, Mr. Royball, at my high school in Poway. He taught me how to imagine and piece together parts of blocks, mechanical pieces, and homes. He helped me to get my first job as an industrial engineering draftsman a Burroughs corporation where I entered a new kind of world in a bunny suit. In college, I wondered about life and that the opportunity to learn and participate in religions and philosophies. I changed my major from engineering, to business, to Speech Communication. I wanted to go out into the world to tell about the good news.
To make a long story short, I was able to travel the world learning about life while teaching English. I taught English in the Middle East for 10 years, and then I went back to the United States to become a school principal for 20 years. As of page 300, 2025, I am working as an elementary assistant school principal, and working on DSL. I could have never been able to bring DSL to life unless it was for my new friends at SolGuruz. They took my dream and built it and now on this page of 300, 2025, I created the new shared dream, "Our Dream Studio" or ODS.
My parents were not rich with money, but they had a good work ethic and they taught us how to save our money. I have 3 wonderful children who are all grown up and making their way on their own journeys. I traveled to many countries. I was able to walk on the Great wall of China, climb the Eifel tower, visit Mecca, fly an airplane solo, tour Shanghi and Tokoyo, London, Copenhagen, Costa Rica, Mexico and even Canada. I worked in the American University of Sharjah, at Sultan Qaboos University, and many other wonderful places, and I was able to create a non denominational platform where all Users from all over the world and could come together to Dream and to run and experience the Joy of running with brothers and sisters.
This is truly a special page. It is my father's birthday (Hi Mom and Dad), it is a national day for many in the USA to remember a giant of a man, with incredible characteristics, Dr Martin Luther King Jr (and as beautifully remembered by Kid President) and it is the inauguration of our new public servant in the USA whom we affectionately call, "President." It is with renewed hope that all the public servants of the USA will remember that they are there to work together for the sake of future generations. They all have a lot of responsibility, but we understand they need our help too. High on their priorities list is getting the Kindergarteners out of debt. On this day, we have 7 of our planets lining up on the same side of the Sun.
One of my favorite quotes is by Edison - Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. This farm boy from Poway learned that he is not the brightest bulb in the group, but he has "Relentlessness" and he will keep on running no matter how many times he falls down. He will never give up on his dreams. At his school, they are the Lobos, The Wolves. They learned the story of the two wolves and he and they are aware of both wolves. They learned that both wolves are always there and remain perfectly healthy, but they made a decision about which to feed. It's not that they didn't feed the one in the fog, it's just that they didn't give much time and energy to the wolves in the fog. The wolves in the fog had family and hired people to help them out, but we, the Users of DSL are giving the majority of our time and energy to make the world a just a little bit better, and with a good education, we will make it a lot better.
In a way, I have taken on the identity of a wolf. I have found it so much more fun to run with the pack. We are running in the directions of our individual and shared dreams, on the same page, and playing in the field where others got their by perspiration, relentlessness, perseverance, dusting off, taking responsibility, forgiving, sharing, and moving on with our Wolf pack. We support each other. We pray for those who are lost in the fog. We put up signs that there is light outside the fog. We turn our sights to the unconditional energy. Every day, we remember the Sun through the Zia Symbol of the Sun, greeting it at sunrise or saying goodnight at sunset. We remember that the Sun provides us with unconditional energy, and we wonder about God or the one who is known by 1000 names and we wonder if Unconditional Love is like the Sun.
Will you run us? We want to learn, to listen. We are hungry to learn more about the Great Mystery of Life. What have you learned? Thank you for running with us. Tomorrow is a blank page for us too. We all have our dream lists and participate in at least one shared dream, and we pop into Our Dream Studio almost daily to say "Hi". We print out our stories after 90 days and we are on our way to becoming Master Storytellers.
Please be patient with us. DSL is evolving, making it even better for Users. ODS is a place where you can give us respectful feedback. We are growing. We will always be growing but realize we will never be perfect. Will you grow with us? Today I am the first to join ODS. Please join me and we can run together and experience the joy of the beauty and awesome that we create together.
Questions are welcomed. Dreams are encourage, Family is sacred, teachers are honored and appreciated, and many beautiful and awesome stories are told. Which story will you tell us in this Great Infinite Mystery of human life.
