EOP 286
January 6th
P 286
It was the first day back to school for Mr. Moon. There were no students. It was a professional development for the teachers. Ms. Seawell announced that on the next page, video announcement and story would follow.
Hello Dreamers,
On this page, there were 7 shared dreams. The thought came in to make an 8th shared dream, called "Stage" or "Dream Stage" How would Graham introduce the Dream Stage? First he would quote Shakespear, "All the world..." Then he would say hi to all of the dreamers. He would introduce himself, and then he would tell them they are of the first 100 subscribers. He didn't want to call them Subscribers. He would call them dreamers. He would write to them every day on Dream Story Live. He would tell them that this dream stage was created for solutions, for dreams, for weird possibilities.
Every day would be his goal to thank the Dreamers and to listen to the dreams on the Dream Stage. Time was tight. He would read as many dreams as he had time for, but most of all, he wanted to create a stage where the focus was on dreams, feeling vulnerable, but not afraid, not afraid to say, "I don't know. What can we learn together?" All experiences are valuable experiences.
Hello Dreamers,
My name in Robert W. Mond. My story names, at present, are Graham, Robert, and Mr. Moon. They are the exact same person but with different functions. Mr. Moon is a school Principal of 20 years or rings of the spiral. However, for some reason, he is currently working as an assistant principal in an elementary school in Albuquerque New Mexico of the United States. He is very fond of the saying, "Unless you become like little children, you will never be able to enter the kingdom of heaven." And so he did and this is a big part of this story. Graham is the main actor in this story because he spends most of his time not on the hours of his job. In all of the off hours Mr. Moon is Graham. Graham represents curiosity and the freedom to question in trying to understand the great mysteries of life. So the other part of Robert became Graham because Robert found it easier to write in Third person so Robert spent a lot of time writing in third person and the more time he wrote as Graham, he became Graham.
Robert knew that his writing was not perfect. What he liked about his writing was that it had a way of taking him to the next level of consciousness, so he wrote, not perfectly. He wrote as if his writing would never be read, as if it was just for him, but also for everyone. He would reread it, typically once, before posting it. He like to call it "A Principal's Diary." This is what he thought as he was growing and nearing 100 years old.
Graham is named after Robert's Hero, Graham Hancock. He is someone who is questioning and experimenting and searching for Truth. Graham is one of Robert's many Heroes.
"I Love this beautiful Earth that we have, the Earth who takes care of us so well. I Love every single human being because I believe we all come from the same stuff and so on that level we are family. You are my family and I love you, no mater what learning decisions you make. I will always be there to listen to your dreams and to what you dreaming about, to the best of my ability and time.
I spend much of the day in this 3D reality, but I found that I must have at least two hours to imagine, feel, and write about what I imagine. I do all this in two hours, and then it is back to sweeping the floors as mentioned by Yogananda.
I believe that every day I am given this gift of energy. I therefore want to use it in the most valuable way. How can I create bridges? How can I spend more time with my family. My family is first. What are their dreams? What is their purpose? Do they believe in the undefinable Infinite, at least for human programming?
Thank you dreamers for being part of my dream. How can I be a part of yours? As soon as I can, I will leave the Dream Stage and before I go, I will say it is really quite simple, the human life. All you have to do is feed the wolves and all the wolves will take care of you. The pack will take care of you and you don't have to remember me, just please pass on the wisdom, "Alimenta a Los Lobos" Los Lobos love dreams for teats. Dreams give them energy, lots and lots of energy and they wake up with a bounce in their step looking for others on the Dream Stage.
I am looking forward to hearing from you on the stage. Hey, how can we work together. I'm looking forward to seeing you on the Dream Stage. You are the first 70 Dreamers to Dream Story Live. What are your dreams? What do you have on your dream list? I have about 60 dreams. As a fellow dreamer, I expect to follow the laws with you, but what shines are the dreams. This is where we spend our time and energy is wondering how we can feed the wolves and the more wolves we feed we are returned with abundance. We listen, we share, we laugh and we look forward to the next page, and for checking off dreams as complete.
"What if it were a game?" Graham thought. What could be the fewest pages I could write in a favorable manner, 90, 180, 270, 360? It would only take as long as others worked together on the same stage, listening to each others stories.
Graham wanted to play the game to the fullest and within the parameters of the law. He believe people made these laws because there were expectations of behavior while in public. When people followed the law the societies function much better, they had more time and energy to help others with their dreams. As the elders elded, they gave more and more time listening to the dreams of others and they would tell of their own dreams and if the dreamer was willing, would carry the dreams of the elders forward.
