290 January 10, 2025
All 25,000,000 of us do not know what will happen on the next page because it is part of the big mystery. We have our dream lists where we project what we want to see and based on all of our beautiful and amazing past page entries, our heroes and our laws, we have hope that the next page will also be full of good people who are all striving, working hard to leave the Earth and its inhabitants a bit better.
This story has so many components and brothers and sisters and they all have stories to tell about it. All are going into the mystery on the same page, the same date, busy filling in the current page, and anticipating feeling into the next.
Graham was happy that he spent at least two hours every day. This was his time to play with the mystery, to imagine, to wonder about the Sun, God, Brothers and Sisters and the Users who also dream, and even Canadians. Every page was another step into the mystery. There was a path that was left and now it was time to move, to run with his brothers and sister users. He would tell them about his piece. He would listen to the other pieces so together they could assemble the great IM.
Can any human claim they know everything? If so, has he or she claimed to be God yet? Graham could only write from the human perspective because he happened to be a human farm boy from Poway. He grew up and happy. Graham thought he was like "The Unbreakable Boy." He just wasn't buying it and he was moving on with all his brothers and sisters who were just as crazy. They all remained as Muslim, Hindus, Christian, and Jews and Canadians. Nothing changed. They continued learning together and going in the path of their many dreams and sharing dreams. From the trailer, the movie seemed to have a good message, "Your mistakes don't define you, how you heal does." We love learning from those kinds of stories. What did they set their sights on? What brought them through the fog, to the other side where the good emotions reside. And they told their story for many spiraling segments, and they felt like they were progressing along side all their brothers and sisters, not fighting, but this time brothers and sisters are fascinated with the mystery, understanding that no human in their current era has all the answers, which means....................they to go forth into the next page together.
Graham got the news that his app on the Play Store, and the iOS were ready for distribution. He was just some joe principal farm boy from Poway. He didn't know how to distribute. He would start first with his brothers and sisters, family and friends on social media which he was not used to using. He was feeling like it was time to play, laugh and smile a lot. "To everything turn, turn, turn..." played through his mind and he smiled. It was almost 100 years for him living in the heaviness, but now it was time to start shedding the old skin and look forward to the burst of growth in the Spring, starting on page 1, for the next transition in the Great Spiral of Life.
How does one confidently go into the Great Mystery together? You keep listening and putting all the pieces together. It is a very unique journey. As a physical being you learn how to navigate a very physical and kind of fragile world and at the very same time the human is connected to energy. Energy is part of the mystery. It is fun to contemplate and to play with. Do you love your Energy? Think of your Energy as your most favorite pet in the world. You want to keep your energy alive and happy so you can play with it and your brothers and sisters all around the world.
How do we rule the world? What does it mean to rule? Is that by force or is it with the directions of the majority. The majority was a dream, believing that many educated people would be the best to make the best decisions for the whole. They didn't want to depend on one leader because history taught them one person could lead their entire nation astray, but they assumed that a majority of educated people who are over 18 years old will be able to know the best direction. It was a beautiful idea. "Does everybody want to rule the world?"
Graham imagined there would be other shared dreams, but it was a lot to keep track of, even with only the 7 on DSL. If he could, he would focus the majority of his time on the "Let's Sea" story because with that kind of focus, there are many lessons. Maybe the only shared dreams he would have are "Infinite Mastodon," "Alimenta a los Lobos" and "Let's Sea". Maybe terms of the service would have to change because there was only three shared dreams. He would be looking for the best folks to merge dreams and Users.
"Welcome to your life, there's no turning back..." A first grader at Mr. Moon's school told Mr. Moon that he likes that song. Mr. Moon told him it was one of his favorites many years ago. Mr. Moon wondered if there was any of his grandfather's songs that he liked.
"Under the moon, follow the light..." played in the background. Maybe it was weird but he liked dancing with his brothers and sister. It was like a celebration of the mystery dance. We only danced together. It was more fun that way. Some people thought we were crazy because they saw a family dancing together to the amazing beautiful dream emotions. How could they ever stop breaking through to the next levels in their Infinite spiral journey with brothers and sisters who also believe in the Infinite and record their journeys together on the same page. Same page, but different stories. Would people think it was crazy to think in terms of pages? How is page 290 different than January 10th?