By the way, in this story, all of you, including those in the fog, are like family to me, to us. We, in Our Dream Studio, are all respectful to our brothers and sisters. We are hear to listen, learn, dream big, and tell our stories
My Brothers and Sisters, will you run with me, with us? There are so many out there who are already running and the stories of how we found each others are incredible.
For my title today, I call this page, "Go," as in "On your mark, get set, Go!" We are running into the infinite together, maybe just 10 minutes a day, maybe just saying "Hi". "Hi". Who will be the second and third to join us? How can we keep up with each other? We will see our family wolf pack grow as more DSL Users join "Our Dream Studio." There is good energy in this kind of momentum.
Graham woke up at 6:00 a.m. It was a big day. Not only was it his father's birthday. It was a day to stop, at some point, and reflect on the dreams and life of Martin Luther King jr. It was the day to commemorate democracy with honoring the majority. This brought with it the hope of a new era of public servants that worked together for the owners of the Freedom mansion. This was the page, in 2025, that the Narrator honored Graham, Robert, and Mr. Moon with the title of "Master Storyteller." He had successfully entered in 360 pages. There was no ceremony to speak of. There was a smile of appreciation and they moved on.
What did he focus on for 360 pages? What emotions did he carry for 360 pages. He carried those emotions of hope for more than 60 years. This is what his parents lived. He saw it in their actions. In his family, actions were much more meaningful than words. It was just the way they communicated, it was with respect and a kind of honor with his brother and sister. He didn't remember anyone ever getting into arguments. He only remember only one time over a span of almost 90 years, that his father raised his voice in frustration and that is when Robbie was out in the car honking the horn while he gathered his 3 sisters and belongings to go down to the hospital to meet mother for the entrance of his little brother. There was so much love in his family. He got to experience it all the time and he thought all of the other families lived that way.
Can you run at the pace of 1 page per day? This is where the Lobos were going. They all chose at least one shared dream, and they filled in their individual dream pages and lists.
This is a day to acknowledge the dreamers from all around the world who share the dream with MLK jr. This is how we run into the great mystery. We go at a pace of just one page per day except for the 6 pages where it is slowed down to one page for two Gregorian Days.
The Narrator tried putting Graham, Robert, and Mr. Moon into the entity of "they," but this slowed down and confused the energy. At least his energy. He had learned that it is better to focus on the one character that is needed at the moment and for free writing, that was Graham's job. For educating students all around the world, that was Mr. Moon's job. He felt it a privilege to be able to reflect the light of the Sun. Graham loved the energy of the Sun. He knew it was something everyone had and many didn't even think about this? Where do they ultimately get their energy from? Does that mean that the Sun is God, but who created and made the Sun? There billions of stars in their very own galaxy and in other billions of galaxies, and who made all of those?
This was the day that The Narrator wrote that Robert, Graham and Mr. Moon were ready to begin telling the story from different angles but that ultimately they are on the DSL 360 journey. It was Grahams job to begin telling the story one page every day, but he wanted to see this path learned by others as soon as possible because he hypothesized, "What if tomorrow is my last page? What if I die tomorrow." He wanted to leave the world a bit better and so, they all finally decided that page 300 was the "Live" kick off. In the back of his mind he experimented with what worked and what didn't and basically Graham learned that in telling it like it is, is a way of giving the story substance.
Graham worried that if he had more than 8 shared dreams, he would simply not have enough time in the day to keep up with all the shared dreams. He wanted to widdle his shared dreams down to three. He wanted to keep "The Infinite Mastodon," "Let's Sea," and "Our Dream Studio." For the 5 other shared dreams, he wanted to share links to the other websites and organizations who are focusing time and energy every page on those shared dreams. They are telling their story and at the end of 90 pages, they will be able to publish their very own work, "The __________ Story, by so and so individual or by so and so company. This is when you will learn how they worked to make the world a bit better. Companies and individuals did this and together, they spent some of their energy helping the world to be more beautiful and "Awesome" as said by Kid President. These are the kinds of people we are putting out attention to. We are running, just one page per day on "Our Dream Studio". We spend at least 10 minutes every day on DSL to keep our stories life, and we allow our Narrator to tell the story through one of us, the identity that is best at writing or taking pictures. On the path to your many dreams, what was the best picture of your day. We know you took 100 pictures or more today and out of all of those, show us the one that made your heart sing the most. Do that for 360 pages, and you will become a Master Storyteller. We don't hand out certificates. How will you know?