Dream Story Live is a place to explore the Infinite, anchored in you family and dream list, and wondering about all the possibilities. "Why not?" My name is Robert W Mond, but I have no desire to be remembered. It is just that I believe and I learned some things that are very important and that you can have success with them if you merely feed the Lobos well every day and they will take care of you and run with you and give you a ride on the back until you are ready to run side by side with the pack into the Great Mystery of life.
Saturday, January 6, 2024
It was a quiet Saturday morning. Graham quickly got out of bed and went to his computer to write some notes. They were thoughts that were on his mind. He was always wondering when and how the story was going to happen. That question was always in the back of his mind. For the past couple of weeks, the thought was coming to him, that “It’s time to start writing.” What does that mean? He would imagine that by the last day of his school of 2024 in Bethlehem, there would be significant changes. Could he write, take a picture, and upload it to his website every day, or until the Dream Story app was available online?
Graham wrote the following as his thoughts flowed to him.
Passionately tell the story every day, starting with today, about telling the story to third graders, about being one of the passionate people that don’t give up on their dreams, like the people with Boyan. About combining the Next generation science standards or just the 6th grade science standard that even kindergarten students would use. This is about having high expectations, about encouraging the students to study and to learn about their family history, this is about writing, getting to know the kids, passionately telling the story and again, today could be the start of that. It’s about committing to a page and picture every day with Mr. Mond, Graham and/or the students, because nothing like this has ever been done before, and it’s about sending it out to all staff and parents, and all schools around the world. He knew thousands of schools around the world would share Boyan’s dream. He knew there were lots of old wealth people around the world that would make their big contributions to helping clean the oceans before they exited the stage. It’s about doing this until the last day of school. It’s about writing the story because it comes out one page at a time. The problem with word of mouth is there is no record and therefore no story. This story is about the Journey into the Unknown the same leadership principal that is used in the book, “The Journey of Not Knowing” by Benezet, but with many different tasks. The results will be seen by the end of May of 2024. This is why Graham was recently feeling the frustration because he was living this other amazing life, but it was all in his imagination and no one knew about it, but they will once the story comes out.
(I repeat myself because the thought keeps coming up and I write at the input of thought)
Choose that 6th grade science standard because it helps to maintain a focus.
By the end of the year, there will be thousands of schools that will share our dream of cleaning the oceans with Boyan.
This is the time to write and make the time for the story, to tell the story to others about this dream app that he is making, about our school joining thousands of other schools in wanting to clean the ocean
Then there is that piece about If I were president, he would do….
Perhaps there is going to be the need to spend more time with the third graders.
Spend the first couple weeks just documenting how much trash there is in the oceans. This will become part of the story and will help in measuring progress.
Perhaps they will be the ones who decide about the prizes. It would be good if teachers could recognize good effort. They get sent to the office because of good effort in what they are trying to accomplish.
Mr. Mond Forgot to mention the part about thinking outside the box at his staff meeting.
Graham is wondering when he will be able to remember what appears to him in his meditations, in visions, what he calls, “movies” and feelings. Can he maintain that throughout the day. He has to carry it, to believe in his story, to tell his story, to be passionate about his story, a lot more passion than is shown by any of the presidents, and even more passion than his hero Hamish. “Was that possible,” he wondered. This is a story that works. Graham has seen it, felt it, and experienced its success in many ways.
We will have to cut away time every day to write and on the weekend and of course the best person to tell this story to, in writing, in writing, in writing, is his Queen. This is the story that he made up and it feels good to him.
This storytelling, being a storyteller, at least for this story, requires a little crazy, or at least what most people would say, that he is a bit off or crazy, but who isn’t?
After he finished his writing he took out his brand new skateboard for a ride. The brand was an Arbor. It was a beautiful board. He was happy to see that this company helped with the reforestation of Hawaii. If he had known that when making a choice, it would have made his decision a lot easier. As he was riding his board to a nearby park, he was thinking about what he would tell Aurora. “It’s like I found door to a secret garden. I’ve been exploring it for the past 5 years and I have confirmed that not only is it infinite, but there is enough room for all 8 billion on our Spaceship Earth. How to get in? In a way, it was easy and the path through it was done just one page at a time.
