284 North
January 1st
Graham wrote, "May you all always be close to your family. May you all not be afraid to start piecing together the Infinite. It is, at least, Infinite according to human programming. May you never stop asking "Who is God and pursuing the Infinite with your energy of Faith, Hope, and Love."
All major religions believe that God is Infinite. Choose and learn about your morality. Choose good. Seek advice from your family. One will listen to all family members for advice and all family members agree to understand that their own family member may not take your advice because only the Dreamer knows what is in the Dreamers heart. It is some kind of energy that wants to play in the emotions, that is free to play in the emotions of the Love Dream Wolf. It wants to run as fast as it can with the pack. It wants to be fierce in its relentlessness.
People are afraid of their family members going astray. This is a good fear. They especially don't want their family members to go off their path to God, according to their understanding of their religious teaching.
The Great IM is merely a representation of the Infinite. Although the body of a Mastodon is finite, was finite, it's energy is part of the Infinite. According to human programming, it was made with an understanding that there is something called the infinite, but this is also part of your programming - to find out as much about the Infinite as possible. As soon as one person or party claims they have "The Truth" then run from them. Listen and seek to understand, and keep running to the Infinite truth of human consciousness. Will any human find the answer or will the humans accept that they will not always have all the answers about the Infinite. Think about what it means to be Infinite. Are all of your atoms infinite or part of the infinite? Do your atoms have a consciousness? Do they have energy? Where does energy come from. Does the Sun give you unconditional energy?
Religions have been great in providing moral guidance. Religions have not been that great of accepting the moral guidance offered by other religions. Religions have not been great about talking about, spending time and energy, on putting the pieces of the puzzle together. This is a task that takes time. In the Dream wolf energy, you do not have time for bickering. You forgive and choose to love, and you move on and whoever you were bickering with, you wish for them the best and to move on. How do you move on? You pursue the Infinite. Can God be called the Infinite?
Leaders need to be able to say, "I don't know," about many things. Yes Leaders go to college and learn a lot of knowledge and they practice their skills, but any true leader will tell you there is so much that they don't know, but they are pursuing a certain path into the infinite, and their, and your, particular Dream Story Path is deciding to spend time telling your story believing in the Infinite and helping the world to be a bit better before your energy transition to the next phase of understanding.
Graham one day stopped. It was probably when he had his miracle experience at Rythmia in Costa Rica. It changed his perspective. He saw things as in a dream state. The dreams one sees while sleeping are hard to explain. The things he saw were like the sleeping dreams but kind of like another world, another level in the dream state. They seemed real, but how were these created? He understood how complicated it is to make an animated movie, but why in dreams are they so easily appearing and without having to use the conscious energy of the left and right brain? They just appear for some reason. Who animated those dreams? How does that happen? Could this process be part of the Infinite. Dreamers are filled with the Love for the Infinite, because of, at least in human programing the Infinite is the Infinite and the choice is yours. Never stop believing in and wondering about the Infinite or something else. Religions all profess the Infinite, do they not? Is there any such thing as a Muslim, Christian, Hindu, or Jew limitation description of the Infinite? Can any label, theory concept stick to the infinite or do those labels bounce off like bullets bouncing for Superman?
We are Dream Wolves. We should delight in knowing we are programmed with both the emotions for the nightmare wolf and dream wolf, knowing they both reside within our human programming. When we give of our 1,440 minute to the Dream Wolf, we grow in a direction towards the beautiful and awesome, along with the pack.
We are entering the Great Mystery of the Infinite and we are all exploring and looking for the kind of people who will help us make the world a better place. One of our goals is to make the world a bit better because we were in it. We are here to pass it on to the next generations. In our pack, we forgive, forget and we never blame. We are taking the lead, the responsibility, and embracing the infinite and listening to the moral guidance of our families, the elders, and trusted friends. What did they learn from their path into the Infinite?
Just one page at at time. It is slow enough not to freak out most people. We are finding other Dreamers who believe that God provides the unconditional energy, that our sins are forgiven. We reflect on the meaning of forgiving, on one of the names of God, The Most Merciful. We give thanks but most importantly we explore the Greater side of God. We don't just explore, we run with the pack and share what we pick up along the way.
Could that be what it means for the Wolf to Grow? It doesn't mean that it just grows in size, but it also grows in number. The Dream Wolves agree to follow the rules of the pack, which are laws in human terms, and they agree to find out as much as possible about the Infinite and they have fun putting all the pieces together and chasing their personal and shared dreams.
