January 7
P. 287, January 7, 2025 - Principal's Diary
It was a long day for Graham. He had to stay until 6:00 for meetings at his school, but as he reflected it was earlier than his work in Bethlehem and he didn't have to contend with an hour drive home.
He did stop for gas at Walmart before going home. When he got home, the Princess and Graham would take their step mother out to a nice restaurant, the Artichoke Cafe in Albuquerque. They loved the food.
They got back late and Graham would have to be waking of at 4:30 a.m. to go to the airport. Their step mother was flying back to her home in Orlando.
By the time he got home he had to work on his iPad for his school. Today he published the first page in their Youtube announcements. They are the SRM Storytellers. Soon Mr. Moon would be telling all the students and staff about his Dream of 25,000,000 dreamers by the last day of his school in May 2025. He would soon tell them about his dreams. The narrator built in the conflict of the story. Does Graham continue telling about the Principal, Mr. Moon and Graham separately, or does he switch to the first person?
It wasn't up to the Narrator to figure this out. It was up to Graham and Mr. Moon. He figured by the time anyone was starting to ask about conflict of interest, there would be a lot of momentum to the story, and this would provide a lot of debate and interest in your Dream Stories. What are they dreaming about? Then they would start to question their own dreams and then the children, the students would listen eagerly to their parents dreams, the ones accomplished and the ones in motion.
The Narrator loved his/her job. He/She had, what seemed like, no responsibility in the story. It didn't matter what happened. All the Narrator had to do was to write about what happened - Graham went to jail, Graham got married, Graham started telling all his students and staff that he knows someone who can tell him about the 25,000,000 dreamers. He would tell them about the first 69 dreamers, and then the 70th. The 70th dreamer held the place for two days now, on page 286 and 287. How much time would pass until the 71st dreamer joined at least one of the shared dreams.
Graham thought about a new shared dream as "The Stage for Dreamers," be he didn't want to add another shared dream. He thought that "Alimenta a los Lobos" was the best shared dream to hear from other dreamers who were feeding the wolves."
A few years ago, he wrote a poem about the loan wolf who is coming for others, for you, to release them from the zoo. He liked imagining running with all the other wolves. It didn't matter what color they were. What matter was their speed. They all loved running together as a pack as fast as they could and when one of their family started to slow down, they slowed down until they started running again and then they would all be together exploring everything. To them it seemed like there was no end for them to explore and this is why they wanted to run fast. They knew they had a limited number of pages in their book and they wanted to make full use of every single page. It was into the mystery with out fear and worthlessness. They kept feeding each other with their dreams and they became large and happy and they loved hearing the stories of other families that dreamed. And they began running together, all at the same pace, which was exactly, almost exactly one page per day. That is how fast they ran. Of course they all didn't know what would happen in the next 3 minutes, let alone the next day, but they projected and imagined and swore to themselves that they would leave the world at least just a bit better.
They all ran together. With their personal dreams, which may or may not be private, they were all on the same page but all telling very unique stories. And then some of them connected with the millions of others. They were having fun trying to figure out how they were going to get the kindergarteners out of debt. There was at least one person who had the bright idea to make a movie about how all the people worked together to chip away the links that attached the kindergarteners to their debt. Every single page, they chipped away at another link in the chain.
"If you are seeing this notification, it means you are at the beginning of this story and I thank you for joining my dream. I want to hear your dreams. I want to run together next to you and I can't wait to introduce The Princess to you."
After The Narrator completed his or her writing, Graham also used him or her to compose an email to SolGuruz in response to a request for an endorsement.
Hello Jay,
I have also been thrilled working with you and your team. I have no hesitation in providing a recommendation for all your good people. I didn't know for sure who you all were at first and I didn't know if I could trust you or if I was being scammed. Now that this phase of Dream Story Live is completed, you have earned my full trust. I'm happy how you never changed anything about the payment. You gave me your quote and SolGuruz never deviated from our written agreement.
I was very hesitant about sending my big first installment to SolGuruz. I was taking a risk, but I'm a bit of a risk. This may have been the best risk I have ever taken and now Dreamstorylive.com is there for the whole world to see, this beautiful piece of art. What is even more beautiful are all the dreams that imagine are inside of it, this tremendous grid that provides a solid path into the Great Mystery of Life that is built on Dream Lists and Vision boards. I can't wait to see all the Dreamers printing out their Dream Stories and sharing them with their families and schools and with Public Servants and even Canadians. "This is My Dream Story, by ________________.
Thank you
Sunday, January 7, 2024
Sunday morning, Graham spent some time updating the Dream Story website. He couldn’t forget Boyan Slat’s statement, “We have this super human level of perseverance. We are focused on the goal and we don’t deviate from that.” He couldn’t wait to meet all the other super humans out there who had laser like focus on their goals.
