289 Jan 9, 2025
Users, Brothers, and Sisters
Graham went into his dream studio. He loved it because he felt like it was all his own and he could think about and imagine whatever he wanted to. It was because of the freedom he felt he was able to listen, imagine, and feel that he was able to translate the thoughts and feelings that came to him. He called them "movies." He said it was much better than the movies in the movie theater, on Netflix, or Prime.
"Could Dream Story even work?" Robert actually questioned it a lot, but in his studio, he made the connection and could see how beautifully it worked, at least in the pages of his imagination.
He put his Bose headphones on, opened Spotify, and played Aquila de Oro and then "Sun" by Thomas Bergerson. He opened up the Dream Story app and began to write, "Graham went into..."
"Are you guided by your dreams, your family, your teachers, your best friends or something else? What gives you direction in life? Where are you going? "If you don't know where you are going, then yes, any road or page will get you there. Is one of your dreams to meet as many people as possible and listen to their stories. That is exactly what Graham did for so many years, listening to the heavy victim stories. He didn't like listening to those, so when he started to hear them, he looked into their eyes. He knew that path to hope and love. He would do the question-asking with the heavies. What is your favorite book, song, friend? Do you have goals? What do you want to be when you grow up. He would tell them that he has 56 on going dreams and many completed dreams. He would tell them the story of the Princess and the Principal, the 25,000,000 people who dream, who use the Dream Story Live app. They are users of the app. Their names are "Users" exactly because they use the Dream Story Live app, but they are also Users of many other products, apps, services and cars. You don't call someone who buys a Ford a Forder. You don't call someone who uses Douligo a Doulingoer. You don't call someone who likes cucumbers a cucumber. This is all we need are more identities. The best identity, of your many, is your Sprit or Soul or what ever you call it because they are mysteries. You are forever, at least in your human existence connected with The Great Mystery. This is a huge part of who you are. You were built with a mind that could learn, in the best way possible to navigate the 3D world and still be connected to the Infinite, and you don't call a User of Dream Story Live a Dreamer, DSLer, ...maybe a storyteller, but the User of DSL is only to be called..., sorry, It would be most kindly best lovely appreciated with all gratitude if you would kindly only call Users of Dream Story Live, just "Users". These Users are amazing. They have learned not only how to use many things, but they learned how to tell stories, every one of them. All they had to do at a minimum was to add one picture a day for 90 days and have at least one individual dream and share at least one shared dream. Premium user will be able to download their stories and easily share them with others. "My Dream Story by _______." And their stories will talk of their families, their best friends, their teachers and all their projects.
What Graham Loved about all the Users of DSL he had an amazing budding friendship with them. All Graham would do is share his thoughts with them. "Yes, I'm just some stupid dreamer farm boy from Poway and what the heck do I know." "But, my Users...." ...Graham felt something as he wrote, "My Users," but as he wrote it a second time it didn't feel as good. It felt right but not in the right slot yet, but getting close. He liked it when he worked as Principal at a Muslim School. They all called each other, Brother ______________ or Sister __________. That felt right, at least as a User of DSL, I will call you my brother or my sister and that is a very special level to meet at. At this level you are not even thinking about sex. Graham wished there was a better way to talk about the subject or not talk about it so that our focus as Brothers and Sisters we work as a family to encourage and build up, at least this is what Graham would do with all of his Brother and Sister Users of DSL. That is what he had on his Doulingo Profile. Each week "Brother Robert" would kind of meet 29 other people. He liked that and thought of putting something similar on DSL.
"My Brothers and Sisters of the world, I would love to have you join me on DSL. I will call you my Brother or my Sister and we will all be on the same page, as the funny humans say, but in this scenario, we are all telling different stories, on the same page but simultaneously and all with beautiful and amazing stories." And the Users of Fords, Chiropractors, Duolingo, and DSL will continued to be called "Users" and in a way, running together. My Brothers and Sisters, "I love you." I want to hear your dreams and I want to encourage you as much as possible. I also have my own dreams and I dedicate time to work on them every day for at least two hours. But another beauty of this dream is that it integrates all aspects of society beautifully because it is a new way of looking at energy. Are there no feelings in energy? The way I see it is from my experience in life, 100, I know that all the good feelings, from contentment to Love, have a kind of energy. These emotions feed the energy or the energy feeds the emotions and this is what gives one the energy to bounce out of bed the next morning. There are many adults who don't talk about their dreams and therefore they miss out on this wonderful energy. They don't help enable others to help them with their dreams. Many older adults...well, what are their dreams? Can they list them on DSL or similar, or in notebooks?
Graham Loved and Loved DSL because of all the Users, his Brothers and Sisters. They were Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Jews, and Users, and Forders, Doulingoeers, and Cucumbers. They were were people from many countries and they were all brother and sister storytellers. This was a good level to be at. They all had stories to tell about their dreams and their 360 Journey together with millions of people telling their stories just one page at a time. Page 68, on the last day of school for Mr. Moon, would be the last page of this chapter and then the focus would shift. Users all over the world were showing the beauty and amazing they saw every single kicking day of their lives and this one picture, one quote, one thought or lost of thoughts every single day moved the DSL User closer to having a dream completed. There were dreams that could be completed, like the purchase of a bike or a trip to Spain, but they would always have ongoing dreams, like having the most awesome family, not because we are better than any other family, but I only know what I feel in my family. I don't know how to describe it but it feels good. We always strive for the good energy because this is what gives us a boost and something to look forward to each and every page.
