Jan 14, 2025
Am I Ready?
Graham could see himself creating "Our Dream Studio." This was a place where we didn't ague about what we "know." This is a place where we put together the pieces that we don't know and in that, we found a place to play this magnificent game with all of my brothers and sisters from all around the world. Our role as brother and sister is to ask questions and encourage each other and then learn from others. Learn from the "mistakes" or lessons they learned.
"Graham paced his own Dream Studio and looked up to the skies, and asked, "Am I ready for this?" He wasn't asking himself, he was asking whatever or whoever is out there, possibly even the One who is known by 1000 names. Graham wanted to start telling the story. He wanted to start on page 281 but there were delays and new insights.
On the last page, it was only then that he had the idea of creating an eighth shared dream.
Graham wanted to tell everyone, as if they didn't already know, "There will be very few of you who live beyond 100. The majority of you will leave your bodies before your 3D body ages gets to be 100 human years old." So...what will you create? There are so many good sites to help you build this world in your mind. It is your mansion. It is filled with family, heroes, quotes, drawings, and love. Dream Story Live was just an example of what other individuals, schools, and businesses could accomplish if they become a living, live, example of listing and/or putting pictures up of all of your dreams.
I am only one person. My spirit is basically the same from when I was a little boy and I had many daydreams. When I became a man, I had learned a lot about the world and I figured out ways to keep all those beautiful dreams alive. It is with the determination and love as demonstrated by Hamish Brewer. He is a school principal. Mr. Brewer is a dreamer and this is why I love him. I love his characteristics he demonstrated in his actions that matched his words. He is truly a man of love and as a farm boy from Poway, I aspire to be as good as him. This would be a dream come true for me.
I am only one person. "My spirit is as strong as ever. I'm still fighting to make the world a better place and so you can too." I am only one person. I give up. I cannot do it by myself. I guess what I want to say is that if you can dream with me, if you can tell this same story with me and I will tell others about the stories you allow me to tell about you, then we can make this world a better place together and have fun doing it, while living in the 3D, but also allowing a small fraction of our day in ones own dream studio.
Graham wondered how he was going to use the new "360 journey" pages he was asking SolGuruz to build. "If I have "Our Dream Studio" the place where we play, will the 360 Journey pages be necessary or could there be both?
Graham wanted to begin to play with his brothers and sisters. He felt like he was ready. He couldn't wait to introduce his Princess to them. The Princess and Graham loved listening to all the dreams.
What would we say to all of our family of users on DSL?
This is what we want to say to you. The 3D world you have found yourself in is bizarre if you really think about it a lot. The more you study, the more you will find that you don't know but this doesn't mean you can't learn from the best of what other humans have learned.
Don't be afraid to say "Hi". Signing up to DSL was one decision. Posting your individual dreams was a second, and posting something beautiful and/or amazing every day was third, and then publishing your work at the next 90 frames, the next direction. This is how you become the creator of your life. There is great kind of magic by filling in your frames ever single day. Put all those frames together and how do they feel, relentlessness or laziness. Be relentless with all your brothers and sister in your encouragement, storytelling, and dreaming. Tell your story. Listen to theirs. Question, laugh, encourage, and anticipate tomorrows blank frame. Whether you know it or not all of you fill in your frames with every minute of your frame. Today's frame is 294, 2025 and things were moving according to plan. Graham was huffing and puffing to catch up to the dreams. He is almost there. It is almost time to begin and you can tell him the farm boy assistant principal principal from Poway who married a Princess is ready to play, within the bound of the law of the Earth 3D world. What do you dream about?
Graham looked at his DSL administrator dashboard. There was a new user registered with the first two email initials "an". That made 79 users in total. The Users were on a fast track to 25,000,000 Users who dream 1% of their time. He thought most of the 79 Users were from the builders and testers of DSL. The one thing he could find out is who is paying attention. Would they pay attention to the notifications? Would they read the kindergarten approved, "Our Dream Studio." This is the place where they met, all focusing with different time and energy on the stories for 10 minutes to 60 minutes during the day, maybe a few, more time than that, but they were determined to make Spaceship Earth a bit better.
Robert wanted to become a Narrator. He would be anonymous, like the camera man behind the camera of a movie being shot. Does the camera many become part of the movie? Is he or she mentioned in the movie credits? He loved being anonymous. He lived 62 years of his life, close to being 100 years old, being anonymous. He got used to it. He found the anonymous ways of leading and he thought they were funny and felt like they were all part of a game. He made a game of it. It could be played on DSL and similar sites, but all on the same page, most built by SolGuruz. They had very good character and they proved that through the development process which resulted in a living master piece. It was simple but most complex because it was easy to use and yet, it connected to the Infinite and to all the other Users. They were all connected.
