297 January 17
Rom Com
Graham got the idea of "Reverse advertisement." This idea is out there in the ethers, just as there are many other new ideas. People got caught up in all the current ideas. They basically beat all the new ideas to death as much as they can until they can get all of its value sucked and fracked out of it. There is a plethora of new ideas in the ethers. You just have to go forward slowly, just one page a day. What stories are you telling. We know you will have many stories because you have your family and many friends and they have many shared dreams and you love to tell the crazy stories of all your brothers and sisters out there and all the users of DSL and similar sites are relentless in telling their stories every new page. Tomorrows page, as a rule, is always a mystery. In this game, you are allowed to explore all the interpretations and listen to all the voices of the past, but you cant ever go into the future, even tomorrow's page because you do not know all the details. You will have an idea how tomorrow will turn out - go to work, go to school, stay home, take a trip, etc. You assumed based on your past tomorrow will be pretty much as expected. You keep chasing all those good family emotions. You create very good memories with your family.
Mr. Moon wrote, "I will be the first to admit that I am not the brightest bulb in the world. I am truly amazed at the knowledge many close family and friends have accumulated, in some areas, it is much much more than my own. I have been a school principal for 20 years, an overseas visiting English teacher for ten years. I have traveled the world and met many good families. I have studied and participated and believed in many religions. Osho, was a man who may not have made all the right decisions, or maybe he did, but he speaks of a lot of good wisdom. He is someone I recognize as having more knowledge than me. The Princess is someone who has much more knowledge and experience than me in martial arts, math and science, and I appreciate that and together, we make a powerful Romantic Comedy...a live Romantic Comedy. We look forward to the day when we will get to see a movie of our own Romantic Comedy.
It was Romantic first. They were in love and did all kinds of crazy things together and they made some kind of commitment that was not written or even spoken but they knew they could trust each other. No matter what happened, they would be there by each other's side. They knew that this was the sacrifice and commitment they wanted to make. Over time, they learned about each other and over time, they had enough data to believe the other was true to his or her actions and words.
It was a comedy because when they started telling this story of all the Users of DSL and similar sites life somehow became a bit more lively.
Graham told the story of Mr. Moon and the dream wall they were creating. Mr Moon told the children all of his dreams and he listened to all the dreams of his students and then it became fun to hear all the good things that were going on around the world. The world in 2025 and from before, were in a dense energy. They needed a way to get out and Graham created a way based on what others were telling him worked. Graham put it all together and everything began to happen at once. What was so special about January 20, 2025?
It was Robert's father's birthday, it was MLK jr day in the USA, and it was time for a change of the public servants. The people realized that it way they who expected all of their public servants to work for them. They had hope that the two major parties would work together and therefore get twice as much done. They were expected to work together for the people or they were going to get the public servants' butts voted out of the Freedom Mansion. The people needed as much time to play in their freedom. They didn't have the time or energy for all the paperwork and thus, they hired the public servants and paid them well. But the public servants got into so many squabbles that the Users in the Freedom mansion not had to spend their time and energy with dysfunctional public servants and they couldn't wait to vote those out of office and to keep those who were helping to get the kindergarteners out of debt.
It was one of the very high expectations that all the public servants work together to get our kindergarteners and preschoolers out of debt. We did not ask whom we can blame so don't go wasting your time and energy on that path. We want to see you support the best evolving decisions.
This is now our responsibility. It isn't what I signed up for in this life but I cannot just stand by and watch another generation become slaves to debt. We choose to focus on tough love.