It was the first day back to school for Mr. Moon. There were no students. It was a professional development for the teachers. Ms. Seawell announced that on the next page, video announcement and story would follow.
Hello Dreamers,
On this page, there were 7 shared dreams. The thought came in to make an 8th shared dream, called "Stage" or "Dream Stage" How would Graham introduce the Dream Stage? First he would quote Shakespear, "All the world..." Then he would say hi to all of the dreamers. He would introduce himself, and then he would tell them they are of the first 100 subscribers. He didn't want to call them Subscribers. He would call them dreamers. He would write to them every day on Dream Story Live. He would tell them that this dream stage was created for solutions, for dreams, for weird possibilities.
Every day would be his goal to thank the Dreamers and to listen to the dreams on the Dream Stage. Time was tight. He would read as many dreams as he had time for, but most of all, he wanted to create a stage where the focus was on dreams, feeling vulnerable, but not afraid, not afraid to say, "I don't know. What can we learn together?" All experiences are valuable experiences.
Hello Dreamers,
My name in Robert W. Mond. My story names, at present, are Graham, Robert, and Mr. Moon. They are the exact same person but with different functions. Mr. Moon is a school Principal of 20 years or rings of the spiral. However, for some reason, he is currently working as an assistant principal in an elementary school in Albuquerque New Mexico of the United States. He is very fond of the saying, "Unless you become like little children, you will never be able to enter the kingdom of heaven." And so he did and this is a big part of this story. Graham is the main actor in this story because he spends most of his time not on the hours of his job. In all of the off hours Mr. Moon is Graham. Graham represents curiosity and the freedom to question in trying to understand the great mysteries of life. So the other part of Robert became Graham because Robert found it easier to write in Third person so Robert spent a lot of time writing in third person and the more time he wrote as Graham, he became Graham.
Robert knew that his writing was not perfect. What he liked about his writing was that it had a way of taking him to the next level of consciousness, so he wrote, not perfectly. He wrote as if his writing would never be read, as if it was just for him, but also for everyone. He would reread it, typically once, before posting it. He like to call it "A Principal's Diary." This is what he thought as he was growing and nearing 100 years old.
Graham is named after Robert's Hero, Graham Hancock. He is someone who is questioning and experimenting and searching for Truth. Graham is one of Robert's many Heroes.
"I Love this beautiful Earth that we have, the Earth who takes care of us so well. I Love every single human being because I believe we all come from the same stuff and so on that level we are family. You are my family and I love you, no mater what learning decisions you make. I will always be there to listen to your dreams and to what you dreaming about, to the best of my ability and time.
I spend much of the day in this 3D reality, but I found that I must have at least two hours to imagine, feel, and write about what I imagine. I do all this in two hours, and then it is back to sweeping the floors as mentioned by Yogananda.
I believe that every day I am given this gift of energy. I therefore want to use it in the most valuable way. How can I create bridges? How can I spend more time with my family. My family is first. What are their dreams? What is their purpose? Do they believe in the undefinable Infinite, at least for human programming?
Thank you dreamers for being part of my dream. How can I be a part of yours? As soon as I can, I will leave the Dream Stage and before I go, I will say it is really quite simple, the human life. All you have to do is feed the wolves and all the wolves will take care of you. The pack will take care of you and you don't have to remember me, just please pass on the wisdom, "Alimenta a Los Lobos" Los Lobos love dreams for teats. Dreams give them energy, lots and lots of energy and they wake up with a bounce in their step looking for others on the Dream Stage.
I am looking forward to hearing from you on the stage. Hey, how can we work together. I'm looking forward to seeing you on the Dream Stage. You are the first 70 Dreamers to Dream Story Live. What are your dreams? What do you have on your dream list? I have about 60 dreams. As a fellow dreamer, I expect to follow the laws with you, but what shines are the dreams. This is where we spend our time and energy is wondering how we can feed the wolves and the more wolves we feed we are returned with abundance. We listen, we share, we laugh and we look forward to the next page, and for checking off dreams as complete.
"What if it were a game?" Graham thought. What could be the fewest pages I could write in a favorable manner, 90, 180, 270, 360? It would only take as long as others worked together on the same stage, listening to each others stories.
Graham wanted to play the game to the fullest and within the parameters of the law. He believe people made these laws because there were expectations of behavior while in public. When people followed the law the societies function much better, they had more time and energy to help others with their dreams. As the elders elded, they gave more and more time listening to the dreams of others and they would tell of their own dreams and if the dreamer was willing, would carry the dreams of the elders forward.
