January 16, 2025
Individual and shared
"Who can keep up with us?" They wondered.
They were the Users of Dream Story Live. They would spend only 10 or 60 minutes of their day, or more, Using DSL. They all have a lot of other things to do. They spent time with their families, preparing food, and, the best part, eating together and telling the stories. They knew that they could spend at least 10 minutes a day on DSL or similar sites. They were looking forward to all of the momentum they were building together. They were writing about their individual journeys every day, which they never asked about, but often volunteered telling many of those stories, but they always chatted about the good things that were happening to clean up the Seas. They all knew Boyan and wondered who would be the first to make a movie about him.
Yes, there would be other shared dreams, but Graham had only so much time during the day to give his focus. He wished he could be immersed in all the shared dreams, not only on DSL but the others that came forth on other sites. He would love to see those other sites use the same page numbering system used by DSL.
They were fed the energy of Love that ran through all of the stories, and the people became not afraid to talk about their dreams and their stories and the words of MLK jr echoed throughout the world, "I have a dream..." And the Users of DSL and similar sites began to echo, "We also have dreams and we will share them with you."
"Who can keep up with us?" If a Princess and a Principal can keep up, just one page a day, then so could anyone. What story would they tell? They were free. They were free to tell any story that they wanted. The story that the Princess and the Principal would like to tell is the one about the Great IM, the Infinite Mystery. They wondered if this was just a consciousness constuct for humans alive in the era of "Alimenta a los Lobos. It was just a chapter in the collective consciousness. They had so many chapters to process, but they were committed to DSL or similar for at least 10 minutes a day, as a paid or testing subscriber. Maybe he should tell SolGuruz to change it from "Free" subscriber to "Testing Subscriber." They didn't care if they tested for 100 years. What they cared about was if they dreamed, and most importantly, described all the wonderful things they were doing to work towards their dream, especially their families.
Users of DSL and similar sites would talk a lot about family, how family took care of them and they took care of family. Family was all in it together and they all valued their individual dreams and they were excited to share "Shared Dreams." They were happy to hear all the ideas and hope "Our Dream Studio." This is where they had freedom to dream. They could read about all the dreams of others.
At Mr. Moon's school, they began to Dream. They created a dream wall. At the end of the year, they took it down, but saved all the dreams, and then with every new school year all the pictures and quotes, and lists of dreams would begin to emerge again and the parents and grandparents contributed to the Big Dream Wall. Were they the only school in the whole world to have a dream wall? Would they have so many contributions that the Dreams extended into the halls and every nook and cranny of the school.
The one thing that will keep all of us focused is if we share the dream of "Let's Sea". If we maintain this focus for 10 years. If we put in just 10 minutes a day to understand how we all decided to put in the effort to clean the seas we will find that this makes a fantastic story but in this story we will learn the magic. What's wrong with a little magic in your life. Life is like magic. At least all human beings were created not knowing all the answers. The ones who study the most also know that there is so much that they don't know. Where they found the fun was in the DSL Dream studio. When one dreams it means that they don't know what will happen next, and they will also understand Edison's quote, 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration and they will tell us all of their sweaty stories, after they shower, and we will celebrate as we fill up each page, each frame in this wonderful, beautiful story that is Live.
What is it like to live in the mystery? Graham would tell you that it is magical. Of all the places he has ever been, the best place has been in his dream studio, and that is why he created "Our Dream Studio." He wondered what it would be like to not only have his own dream studio time, but also, feel the excitement with other dreamers "Our Dream Studio" time on DSL and/or similar sites. We were finally communicating at another level. It is a difficult level to describe and we learned it can't be described and therefore the best we can do in our human limited time experiment is to spend our time in ways that help us with our individual and shared dreams. In our shared dreams, we wanted to contribute a piece, even if that one piece is $1 towards a good shared dream, then this is a wonderful contribution of your time and energy and this is what forms your consciousness and your character. You want to have a high powered character who cared. You made many self sacrifices. You knew that you had limited time in a human body. You vowed that you would be one of those who contributed to the benefit of people from all around the world from people who spend time and energy cleaning the dust from prayer carpets to visionaries who want to explore Mars.