DSL currently had 7 shared dreams. The Master Storytellers first focused their attention on the Oceans. They found companies that were helping to clean the Seas all around the world and they gave these companies attention for being part of the solution. They gave schools, teachers, and families attention for their good work in the world and they chased the mystery, one page at a time and they climbed the Infinite Spiral Grid forever. They were part of their past and they became part of the mystery by merely asking questions and taking actions to answer those questions. It would take a lot of listening and contemplation. The Great Mystery of Life is not that easy. It takes dedication, reflection and questions, and data daily. Most importantly, for the Users of DSL, we are going for the good dream emotions, not the nightmare emotions. Because of the lives we have lived we are perfectly aware of the nightmare emotions. We understand that the nightmares are merely there to help one through the journey. What will you chose as your course, your path, your human life. Living the life as a human is an incredible privilege. Not every soul gets to try out this path, but if you are considered a human and reading this, then we challenge you to first write your list of dreams, join one or a few shared dreams on DSL or similar sites and then, we will all travel together, on the same page, into the Great Mystery of life, fueled by our shared dreams and our individual dreams and creating a beautiful and/or awesome story in our path.
When the Users of DSL hear of a business that was helping to make a positive change in the world, they would let all the other Users know of this company and when this company would benefit from the acknowledgement, instead of paying for expensive advertising, they would continue to contribute towards the story they were telling, like making a donation to "The Ocean Clean Up" or similar groups are able to pay people to take the actions that they don't have the time for.
What if a company, gave even just one dollar to help clean the seas? If Users and employees know of their decision to join the millions of others who who were taking actions to clean the seas for future generations, then they will fill happy to be working with this company or users will be happy with, connected with cleaning the Seas.
When we clean our water supply, we are cleaning ourselves. When we clean our seas we will also turn our attention to our lakes, rivers and streams, land and all the living things of Nature. We are not blaming anyone. We got sucked into it too. We are picking ourselves up and we go forward as strong as we can every single page in this beautiful spiral of life.
Every single page is shared, but different, all finding out the pieces of the Great IM.
They were leaving fear, but not completely. Fear, no matter how hard they tried, would always have a place in their consciousness and would resurface from time to time, but they preferred giving the majority of their time to the good dream emotions. This is where they wanted to live in the progression of life, knowing that it was a path that would never end. It was a path they could easily follow, just one page each day of the kind of world we want to create.
Rom Com
Graham got the idea of "Reverse advertisement." This idea is out there in the ethers, just as there are many other new ideas. People got caught up in all the current ideas. They basically beat all the new ideas to death as much as they can until they can get all of its value sucked and fracked out of it. There is a plethora of new ideas in the ethers. You just have to go forward slowly, just one page a day. What stories are you telling. We know you will have many stories because you have your family and many friends and they have many shared dreams and you love to tell the crazy stories of all your brothers and sisters out there and all the users of DSL and similar sites are relentless in telling their stories every new page. Tomorrows page, as a rule, is always a mystery. In this game, you are allowed to explore all the interpretations and listen to all the voices of the past, but you cant ever go into the future, even tomorrow's page because you do not know all the details. You will have an idea how tomorrow will turn out - go to work, go to school, stay home, take a trip, etc. You assumed based on your past tomorrow will be pretty much as expected. You keep chasing all those good family emotions. You create very good memories with your family.
Mr. Moon wrote, "I will be the first to admit that I am not the brightest bulb in the world. I am truly amazed at the knowledge many close family and friends have accumulated, in some areas, it is much much more than my own. I have been a school principal for 20 years, an overseas visiting English teacher for ten years. I have traveled the world and met many good families. I have studied and participated and believed in many religions. Osho, was a man who may not have made all the right decisions, or maybe he did, but he speaks of a lot of good wisdom. He is someone I recognize as having more knowledge than me. The Princess is someone who has much more knowledge and experience than me in martial arts, math and science, and I appreciate that and together, we make a powerful Romantic Comedy...a live Romantic Comedy. We look forward to the day when we will get to see a movie of our own Romantic Comedy.
It was Romantic first. They were in love and did all kinds of crazy things together and they made some kind of commitment that was not written or even spoken but they knew they could trust each other. No matter what happened, they would be there by each other's side. They knew that this was the sacrifice and commitment they wanted to make. Over time, they learned about each other and over time, they had enough data to believe the other was true to his or her actions and words.