All of you have the same page number, but this page number is called by many things. We, brothers and sisters from all over the world, are on the same page, but we all tell very unique stories, on the same page..It was the most beautiful and amazing game currently running in their consciousness of 2025.
"What did any of this have to do with the Princess and the Principal?" He imagined someone might say. The principal had read, seen, hear, viewed many stories from all around the world and listened to many songs. He like the one that said something about the world needing or not needing another silly love song. Graham couldn't write anything that resembled music, but he loved listening to it, "....everyone put your hands up...." They would be moving on together into the Great Mystery as Muslim Christians, Hindus, and Jews and Canadians busy filling in today's page and waiting tomorrow for next, at the same time.
Graham loved each page. He felt like he wanted each page to go faster. He felt like going crazy because crazy always got attention. What about a crazy educator just acting crazy because it is what one had to do in a crazy world to teach, to help his brothers and sisters get out of the 'quick' sand of life, out of the zoo.
Graham wanted to make his Princess' dream come true. "Was it to marry a principal?" or maybe it was a Prince Pal and things got lost in translation and she ended up with a school Principal who believed in the power of dreaming. Teachers asked families about their dreams. Parents asked teachers about their dreams and they asked, "How can we work together on the Great Mystery?"
What dance step, as brothers and sisters, would they dance together, as family? Family in what? It was in the celebration of the beautiful and awesome Great mystery. They wanted to go as fast as they could, dancing, hugging, celebrating, and at each celebration telling their Dream Stories, Live.
The Narrator thought that things were moving too slowly, that it was time to start in the next phase of the story. Spring, page 1 was just around the corner. It was time to begin incorporating the lessons and to go forward with a new resolve, relentlessness, and story. Boldly going forth and not looking back much. Nothing can hold you down. You must project into the Great Mystery.
290 January 10, 2025
All 25,000,000 of us do not know what will happen on the next page because it is part of the big mystery. We have our dream lists where we project what we want to see and based on all of our beautiful and amazing past page entries, our heroes and our laws, we have hope that the next page will also be full of good people who are all striving, working hard to leave the Earth and its inhabitants a bit better.
This story has so many components and brothers and sisters and they all have stories to tell about it. All are going into the mystery on the same page, the same date, busy filling in the current page, and anticipating feeling into the next.
Graham was happy that he spent at least two hours every day. This was his time to play with the mystery, to imagine, to wonder about the Sun, God, Brothers and Sisters and the Users who also dream, and even Canadians. Every page was another step into the mystery. There was a path that was left and now it was time to move, to run with his brothers and sister users. He would tell them about his piece. He would listen to the other pieces so together they could assemble the great IM.
Can any human claim they know everything? If so, has he or she claimed to be God yet? Graham could only write from the human perspective because he happened to be a human farm boy from Poway. He grew up and happy. Graham thought he was like "The Unbreakable Boy." He just wasn't buying it and he was moving on with all his brothers and sisters who were just as crazy. They all remained as Muslim, Hindus, Christian, and Jews and Canadians. Nothing changed. They continued learning together and going in the path of their many dreams and sharing dreams. From the trailer, the movie seemed to have a good message, "Your mistakes don't define you, how you heal does." We love learning from those kinds of stories. What did they set their sights on? What brought them through the fog, to the other side where the good emotions reside. And they told their story for many spiraling segments, and they felt like they were progressing along side all their brothers and sisters, not fighting, but this time brothers and sisters are fascinated with the mystery, understanding that no human in their current era has all the answers, which means....................they to go forth into the next page together.
Graham got the news that his app on the Play Store, and the iOS were ready for distribution. He was just some joe principal farm boy from Poway. He didn't know how to distribute. He would start first with his brothers and sisters, family and friends on social media which he was not used to using. He was feeling like it was time to play, laugh and smile a lot. "To everything turn, turn, turn..." played through his mind and he smiled. It was almost 100 years for him living in the heaviness, but now it was time to start shedding the old skin and look forward to the burst of growth in the Spring, starting on page 1, for the next transition in the Great Spiral of Life.