Who can keep up with us users of DSL? We are all on the same page, right now of 2025. How much will we grow in our collective consciousness in 2025? What will happen in 2026. Will there be growth? Will we find even better solutions on how to deal with all of our physical and mental garbage? Will we enact Dream Mode for at least 10 minutes on a page or frame. Will we look forward to the stories we are telling every 90 days. Will we celebrate because in just 90 days we have written a chapter in the much larger spiral of life?
Will we find the emotion of the satisfaction of working together to clean the Seas for at least 10 minutes of your day? Will you maintain that connection? You have a connection to something magnificent. Don't take your connections for granted. Love every single person you come into contact with because they become part of your story and you become part of theirs. This is your 360 Journey into the Infinite. We have never met anyone who was able to deny logically, philosophically, emotionally, and every other way, the Infinite. So, according to any human being alive, in 2025, the Infinite is a mystery to all, around, 8 million humans in 2025. Each one might spend just 10 minutes a day, or maybe more, per every single cucumber day, exploring and asking questions about their human experience into the Great Mystery of Life.
Graham liked the pace. One page/frame per day. He would spend at least two hours every day and the other 22 hours were spent sleeping, eating, working, home chores, sports, and most importantly, time with family. They found that all of family also acknowledge the Infinite and dreams and they enjoyed each others company, listening, sharing, and seeing how they could be part of their stories that helped to make their dreams come true.
This is what Mr. Moon wanted for his school. Every single day his staff would say, "We are here to help you make your dreams come true."
"Did you know that I am still a dreamer?" and one of my dreams is helping to make the dreams of your family and you, my students, come true. I can help you with tools and knowledge. I can't wait to hear how you use what you have learned, for I am also learning and I believe I can learn from you too. I believe we can help each other in our individual and shared dream stories.
So it's into the mystery and this is without fear because we are going into Love. Love is as unconditional as the energy from the Great light which humans call "Sol".
Graham wrote, "Graham knew that Rom Coms were best because that is when he and the Princess could laugh together and there was some kind of bonding in that procedure. He couldn't describe it and didn't even want to call it a procedure but as he began to understand his human programming more he was looking for all the back doors. There had to be back doors and he always found them but they usually only took him on to paths that were sometimes dead ends, but he was willing to take those risks.
When he was deep inside the mystery, he knew that he could always refer back to his dream lists and look at what he wanted to accomplish. How could he do that?
It was his decision to make it a Rom Com, "The Princess and the Principal," He liked to laugh and the Princess loved to laugh too. He would tell her his stupid jokes and if he got a chuckle or "funny" from her, he would be ecstatic and anticipate with eagerness the next time he could make her laugh because those he claimed as magical moments. He was greedy. He finally after years and years had to claim he was greedy. He loved magical moments and would do whatever he could to create them and they were so good but in life they were relatively short lasting and more were always needed which lead to a constant searching for the answers to the craziness of life. "Was it a joke, a dream, a nightmare, a reality?"
Graham loved writing. This was the best part of his day. It was were he didn't have to think at all. He knew he had a very valuable education and experiences that gave him the ability to access libraries of stories within his conscousness and as long as he allowed the thing in that he couldn't even begin to describe, the SOUL he wondered, but it kept fighting to tell the story. What happens with the farm boy from Poway who becomes a principal and marries a Princess. What happens next. Would she have time to spend 10 minutes of her day reading as many dreams as she could learning about the dreams of others from all around the world? Would her story inspire others.
Were they both dreamers? What did they dream about?
They only wanted to be examples of what could happen when one starts dreaming. It begins with your evolving Dream List or Dream Vision Board and then telling the history of your experiences in telling your amazing story, just one page per day, almost.
Can you imagine all of us together in this great mystery. We don't know what will happen on the next page/frame, but we do know what we will be looking for - anything to enhance this awesome 360 Journey. Where will we be in 360 pages as we begin the next 360? Will we have grown? Will he have fit together more pieces of the great IM?
Graham loved living in the mystery and especially meeting all the people, who for maybe 10 minutes, or more, check in with their time and energy to learn about all the Great Pieces to be put together, anything that helped the story of the mystery come together.