Jan 14, 2025
Am I Ready?
Graham could see himself creating "Our Dream Studio." This was a place where we didn't ague about what we "know." This is a place where we put together the pieces that we don't know and in that, we found a place to play this magnificent game with all of my brothers and sisters from all around the world. Our role as brother and sister is to ask questions and encourage each other and then learn from others. Learn from the "mistakes" or lessons they learned.
"Graham paced his own Dream Studio and looked up to the skies, and asked, "Am I ready for this?" He wasn't asking himself, he was asking whatever or whoever is out there, possibly even the One who is known by 1000 names. Graham wanted to start telling the story. He wanted to start on page 281 but there were delays and new insights.
On the last page, it was only then that he had the idea of creating an eighth shared dream.
Graham wanted to tell everyone, as if they didn't already know, "There will be very few of you who live beyond 100. The majority of you will leave your bodies before your 3D body ages gets to be 100 human years old." So...what will you create? There are so many good sites to help you build this world in your mind. It is your mansion. It is filled with family, heroes, quotes, drawings, and love. Dream Story Live was just an example of what other individuals, schools, and businesses could accomplish if they become a living, live, example of listing and/or putting pictures up of all of your dreams.
I am only one person. My spirit is basically the same from when I was a little boy and I had many daydreams. When I became a man, I had learned a lot about the world and I figured out ways to keep all those beautiful dreams alive. It is with the determination and love as demonstrated by Hamish Brewer. He is a school principal. Mr. Brewer is a dreamer and this is why I love him. I love his characteristics he demonstrated in his actions that matched his words. He is truly a man of love and as a farm boy from Poway, I aspire to be as good as him. This would be a dream come true for me.
I am only one person. "My spirit is as strong as ever. I'm still fighting to make the world a better place and so you can too." I am only one person. I give up. I cannot do it by myself. I guess what I want to say is that if you can dream with me, if you can tell this same story with me and I will tell others about the stories you allow me to tell about you, then we can make this world a better place together and have fun doing it, while living in the 3D, but also allowing a small fraction of our day in ones own dream studio.
Graham wondered how he was going to use the new "360 journey" pages he was asking SolGuruz to build. "If I have "Our Dream Studio" the place where we play, will the 360 Journey pages be necessary or could there be both?
Graham wanted to begin to play with his brothers and sisters. He felt like he was ready. He couldn't wait to introduce his Princess to them. The Princess and Graham loved listening to all the dreams.
What would we say to all of our family of users on DSL?
This is what we want to say to you. The 3D world you have found yourself in is bizarre if you really think about it a lot. The more you study, the more you will find that you don't know but this doesn't mean you can't learn from the best of what other humans have learned.
Don't be afraid to say "Hi". Signing up to DSL was one decision. Posting your individual dreams was a second, and posting something beautiful and/or amazing every day was third, and then publishing your work at the next 90 frames, the next direction. This is how you become the creator of your life. There is great kind of magic by filling in your frames ever single day. Put all those frames together and how do they feel, relentlessness or laziness. Be relentless with all your brothers and sister in your encouragement, storytelling, and dreaming. Tell your story. Listen to theirs. Question, laugh, encourage, and anticipate tomorrows blank frame. Whether you know it or not all of you fill in your frames with every minute of your frame. Today's frame is 294, 2025 and things were moving according to plan. Graham was huffing and puffing to catch up to the dreams. He is almost there. It is almost time to begin and you can tell him the farm boy assistant principal principal from Poway who married a Princess is ready to play, within the bound of the law of the Earth 3D world. What do you dream about?
Graham looked at his DSL administrator dashboard. There was a new user registered with the first two email initials "an". That made 79 users in total. The Users were on a fast track to 25,000,000 Users who dream 1% of their time. He thought most of the 79 Users were from the builders and testers of DSL. The one thing he could find out is who is paying attention. Would they pay attention to the notifications? Would they read the kindergarten approved, "Our Dream Studio." This is the place where they met, all focusing with different time and energy on the stories for 10 minutes to 60 minutes during the day, maybe a few, more time than that, but they were determined to make Spaceship Earth a bit better.
Robert wanted to become a Narrator. He would be anonymous, like the camera man behind the camera of a movie being shot. Does the camera many become part of the movie? Is he or she mentioned in the movie credits? He loved being anonymous. He lived 62 years of his life, close to being 100 years old, being anonymous. He got used to it. He found the anonymous ways of leading and he thought they were funny and felt like they were all part of a game. He made a game of it. It could be played on DSL and similar sites, but all on the same page, most built by SolGuruz. They had very good character and they proved that through the development process which resulted in a living master piece. It was simple but most complex because it was easy to use and yet, it connected to the Infinite and to all the other Users. They were all connected.
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025