It was a long day for Graham. He had to stay until 6:00 for meetings at his school, but as he reflected it was earlier than his work in Bethlehem and he didn't have to contend with an hour drive home.
He did stop for gas at Walmart before going home. When he got home, the Princess and Graham would take their step mother out to a nice restaurant, the Artichoke Cafe in Albuquerque. They loved the food.
They got back late and Graham would have to be waking of at 4:30 a.m. to go to the airport. Their step mother was flying back to her home in Orlando.
By the time he got home he had to work on his iPad for his school. Today he published the first page in their Youtube announcements. They are the SRM Storytellers. Soon Mr. Moon would be telling all the students and staff about his Dream of 25,000,000 dreamers by the last day of his school in May 2025. He would soon tell them about his dreams. The narrator built in the conflict of the story. Does Graham continue telling about the Principal, Mr. Moon and Graham separately, or does he switch to the first person?
It wasn't up to the Narrator to figure this out. It was up to Graham and Mr. Moon. He figured by the time anyone was starting to ask about conflict of interest, there would be a lot of momentum to the story, and this would provide a lot of debate and interest in your Dream Stories. What are they dreaming about? Then they would start to question their own dreams and then the children, the students would listen eagerly to their parents dreams, the ones accomplished and the ones in motion.
The Narrator loved his/her job. He/She had, what seemed like, no responsibility in the story. It didn't matter what happened. All the Narrator had to do was to write about what happened - Graham went to jail, Graham got married, Graham started telling all his students and staff that he knows someone who can tell him about the 25,000,000 dreamers. He would tell them about the first 69 dreamers, and then the 70th. The 70th dreamer held the place for two days now, on page 286 and 287. How much time would pass until the 71st dreamer joined at least one of the shared dreams.
Graham thought about a new shared dream as "The Stage for Dreamers," be he didn't want to add another shared dream. He thought that "Alimenta a los Lobos" was the best shared dream to hear from other dreamers who were feeding the wolves."
A few years ago, he wrote a poem about the loan wolf who is coming for others, for you, to release them from the zoo. He liked imagining running with all the other wolves. It didn't matter what color they were. What matter was their speed. They all loved running together as a pack as fast as they could and when one of their family started to slow down, they slowed down until they started running again and then they would all be together exploring everything. To them it seemed like there was no end for them to explore and this is why they wanted to run fast. They knew they had a limited number of pages in their book and they wanted to make full use of every single page. It was into the mystery with out fear and worthlessness. They kept feeding each other with their dreams and they became large and happy and they loved hearing the stories of other families that dreamed. And they began running together, all at the same pace, which was exactly, almost exactly one page per day. That is how fast they ran. Of course they all didn't know what would happen in the next 3 minutes, let alone the next day, but they projected and imagined and swore to themselves that they would leave the world at least just a bit better.
They all ran together. With their personal dreams, which may or may not be private, they were all on the same page but all telling very unique stories. And then some of them connected with the millions of others. They were having fun trying to figure out how they were going to get the kindergarteners out of debt. There was at least one person who had the bright idea to make a movie about how all the people worked together to chip away the links that attached the kindergarteners to their debt. Every single page, they chipped away at another link in the chain.
"If you are seeing this notification, it means you are at the beginning of this story and I thank you for joining my dream. I want to hear your dreams. I want to run together next to you and I can't wait to introduce The Princess to you."
After The Narrator completed his or her writing, Graham also used him or her to compose an email to SolGuruz in response to a request for an endorsement.
Hello Jay,
I have also been thrilled working with you and your team. I have no hesitation in providing a recommendation for all your good people. I didn't know for sure who you all were at first and I didn't know if I could trust you or if I was being scammed. Now that this phase of Dream Story Live is completed, you have earned my full trust. I'm happy how you never changed anything about the payment. You gave me your quote and SolGuruz never deviated from our written agreement.
I was very hesitant about sending my big first installment to SolGuruz. I was taking a risk, but I'm a bit of a risk. This may have been the best risk I have ever taken and now Dreamstorylive.com is there for the whole world to see, this beautiful piece of art. What is even more beautiful are all the dreams that imagine are inside of it, this tremendous grid that provides a solid path into the Great Mystery of Life that is built on Dream Lists and Vision boards. I can't wait to see all the Dreamers printing out their Dream Stories and sharing them with their families and schools and with Public Servants and even Canadians. "This is My Dream Story, by ________________.
Thank you
Sunday, January 7, 2024
Sunday morning, Graham spent some time updating the Dream Story website. He couldn’t forget Boyan Slat’s statement, “We have this super human level of perseverance. We are focused on the goal and we don’t deviate from that.” He couldn’t wait to meet all the other super humans out there who had laser like focus on their goals.
Photo by Darwis Alwan: https://www.pexels.com/photo/silhouette-photography-of-grass-1454752/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025