January 16, 2025
Individual and shared
"Who can keep up with us?" They wondered.
They were the Users of Dream Story Live. They would spend only 10 or 60 minutes of their day, or more, Using DSL. They all have a lot of other things to do. They spent time with their families, preparing food, and, the best part, eating together and telling the stories. They knew that they could spend at least 10 minutes a day on DSL or similar sites. They were looking forward to all of the momentum they were building together. They were writing about their individual journeys every day, which they never asked about, but often volunteered telling many of those stories, but they always chatted about the good things that were happening to clean up the Seas. They all knew Boyan and wondered who would be the first to make a movie about him.
Yes, there would be other shared dreams, but Graham had only so much time during the day to give his focus. He wished he could be immersed in all the shared dreams, not only on DSL but the others that came forth on other sites. He would love to see those other sites use the same page numbering system used by DSL.
They were fed the energy of Love that ran through all of the stories, and the people became not afraid to talk about their dreams and their stories and the words of MLK jr echoed throughout the world, "I have a dream..." And the Users of DSL and similar sites began to echo, "We also have dreams and we will share them with you."
"Who can keep up with us?" If a Princess and a Principal can keep up, just one page a day, then so could anyone. What story would they tell? They were free. They were free to tell any story that they wanted. The story that the Princess and the Principal would like to tell is the one about the Great IM, the Infinite Mystery. They wondered if this was just a consciousness constuct for humans alive in the era of "Alimenta a los Lobos. It was just a chapter in the collective consciousness. They had so many chapters to process, but they were committed to DSL or similar for at least 10 minutes a day, as a paid or testing subscriber. Maybe he should tell SolGuruz to change it from "Free" subscriber to "Testing Subscriber." They didn't care if they tested for 100 years. What they cared about was if they dreamed, and most importantly, described all the wonderful things they were doing to work towards their dream, especially their families.
Users of DSL and similar sites would talk a lot about family, how family took care of them and they took care of family. Family was all in it together and they all valued their individual dreams and they were excited to share "Shared Dreams." They were happy to hear all the ideas and hope "Our Dream Studio." This is where they had freedom to dream. They could read about all the dreams of others.
At Mr. Moon's school, they began to Dream. They created a dream wall. At the end of the year, they took it down, but saved all the dreams, and then with every new school year all the pictures and quotes, and lists of dreams would begin to emerge again and the parents and grandparents contributed to the Big Dream Wall. Were they the only school in the whole world to have a dream wall? Would they have so many contributions that the Dreams extended into the halls and every nook and cranny of the school.
The one thing that will keep all of us focused is if we share the dream of "Let's Sea". If we maintain this focus for 10 years. If we put in just 10 minutes a day to understand how we all decided to put in the effort to clean the seas we will find that this makes a fantastic story but in this story we will learn the magic. What's wrong with a little magic in your life. Life is like magic. At least all human beings were created not knowing all the answers. The ones who study the most also know that there is so much that they don't know. Where they found the fun was in the DSL Dream studio. When one dreams it means that they don't know what will happen next, and they will also understand Edison's quote, 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration and they will tell us all of their sweaty stories, after they shower, and we will celebrate as we fill up each page, each frame in this wonderful, beautiful story that is Live.
What is it like to live in the mystery? Graham would tell you that it is magical. Of all the places he has ever been, the best place has been in his dream studio, and that is why he created "Our Dream Studio." He wondered what it would be like to not only have his own dream studio time, but also, feel the excitement with other dreamers "Our Dream Studio" time on DSL and/or similar sites. We were finally communicating at another level. It is a difficult level to describe and we learned it can't be described and therefore the best we can do in our human limited time experiment is to spend our time in ways that help us with our individual and shared dreams. In our shared dreams, we wanted to contribute a piece, even if that one piece is $1 towards a good shared dream, then this is a wonderful contribution of your time and energy and this is what forms your consciousness and your character. You want to have a high powered character who cared. You made many self sacrifices. You knew that you had limited time in a human body. You vowed that you would be one of those who contributed to the benefit of people from all around the world from people who spend time and energy cleaning the dust from prayer carpets to visionaries who want to explore Mars.