"We are looking for other wolves to run with us, just because it is so fun. We keep our focus on the Infinite Mystery, and we participate in at least one shared dream and we check in every day just to say "Hi, and respectfully provide one sentence (maybe a word limit later and one link) for an update on your progress? We understand that even Robert, Graham, and Mr. Moon will not be able to keep up with 25 million entries (Is there a way to measure the "Hi's" every day? Can we say hi to all the other users of DSL? How are your stories coming? How many of the pages were you able to complete of the 90 pages? Did you leave any blank?
Graham developed a relationship with SolGuruz. Over a period of almost one year, 360 pages of working with them, they have gained his trust. If they told him they could do it, he trusted them. The risk he took was well worth it because he came away with a beautiful simple platform, a dream studio that was a place where all dreamers could pop in and say "hi" for the page. In Our Dream Studio, we do not know of anything of the other persons identity, but we do know that they have at least one shared dream and they give us updates.
"We have our dreams....but please don't tell anyone, wink, wink, wink, with an exaggerated dorky wink and a great big smile.
We are running, which means, we fill in our page with the best, we look at our Dream List, and we pop in to say "hi" to all the other DSL Users who were also telling their dreams live.
There is this other pathway, beyond good and bad. It is a field where we can play. Social expectations are valued and understood and we all felt free to hug based on social expectations.
How will you tell your story? What do you dream about? Can you be relentless and run with us, just one page per day, and at the very least, one picture per day of the world you want to create.
Will they find the Love? Will they understand Love? Will they compare Love to their Sun? What analogies could be made to the Infinite they were always searching. What is truth? Who else is telling their story, one page per day.
They seemed to be beating to death one page per day. He wanted to bring to their attention this is all they were asking for and if they did this, they would find that they were running together because they were all connected and in this case, they connected by a page numbering system that was related to the Earths position around the great big ball of energy they commonly called "The Sun." It is our Star. We have learned what would happen to us if the Sun wasn't there. We give our thanks and then we fill in our pages on the paths to our dreams and we leave behind a printable version of our history in PDF format for those who help the "Let's Sea" story with their subscription to a premium.
What is "Our Dream Studio"? It is a journey into the Great Mystery of Life, at a pace of just one page per day. It is a place to play with ideas, to entertain them and to grow with them and to provide your ideas so that we may all grow together. It is a place of freedom, but with the expectation is that these ideas presented could also be, with the approval of parents, told to kindergarteners. It is the field that Rumi talked about. It is a place to just drop in and say, "Hi," which will mean the world to us because we will all be on the same page dreaming together in this global effort
Graham typed the introduction to "Our Dream Studio,"
Hello fellow Users of Dream Story Live or DSL. My name is Robert W. Mond. I am the founder of DSL. DSL was one of my dreams – to make a place where people from all over the world could share lists, goals, visions, and dreams to create a better world for the next generations. I am looking for Users who want to run with me at a pace of one page per day. It is my commitment to you as a fellow User of DSL to at least pop in every day into Our Dream Studio" and say “Hi” to all of you. This Dream Studio is for you and me and millions of others. You can call it "Ours." It is my hope that we can watch this dream grow together. I would love to know about your dreams. How can we weave our dreams together and tell this awesome story?
I often tell my students “I am almost 100 years old.” In actual Earth years, I am 62 years old, young at heart with an incredible body that has brought me thus far and I will continue going forward with all of my individual and shared dreams until my body says, “good job time to move on.”
I also like to refer to myself as “The Farm Boy from Poway.” I grew up in Poway, a suburb of San Diego county. My mother and father met on a plane out to California. My Father is from Chicago and my mother from a real farm in Wisconsin. My father was a telephone repairman and my mother stayed home and grew with us, took care of us, loved us. She was always there for us.
When asked about my dreams, I said "I want to be an architect!" I had a very good teacher, Mr. Royball, at my high school in Poway. He taught me how to imagine and piece together parts of blocks, mechanical pieces, and homes. He helped me to get my first job as an industrial engineering draftsman a Burroughs corporation where I entered a new kind of world in a bunny suit. In college, I wondered about life and that the opportunity to learn and participate in religions and philosophies. I changed my major from engineering, to business, to Speech Communication. I wanted to go out into the world to tell about the good news.