It was a comedy because when they started telling this story of all the Users of DSL and similar sites life somehow became a bit more lively.
Graham told the story of Mr. Moon and the dream wall they were creating. Mr Moon told the children all of his dreams and he listened to all the dreams of his students and then it became fun to hear all the good things that were going on around the world. The world in 2025 and from before, were in a dense energy. They needed a way to get out and Graham created a way based on what others were telling him worked. Graham put it all together and everything began to happen at once. What was so special about January 20, 2025?
It was Robert's father's birthday, it was MLK jr day in the USA, and it was time for a change of the public servants. The people realized that it way they who expected all of their public servants to work for them. They had hope that the two major parties would work together and therefore get twice as much done. They were expected to work together for the people or they were going to get the public servants' butts voted out of the Freedom Mansion. The people needed as much time to play in their freedom. They didn't have the time or energy for all the paperwork and thus, they hired the public servants and paid them well. But the public servants got into so many squabbles that the Users in the Freedom mansion not had to spend their time and energy with dysfunctional public servants and they couldn't wait to vote those out of office and to keep those who were helping to get the kindergarteners out of debt.
It was one of the very high expectations that all the public servants work together to get our kindergarteners and preschoolers out of debt. We did not ask whom we can blame so don't go wasting your time and energy on that path. We want to see you support the best evolving decisions.
This is now our responsibility. It isn't what I signed up for in this life but I cannot just stand by and watch another generation become slaves to debt. We choose to focus on tough love.
DSL currently had 7 shared dreams. The Master Storytellers first focused their attention on the Oceans. They found companies that were helping to clean the Seas all around the world and they gave these companies attention for being part of the solution. They gave schools, teachers, and families attention for their good work in the world and they chased the mystery, one page at a time and they climbed the Infinite Spiral Grid forever. They were part of their past and they became part of the mystery by merely asking questions and taking actions to answer those questions. It would take a lot of listening and contemplation. The Great Mystery of Life is not that easy. It takes dedication, reflection and questions, and data daily. Most importantly, for the Users of DSL, we are going for the good dream emotions, not the nightmare emotions. Because of the lives we have lived we are perfectly aware of the nightmare emotions. We understand that the nightmares are merely there to help one through the journey. What will you chose as your course, your path, your human life. Living the life as a human is an incredible privilege. Not every soul gets to try out this path, but if you are considered a human and reading this, then we challenge you to first write your list of dreams, join one or a few shared dreams on DSL or similar sites and then, we will all travel together, on the same page, into the Great Mystery of life, fueled by our shared dreams and our individual dreams and creating a beautiful and/or awesome story in our path.
When the Users of DSL hear of a business that was helping to make a positive change in the world, they would let all the other Users know of this company and when this company would benefit from the acknowledgement, instead of paying for expensive advertising, they would continue to contribute towards the story they were telling, like making a donation to "The Ocean Clean Up" or similar groups are able to pay people to take the actions that they don't have the time for.
What if a company, gave even just one dollar to help clean the seas? If Users and employees know of their decision to join the millions of others who who were taking actions to clean the seas for future generations, then they will fill happy to be working with this company or users will be happy with, connected with cleaning the Seas.
When we clean our water supply, we are cleaning ourselves. When we clean our seas we will also turn our attention to our lakes, rivers and streams, land and all the living things of Nature. We are not blaming anyone. We got sucked into it too. We are picking ourselves up and we go forward as strong as we can every single page in this beautiful spiral of life.
Every single page is shared, but different, all finding out the pieces of the Great IM.
They were leaving fear, but not completely. Fear, no matter how hard they tried, would always have a place in their consciousness and would resurface from time to time, but they preferred giving the majority of their time to the good dream emotions. This is where they wanted to live in the progression of life, knowing that it was a path that would never end. It was a path they could easily follow, just one page each day of the kind of world we want to create.
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025