How could Graham tell this story to Mr. Moon's students. Mr. Moon was in total agreement with Graham and even Robert that it is important to have dreams. That is why Hamish Brewer is a favorite amongst the three of them. All of them believe in the Great Mystery.
Graham was happy with the quote he saw on DSL. Ray Bradbury said, "Life is trying things to see if they work." Robert didn't know if DSL would work. He often didn't, but he kept on listening, and writing, and then working with SolGuruz. He found many more good people there. The CEO of SolGuruz reached out to Graham for the opportunity to meet and they did. SolGuruz was solid on their word and contract, not even one deviation. These were good people and the master builders of DSL.
Why would any User of DSL want to use it, every single page, one page per day? Why would anyone want to list his or her goals? Why wouldn't any Users want to feel the good fast moving energy? Why wouldn't the Users show their appreciation to their public servants, the air, the energy, the police, firemen, teachers and principals? They did all the hard work allowing the users more time to spend in the Great Mystery, the lost Identity just because know one, heretofore, could describe it. How do you describe a mystery? You can describe it in pieces, chunks of things you are living, but in your human experience we can almost guarantee you that you will never know everything. At one point in your understanding, did you come to the understanding that one of your identities is mystery? There is that human part of every human where they do not know. Humans, for example, have a lot of ideas of death, about what happens on the other side, but no human knows for sure what it looks like on the others side. You can believe, but you will not know for sure. Pay attention to your energy. In different circumstances, with different feelings, ask yourself about how the energy feels. You have to decide what direction you want to feel. You will get a lot more energy when the good feelings come. You can sustain them because you are relentless and you persevere. You anticipate bad times will come because these happen to every storyteller for the experience but what has to come through is your Spirit. That is really who you are. You really are part of the mystery. You even have a hard time describing what you are. You have free will to experience any identity, you could have hundreds of identities if you wanted. You could be the first man or woman to describe a million identies. Who knows, maybe this is your purpose. Will you have many followers? DSL users have many identities and have listed them on their own, but what they like the most is learning to Identify, to know, to go into the Great Mystery one day at a time along side all our brothers and sisters. Encouraging and enabling others because their stories show that they are growing.
Users, Brothers, and Sisters
Graham went into his dream studio. He loved it because he felt like it was all his own and he could think about and imagine whatever he wanted to. It was because of the freedom he felt he was able to listen, imagine, and feel that he was able to translate the thoughts and feelings that came to him. He called them "movies." He said it was much better than the movies in the movie theater, on Netflix, or Prime.
"Could Dream Story even work?" Robert actually questioned it a lot, but in his studio, he made the connection and could see how beautifully it worked, at least in the pages of his imagination.
He put his Bose headphones on, opened Spotify, and played Aquila de Oro and then "Sun" by Thomas Bergerson. He opened up the Dream Story app and began to write, "Graham went into..."
"Are you guided by your dreams, your family, your teachers, your best friends or something else? What gives you direction in life? Where are you going? "If you don't know where you are going, then yes, any road or page will get you there. Is one of your dreams to meet as many people as possible and listen to their stories. That is exactly what Graham did for so many years, listening to the heavy victim stories. He didn't like listening to those, so when he started to hear them, he looked into their eyes. He knew that path to hope and love. He would do the question-asking with the heavies. What is your favorite book, song, friend? Do you have goals? What do you want to be when you grow up. He would tell them that he has 56 on going dreams and many completed dreams. He would tell them the story of the Princess and the Principal, the 25,000,000 people who dream, who use the Dream Story Live app. They are users of the app. Their names are "Users" exactly because they use the Dream Story Live app, but they are also Users of many other products, apps, services and cars. You don't call someone who buys a Ford a Forder. You don't call someone who uses Douligo a Doulingoer. You don't call someone who likes cucumbers a cucumber. This is all we need are more identities. The best identity, of your many, is your Sprit or Soul or what ever you call it because they are mysteries. You are forever, at least in your human existence connected with The Great Mystery. This is a huge part of who you are. You were built with a mind that could learn, in the best way possible to navigate the 3D world and still be connected to the Infinite, and you don't call a User of Dream Story Live a Dreamer, DSLer, ...maybe a storyteller, but the User of DSL is only to be called..., sorry, It would be most kindly best lovely appreciated with all gratitude if you would kindly only call Users of Dream Story Live, just "Users". These Users are amazing. They have learned not only how to use many things, but they learned how to tell stories, every one of them. All they had to do at a minimum was to add one picture a day for 90 days and have at least one individual dream and share at least one shared dream. Premium user will be able to download their stories and easily share them with others. "My Dream Story by _______." And their stories will talk of their families, their best friends, their teachers and all their projects.