Who can keep up with us users of DSL? We are all on the same page, right now of 2025. How much will we grow in our collective consciousness in 2025? What will happen in 2026. Will there be growth? Will we find even better solutions on how to deal with all of our physical and mental garbage? Will we enact Dream Mode for at least 10 minutes on a page or frame. Will we look forward to the stories we are telling every 90 days. Will we celebrate because in just 90 days we have written a chapter in the much larger spiral of life?
Will we find the emotion of the satisfaction of working together to clean the Seas for at least 10 minutes of your day? Will you maintain that connection? You have a connection to something magnificent. Don't take your connections for granted. Love every single person you come into contact with because they become part of your story and you become part of theirs. This is your 360 Journey into the Infinite. We have never met anyone who was able to deny logically, philosophically, emotionally, and every other way, the Infinite. So, according to any human being alive, in 2025, the Infinite is a mystery to all, around, 8 million humans in 2025. Each one might spend just 10 minutes a day, or maybe more, per every single cucumber day, exploring and asking questions about their human experience into the Great Mystery of Life.
Graham liked the pace. One page/frame per day. He would spend at least two hours every day and the other 22 hours were spent sleeping, eating, working, home chores, sports, and most importantly, time with family. They found that all of family also acknowledge the Infinite and dreams and they enjoyed each others company, listening, sharing, and seeing how they could be part of their stories that helped to make their dreams come true.
This is what Mr. Moon wanted for his school. Every single day his staff would say, "We are here to help you make your dreams come true."
"Did you know that I am still a dreamer?" and one of my dreams is helping to make the dreams of your family and you, my students, come true. I can help you with tools and knowledge. I can't wait to hear how you use what you have learned, for I am also learning and I believe I can learn from you too. I believe we can help each other in our individual and shared dream stories.
So it's into the mystery and this is without fear because we are going into Love. Love is as unconditional as the energy from the Great light which humans call "Sol".
Graham wrote, "Graham knew that Rom Coms were best because that is when he and the Princess could laugh together and there was some kind of bonding in that procedure. He couldn't describe it and didn't even want to call it a procedure but as he began to understand his human programming more he was looking for all the back doors. There had to be back doors and he always found them but they usually only took him on to paths that were sometimes dead ends, but he was willing to take those risks.
When he was deep inside the mystery, he knew that he could always refer back to his dream lists and look at what he wanted to accomplish. How could he do that?
It was his decision to make it a Rom Com, "The Princess and the Principal," He liked to laugh and the Princess loved to laugh too. He would tell her his stupid jokes and if he got a chuckle or "funny" from her, he would be ecstatic and anticipate with eagerness the next time he could make her laugh because those he claimed as magical moments. He was greedy. He finally after years and years had to claim he was greedy. He loved magical moments and would do whatever he could to create them and they were so good but in life they were relatively short lasting and more were always needed which lead to a constant searching for the answers to the craziness of life. "Was it a joke, a dream, a nightmare, a reality?"
Graham loved writing. This was the best part of his day. It was were he didn't have to think at all. He knew he had a very valuable education and experiences that gave him the ability to access libraries of stories within his conscousness and as long as he allowed the thing in that he couldn't even begin to describe, the SOUL he wondered, but it kept fighting to tell the story. What happens with the farm boy from Poway who becomes a principal and marries a Princess. What happens next. Would she have time to spend 10 minutes of her day reading as many dreams as she could learning about the dreams of others from all around the world? Would her story inspire others.
Were they both dreamers? What did they dream about?
They only wanted to be examples of what could happen when one starts dreaming. It begins with your evolving Dream List or Dream Vision Board and then telling the history of your experiences in telling your amazing story, just one page per day, almost.
Can you imagine all of us together in this great mystery. We don't know what will happen on the next page/frame, but we do know what we will be looking for - anything to enhance this awesome 360 Journey. Where will we be in 360 pages as we begin the next 360? Will we have grown? Will he have fit together more pieces of the great IM?
Graham loved living in the mystery and especially meeting all the people, who for maybe 10 minutes, or more, check in with their time and energy to learn about all the Great Pieces to be put together, anything that helped the story of the mystery come together.
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025