How does one confidently go into the Great Mystery together? You keep listening and putting all the pieces together. It is a very unique journey. As a physical being you learn how to navigate a very physical and kind of fragile world and at the very same time the human is connected to energy. Energy is part of the mystery. It is fun to contemplate and to play with. Do you love your Energy? Think of your Energy as your most favorite pet in the world. You want to keep your energy alive and happy so you can play with it and your brothers and sisters all around the world.
How do we rule the world? What does it mean to rule? Is that by force or is it with the directions of the majority. The majority was a dream, believing that many educated people would be the best to make the best decisions for the whole. They didn't want to depend on one leader because history taught them one person could lead their entire nation astray, but they assumed that a majority of educated people who are over 18 years old will be able to know the best direction. It was a beautiful idea. "Does everybody want to rule the world?"
Graham imagined there would be other shared dreams, but it was a lot to keep track of, even with only the 7 on DSL. If he could, he would focus the majority of his time on the "Let's Sea" story because with that kind of focus, there are many lessons. Maybe the only shared dreams he would have are "Infinite Mastodon," "Alimenta a los Lobos" and "Let's Sea". Maybe terms of the service would have to change because there was only three shared dreams. He would be looking for the best folks to merge dreams and Users.
"Welcome to your life, there's no turning back..." A first grader at Mr. Moon's school told Mr. Moon that he likes that song. Mr. Moon told him it was one of his favorites many years ago. Mr. Moon wondered if there was any of his grandfather's songs that he liked.
"Under the moon, follow the light..." played in the background. Maybe it was weird but he liked dancing with his brothers and sister. It was like a celebration of the mystery dance. We only danced together. It was more fun that way. Some people thought we were crazy because they saw a family dancing together to the amazing beautiful dream emotions. How could they ever stop breaking through to the next levels in their Infinite spiral journey with brothers and sisters who also believe in the Infinite and record their journeys together on the same page. Same page, but different stories. Would people think it was crazy to think in terms of pages? How is page 290 different than January 10th?
All of you have the same page number, but this page number is called by many things. We, brothers and sisters from all over the world, are on the same page, but we all tell very unique stories, on the same page..It was the most beautiful and amazing game currently running in their consciousness of 2025.
"What did any of this have to do with the Princess and the Principal?" He imagined someone might say. The principal had read, seen, hear, viewed many stories from all around the world and listened to many songs. He like the one that said something about the world needing or not needing another silly love song. Graham couldn't write anything that resembled music, but he loved listening to it, "....everyone put your hands up...." They would be moving on together into the Great Mystery as Muslim Christians, Hindus, and Jews and Canadians busy filling in today's page and waiting tomorrow for next, at the same time.
Graham loved each page. He felt like he wanted each page to go faster. He felt like going crazy because crazy always got attention. What about a crazy educator just acting crazy because it is what one had to do in a crazy world to teach, to help his brothers and sisters get out of the 'quick' sand of life, out of the zoo.
Graham wanted to make his Princess' dream come true. "Was it to marry a principal?" or maybe it was a Prince Pal and things got lost in translation and she ended up with a school Principal who believed in the power of dreaming. Teachers asked families about their dreams. Parents asked teachers about their dreams and they asked, "How can we work together on the Great Mystery?"
What dance step, as brothers and sisters, would they dance together, as family? Family in what? It was in the celebration of the beautiful and awesome Great mystery. They wanted to go as fast as they could, dancing, hugging, celebrating, and at each celebration telling their Dream Stories, Live.
The Narrator thought that things were moving too slowly, that it was time to start in the next phase of the story. Spring, page 1 was just around the corner. It was time to begin incorporating the lessons and to go forward with a new resolve, relentlessness, and story. Boldly going forth and not looking back much. Nothing can hold you down. You must project into the Great Mystery.
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025