To make a long story short, I was able to travel the world learning about life while teaching English. I taught English in the Middle East for 10 years, and then I went back to the United States to become a school principal for 20 years. As of page 300, 2025, I am working as an elementary assistant school principal, and working on DSL. I could have never been able to bring DSL to life unless it was for my new friends at SolGuruz. They took my dream and built it and now on this page of 300, 2025, I created the new shared dream, "Our Dream Studio" or ODS.
My parents were not rich with money, but they had a good work ethic and they taught us how to save our money. I have 3 wonderful children who are all grown up and making their way on their own journeys. I traveled to many countries. I was able to walk on the Great wall of China, climb the Eifel tower, visit Mecca, fly an airplane solo, tour Shanghi and Tokoyo, London, Copenhagen, Costa Rica, Mexico and even Canada. I worked in the American University of Sharjah, at Sultan Qaboos University, and many other wonderful places, and I was able to create a non denominational platform where all Users from all over the world and could come together to Dream and to run and experience the Joy of running with brothers and sisters.
This is truly a special page. It is my father's birthday (Hi Mom and Dad), it is a national day for many in the USA to remember a giant of a man, with incredible characteristics, Dr Martin Luther King Jr (and as beautifully remembered by Kid President) and it is the inauguration of our new public servant in the USA whom we affectionately call, "President." It is with renewed hope that all the public servants of the USA will remember that they are there to work together for the sake of future generations. They all have a lot of responsibility, but we understand they need our help too. High on their priorities list is getting the Kindergarteners out of debt. On this day, we have 7 of our planets lining up on the same side of the Sun.
One of my favorite quotes is by Edison - Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. This farm boy from Poway learned that he is not the brightest bulb in the group, but he has "Relentlessness" and he will keep on running no matter how many times he falls down. He will never give up on his dreams. At his school, they are the Lobos, The Wolves. They learned the story of the two wolves and he and they are aware of both wolves. They learned that both wolves are always there and remain perfectly healthy, but they made a decision about which to feed. It's not that they didn't feed the one in the fog, it's just that they didn't give much time and energy to the wolves in the fog. The wolves in the fog had family and hired people to help them out, but we, the Users of DSL are giving the majority of our time and energy to make the world a just a little bit better, and with a good education, we will make it a lot better.
In a way, I have taken on the identity of a wolf. I have found it so much more fun to run with the pack. We are running in the directions of our individual and shared dreams, on the same page, and playing in the field where others got their by perspiration, relentlessness, perseverance, dusting off, taking responsibility, forgiving, sharing, and moving on with our Wolf pack. We support each other. We pray for those who are lost in the fog. We put up signs that there is light outside the fog. We turn our sights to the unconditional energy. Every day, we remember the Sun through the Zia Symbol of the Sun, greeting it at sunrise or saying goodnight at sunset. We remember that the Sun provides us with unconditional energy, and we wonder about God or the one who is known by 1000 names and we wonder if Unconditional Love is like the Sun.
Will you run us? We want to learn, to listen. We are hungry to learn more about the Great Mystery of Life. What have you learned? Thank you for running with us. Tomorrow is a blank page for us too. We all have our dream lists and participate in at least one shared dream, and we pop into Our Dream Studio almost daily to say "Hi". We print out our stories after 90 days and we are on our way to becoming Master Storytellers.
Please be patient with us. DSL is evolving, making it even better for Users. ODS is a place where you can give us respectful feedback. We are growing. We will always be growing but realize we will never be perfect. Will you grow with us? Today I am the first to join ODS. Please join me and we can run together and experience the joy of the beauty and awesome that we create together.
Questions are welcomed. Dreams are encourage, Family is sacred, teachers are honored and appreciated, and many beautiful and awesome stories are told. Which story will you tell us in this Great Infinite Mystery of human life.
By the way, in this story, all of you, including those in the fog, are like family to me, to us. We, in Our Dream Studio, are all respectful to our brothers and sisters. We are hear to listen, learn, dream big, and tell our stories
My Brothers and Sisters, will you run with me, with us? There are so many out there who are already running and the stories of how we found each others are incredible.
For my title today, I call this page, "Go," as in "On your mark, get set, Go!" We are running into the infinite together, maybe just 10 minutes a day, maybe just saying "Hi". "Hi". Who will be the second and third to join us? How can we keep up with each other? We will see our family wolf pack grow as more DSL Users join "Our Dream Studio." There is good energy in this kind of momentum.
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025