Graham wanted to post his writing "raw". He didn't have time in the day to make it perfect. Could perfection include imperfection? he wondered.
This is the Story of the Great IM, the Princess and the Principal, Alimenta al Lobo, and continuity, all just one freaking page at a time. Does that worry anyone?
As a pack, we have so much fun running, there is a kind of energy on the path to the Infinite that is so much dang fun, that you don't want to stop and it just gets faster and faster and more fun. And you begin to understand that you, with your relentlessness, you keep up with us. We are on the path to the Infinite. We agree to follow the laws of our communities, We believe that whoever God is, God is the Infinite. As dreamers, Dream Story Live is in no way shape or for some kind of new religion, it is mealy a way to help piece together the infinite, just one page at a time.
Let's run. Tell me your dreams and I will tell you mine while we are running together, spending time with family, listening and laughing with family and sharing good food and listening to their stories. They learned to be The Master Storytellers and every day, every single day, they spent time and energy feeding the Dream wolves.
And all the children would say, "Alimenta al Lobo," and do you know what happened next? Do you know what happened next? That is for the next page.
Graham knew there were many out there in the pack. there were all kinds of varieties out there and that was never an issue for them. They were seeking to find the fun in running together and exploring the Great Mystery, the Infinite, just one page at a time. We learn from our past and that is why we study history and as we learn, we tell our story on our path into the Great Mystery, just one page at a time.
The Goal of The Master Storytellers LLC is to keep 10% of Gross receipts, and this is after taxes. The other 90% is for their government, continuous upgrade and attention to the Dream Story Live platforms and the remaining to organizations helping with the shared Dreams, including Universities. The primary focus would be to share the dream of cleaning up the Oceans. Boyan's Ocean Clean up looked to be a leader in this. They were do the work and he wanted to help fuel their efforts. He would do this with the help of the paid subscribers. Everyone who subscribed to Dream Story Live would also be helping to fuel the Ocean Clean up. Choose a focus for your school or business. This will be part of your identity. People will know that when they are using your product, they are also having fun participating in your Dreams.
January 1st
Graham wrote, "May you all always be close to your family. May you all not be afraid to start piecing together the Infinite. It is, at least, Infinite according to human programming. May you never stop asking "Who is God and pursuing the Infinite with your energy of Faith, Hope, and Love."
All major religions believe that God is Infinite. Choose and learn about your morality. Choose good. Seek advice from your family. One will listen to all family members for advice and all family members agree to understand that their own family member may not take your advice because only the Dreamer knows what is in the Dreamers heart. It is some kind of energy that wants to play in the emotions, that is free to play in the emotions of the Love Dream Wolf. It wants to run as fast as it can with the pack. It wants to be fierce in its relentlessness.
People are afraid of their family members going astray. This is a good fear. They especially don't want their family members to go off their path to God, according to their understanding of their religious teaching.
The Great IM is merely a representation of the Infinite. Although the body of a Mastodon is finite, was finite, it's energy is part of the Infinite. According to human programming, it was made with an understanding that there is something called the infinite, but this is also part of your programming - to find out as much about the Infinite as possible. As soon as one person or party claims they have "The Truth" then run from them. Listen and seek to understand, and keep running to the Infinite truth of human consciousness. Will any human find the answer or will the humans accept that they will not always have all the answers about the Infinite. Think about what it means to be Infinite. Are all of your atoms infinite or part of the infinite? Do your atoms have a consciousness? Do they have energy? Where does energy come from. Does the Sun give you unconditional energy?
Religions have been great in providing moral guidance. Religions have not been that great of accepting the moral guidance offered by other religions. Religions have not been great about talking about, spending time and energy, on putting the pieces of the puzzle together. This is a task that takes time. In the Dream wolf energy, you do not have time for bickering. You forgive and choose to love, and you move on and whoever you were bickering with, you wish for them the best and to move on. How do you move on? You pursue the Infinite. Can God be called the Infinite?
Leaders need to be able to say, "I don't know," about many things. Yes Leaders go to college and learn a lot of knowledge and they practice their skills, but any true leader will tell you there is so much that they don't know, but they are pursuing a certain path into the infinite, and their, and your, particular Dream Story Path is deciding to spend time telling your story believing in the Infinite and helping the world to be a bit better before your energy transition to the next phase of understanding.