Dream Story Live is a place to explore the Infinite, anchored in you family and dream list, and wondering about all the possibilities. "Why not?" My name is Robert W Mond, but I have no desire to be remembered. It is just that I believe and I learned some things that are very important and that you can have success with them if you merely feed the Lobos well every day and they will take care of you and run with you and give you a ride on the back until you are ready to run side by side with the pack into the Great Mystery of life.
Saturday, January 6, 2024
It was a quiet Saturday morning. Graham quickly got out of bed and went to his computer to write some notes. They were thoughts that were on his mind. He was always wondering when and how the story was going to happen. That question was always in the back of his mind. For the past couple of weeks, the thought was coming to him, that “It’s time to start writing.” What does that mean? He would imagine that by the last day of his school of 2024 in Bethlehem, there would be significant changes. Could he write, take a picture, and upload it to his website every day, or until the Dream Story app was available online?
Graham wrote the following as his thoughts flowed to him.
Passionately tell the story every day, starting with today, about telling the story to third graders, about being one of the passionate people that don’t give up on their dreams, like the people with Boyan. About combining the Next generation science standards or just the 6th grade science standard that even kindergarten students would use. This is about having high expectations, about encouraging the students to study and to learn about their family history, this is about writing, getting to know the kids, passionately telling the story and again, today could be the start of that. It’s about committing to a page and picture every day with Mr. Mond, Graham and/or the students, because nothing like this has ever been done before, and it’s about sending it out to all staff and parents, and all schools around the world. He knew thousands of schools around the world would share Boyan’s dream. He knew there were lots of old wealth people around the world that would make their big contributions to helping clean the oceans before they exited the stage. It’s about doing this until the last day of school. It’s about writing the story because it comes out one page at a time. The problem with word of mouth is there is no record and therefore no story. This story is about the Journey into the Unknown the same leadership principal that is used in the book, “The Journey of Not Knowing” by Benezet, but with many different tasks. The results will be seen by the end of May of 2024. This is why Graham was recently feeling the frustration because he was living this other amazing life, but it was all in his imagination and no one knew about it, but they will once the story comes out.
(I repeat myself because the thought keeps coming up and I write at the input of thought)
Choose that 6th grade science standard because it helps to maintain a focus.
By the end of the year, there will be thousands of schools that will share our dream of cleaning the oceans with Boyan.
This is the time to write and make the time for the story, to tell the story to others about this dream app that he is making, about our school joining thousands of other schools in wanting to clean the ocean
Then there is that piece about If I were president, he would do….
Perhaps there is going to be the need to spend more time with the third graders.
Spend the first couple weeks just documenting how much trash there is in the oceans. This will become part of the story and will help in measuring progress.
Perhaps they will be the ones who decide about the prizes. It would be good if teachers could recognize good effort. They get sent to the office because of good effort in what they are trying to accomplish.
Mr. Mond Forgot to mention the part about thinking outside the box at his staff meeting.
Graham is wondering when he will be able to remember what appears to him in his meditations, in visions, what he calls, “movies” and feelings. Can he maintain that throughout the day. He has to carry it, to believe in his story, to tell his story, to be passionate about his story, a lot more passion than is shown by any of the presidents, and even more passion than his hero Hamish. “Was that possible,” he wondered. This is a story that works. Graham has seen it, felt it, and experienced its success in many ways.
We will have to cut away time every day to write and on the weekend and of course the best person to tell this story to, in writing, in writing, in writing, is his Queen. This is the story that he made up and it feels good to him.
This storytelling, being a storyteller, at least for this story, requires a little crazy, or at least what most people would say, that he is a bit off or crazy, but who isn’t?
After he finished his writing he took out his brand new skateboard for a ride. The brand was an Arbor. It was a beautiful board. He was happy to see that this company helped with the reforestation of Hawaii. If he had known that when making a choice, it would have made his decision a lot easier. As he was riding his board to a nearby park, he was thinking about what he would tell Aurora. “It’s like I found door to a secret garden. I’ve been exploring it for the past 5 years and I have confirmed that not only is it infinite, but there is enough room for all 8 billion on our Spaceship Earth. How to get in? In a way, it was easy and the path through it was done just one page at a time.
Banner Photo by Photo by Oskar Smethurst: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-using-skateboard-on-gray-asphalt-road-6036203/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025