What Graham Loved about all the Users of DSL he had an amazing budding friendship with them. All Graham would do is share his thoughts with them. "Yes, I'm just some stupid dreamer farm boy from Poway and what the heck do I know." "But, my Users...." ...Graham felt something as he wrote, "My Users," but as he wrote it a second time it didn't feel as good. It felt right but not in the right slot yet, but getting close. He liked it when he worked as Principal at a Muslim School. They all called each other, Brother ______________ or Sister __________. That felt right, at least as a User of DSL, I will call you my brother or my sister and that is a very special level to meet at. At this level you are not even thinking about sex. Graham wished there was a better way to talk about the subject or not talk about it so that our focus as Brothers and Sisters we work as a family to encourage and build up, at least this is what Graham would do with all of his Brother and Sister Users of DSL. That is what he had on his Doulingo Profile. Each week "Brother Robert" would kind of meet 29 other people. He liked that and thought of putting something similar on DSL.
"My Brothers and Sisters of the world, I would love to have you join me on DSL. I will call you my Brother or my Sister and we will all be on the same page, as the funny humans say, but in this scenario, we are all telling different stories, on the same page but simultaneously and all with beautiful and amazing stories." And the Users of Fords, Chiropractors, Duolingo, and DSL will continued to be called "Users" and in a way, running together. My Brothers and Sisters, "I love you." I want to hear your dreams and I want to encourage you as much as possible. I also have my own dreams and I dedicate time to work on them every day for at least two hours. But another beauty of this dream is that it integrates all aspects of society beautifully because it is a new way of looking at energy. Are there no feelings in energy? The way I see it is from my experience in life, 100, I know that all the good feelings, from contentment to Love, have a kind of energy. These emotions feed the energy or the energy feeds the emotions and this is what gives one the energy to bounce out of bed the next morning. There are many adults who don't talk about their dreams and therefore they miss out on this wonderful energy. They don't help enable others to help them with their dreams. Many older adults...well, what are their dreams? Can they list them on DSL or similar, or in notebooks?
Graham Loved and Loved DSL because of all the Users, his Brothers and Sisters. They were Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Jews, and Users, and Forders, Doulingoeers, and Cucumbers. They were were people from many countries and they were all brother and sister storytellers. This was a good level to be at. They all had stories to tell about their dreams and their 360 Journey together with millions of people telling their stories just one page at a time. Page 68, on the last day of school for Mr. Moon, would be the last page of this chapter and then the focus would shift. Users all over the world were showing the beauty and amazing they saw every single kicking day of their lives and this one picture, one quote, one thought or lost of thoughts every single day moved the DSL User closer to having a dream completed. There were dreams that could be completed, like the purchase of a bike or a trip to Spain, but they would always have ongoing dreams, like having the most awesome family, not because we are better than any other family, but I only know what I feel in my family. I don't know how to describe it but it feels good. We always strive for the good energy because this is what gives us a boost and something to look forward to each and every page.
How could Graham tell this story to Mr. Moon's students. Mr. Moon was in total agreement with Graham and even Robert that it is important to have dreams. That is why Hamish Brewer is a favorite amongst the three of them. All of them believe in the Great Mystery.
Graham was happy with the quote he saw on DSL. Ray Bradbury said, "Life is trying things to see if they work." Robert didn't know if DSL would work. He often didn't, but he kept on listening, and writing, and then working with SolGuruz. He found many more good people there. The CEO of SolGuruz reached out to Graham for the opportunity to meet and they did. SolGuruz was solid on their word and contract, not even one deviation. These were good people and the master builders of DSL.
Why would any User of DSL want to use it, every single page, one page per day? Why would anyone want to list his or her goals? Why wouldn't any Users want to feel the good fast moving energy? Why wouldn't the Users show their appreciation to their public servants, the air, the energy, the police, firemen, teachers and principals? They did all the hard work allowing the users more time to spend in the Great Mystery, the lost Identity just because know one, heretofore, could describe it. How do you describe a mystery? You can describe it in pieces, chunks of things you are living, but in your human experience we can almost guarantee you that you will never know everything. At one point in your understanding, did you come to the understanding that one of your identities is mystery? There is that human part of every human where they do not know. Humans, for example, have a lot of ideas of death, about what happens on the other side, but no human knows for sure what it looks like on the others side. You can believe, but you will not know for sure. Pay attention to your energy. In different circumstances, with different feelings, ask yourself about how the energy feels. You have to decide what direction you want to feel. You will get a lot more energy when the good feelings come. You can sustain them because you are relentless and you persevere. You anticipate bad times will come because these happen to every storyteller for the experience but what has to come through is your Spirit. That is really who you are. You really are part of the mystery. You even have a hard time describing what you are. You have free will to experience any identity, you could have hundreds of identities if you wanted. You could be the first man or woman to describe a million identies. Who knows, maybe this is your purpose. Will you have many followers? DSL users have many identities and have listed them on their own, but what they like the most is learning to Identify, to know, to go into the Great Mystery one day at a time along side all our brothers and sisters. Encouraging and enabling others because their stories show that they are growing.
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025