Graham one day stopped. It was probably when he had his miracle experience at Rythmia in Costa Rica. It changed his perspective. He saw things as in a dream state. The dreams one sees while sleeping are hard to explain. The things he saw were like the sleeping dreams but kind of like another world, another level in the dream state. They seemed real, but how were these created? He understood how complicated it is to make an animated movie, but why in dreams are they so easily appearing and without having to use the conscious energy of the left and right brain? They just appear for some reason. Who animated those dreams? How does that happen? Could this process be part of the Infinite. Dreamers are filled with the Love for the Infinite, because of, at least in human programing the Infinite is the Infinite and the choice is yours. Never stop believing in and wondering about the Infinite or something else. Religions all profess the Infinite, do they not? Is there any such thing as a Muslim, Christian, Hindu, or Jew limitation description of the Infinite? Can any label, theory concept stick to the infinite or do those labels bounce off like bullets bouncing for Superman?
We are Dream Wolves. We should delight in knowing we are programmed with both the emotions for the nightmare wolf and dream wolf, knowing they both reside within our human programming. When we give of our 1,440 minute to the Dream Wolf, we grow in a direction towards the beautiful and awesome, along with the pack.
We are entering the Great Mystery of the Infinite and we are all exploring and looking for the kind of people who will help us make the world a better place. One of our goals is to make the world a bit better because we were in it. We are here to pass it on to the next generations. In our pack, we forgive, forget and we never blame. We are taking the lead, the responsibility, and embracing the infinite and listening to the moral guidance of our families, the elders, and trusted friends. What did they learn from their path into the Infinite?
Just one page at at time. It is slow enough not to freak out most people. We are finding other Dreamers who believe that God provides the unconditional energy, that our sins are forgiven. We reflect on the meaning of forgiving, on one of the names of God, The Most Merciful. We give thanks but most importantly we explore the Greater side of God. We don't just explore, we run with the pack and share what we pick up along the way.
Could that be what it means for the Wolf to Grow? It doesn't mean that it just grows in size, but it also grows in number. The Dream Wolves agree to follow the rules of the pack, which are laws in human terms, and they agree to find out as much as possible about the Infinite and they have fun putting all the pieces together and chasing their personal and shared dreams.
Graham wanted to post his writing "raw". He didn't have time in the day to make it perfect. Could perfection include imperfection? he wondered.
This is the Story of the Great IM, the Princess and the Principal, Alimenta al Lobo, and continuity, all just one freaking page at a time. Does that worry anyone?
As a pack, we have so much fun running, there is a kind of energy on the path to the Infinite that is so much dang fun, that you don't want to stop and it just gets faster and faster and more fun. And you begin to understand that you, with your relentlessness, you keep up with us. We are on the path to the Infinite. We agree to follow the laws of our communities, We believe that whoever God is, God is the Infinite. As dreamers, Dream Story Live is in no way shape or for some kind of new religion, it is mealy a way to help piece together the infinite, just one page at a time.
Let's run. Tell me your dreams and I will tell you mine while we are running together, spending time with family, listening and laughing with family and sharing good food and listening to their stories. They learned to be The Master Storytellers and every day, every single day, they spent time and energy feeding the Dream wolves.
And all the children would say, "Alimenta al Lobo," and do you know what happened next? Do you know what happened next? That is for the next page.
Graham knew there were many out there in the pack. there were all kinds of varieties out there and that was never an issue for them. They were seeking to find the fun in running together and exploring the Great Mystery, the Infinite, just one page at a time. We learn from our past and that is why we study history and as we learn, we tell our story on our path into the Great Mystery, just one page at a time.
The Goal of The Master Storytellers LLC is to keep 10% of Gross receipts, and this is after taxes. The other 90% is for their government, continuous upgrade and attention to the Dream Story Live platforms and the remaining to organizations helping with the shared Dreams, including Universities. The primary focus would be to share the dream of cleaning up the Oceans. Boyan's Ocean Clean up looked to be a leader in this. They were do the work and he wanted to help fuel their efforts. He would do this with the help of the paid subscribers. Everyone who subscribed to Dream Story Live would also be helping to fuel the Ocean Clean up. Choose a focus for your school or business. This will be part of your identity. People will know that when they are using your product, they are also having fun participating in your Dreams.
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025