January 2
There was so much that Graham wanted to do with Dream Story but there weren't enough hours in the day to do everything and so he was learning to go at that pace life was happening. "Perhaps it is slow going for a reason?"
He knew the story could only move at the pace of one page per day. but he wanted to do more to improve it.
Maybe it was time to start shifting from the theory and finally start telling the story that would feed the wolf. More examples were needed. Other dreamers were needed.
What were the dreams of the dreamers? He couldn't wait to hear them. There were some personal dreams that dreamers wanted to keep private. He didn't want to hear those. He wanted to know the ones that people were excited to talk about.
Make it a goal to post just one thing each day to your story, just one thing. This can be a picture, video, or writing. This is the story you are telling. It is okay to post more pictures than just one, but make one the minimum and if you do do this, you will experience what it is like to dream with all the other dreamers and you will discover this wonderful playful energy.
Graham realized at one point that there were just too many things to be done to make the world a bit better, he would need help. He knew he could depend on the Dreamers, the Storytellers. They were all about helping to make the world a bit better. They were always ready to use some of their 1,440 minutes to helping others. They found out how many dreamers were online all dreaming together.
What is your story name or names? What would your Narrator write about the characters in your story?
Will you go on this Infinite Journey with us into the Great Mystery of Life, together dreaming about how we can make the world just a bit better.
Once upon a time, it was March 14. It was time for the families and the schools to read the tale of two wolves. The kids knew it as it is read to them every year. It was not just a reminder to the children, but for the adults too.
All of us, my children, have two wolves inside of us and they are both terribly hungry all the time, but no matter how little, one of the wolves is fed, it will always remain perfectly healthy and very much alive. One wolf is the dream wolf. This wolf gets very excited because of the hope it feels, the journey it is on, and the friends it has. This is a high energy wolf and it will move you though life, your amazing dreams. It loves optimism, enthusiasm, faith, hope, and love. All of these will help your to grow. The treats the Dream Wolf loves are dreams. He listens and then shares its own dreams and both wolves become excited and laugh together.
The nightmare wolf is bundled with very heavy emotions. This wolf is also shrouded by a kind of mystical fog. Even though one may feed the nightmare wolf often, more frequently than the Dream Wolf, Dream wolf emotions are still alive inside of the nightmares. There is always a way out, always a way to break through the fog. It is very possible to get out of the nightmare. Find hope, belief, possibility. You do this by first adding just one dream of yours. This is the easy part. This is just one percent inspiration. Then the 99% perspiration needs to kick in. When you get the momentum going with just 7 pages, this means you are starting to shift your time and energy and focus towards the Dream Wolf. As you go through the spiral of emotions, you will notice a more positive change in how you feel. Your energy will improve. You will begin to wonder if there are really other dreamers out there. How would you connect to them? You can do this on Dream Story Live. List your dream and your dreams, and then spend a little time each day in your dream story. If you do this for just 30 days, you can publish your story and you will be a published author. Did you get the steps of writing a good story from Storytelling made Easy by Michael Hauge?
"I'm a storyteller."
I'm telling this story live.
Do you want to be in my Dream Story?
Could this be a shift to I? But who is I? With I you kind of Identify yourself in one way or another and this is why Graham does not like to write in first person because when he does, he feel resistance in his energy. It makes him feel like he is slowing down. It is a kind of mixture of emotions, one of the emotions is confusion. It almost feels like a light has been covered and so he uses third person to write in instead.
Graham wished he could be many things and one of those things he thought would be to be a channel. He wanted to receive inspiration from Spirit. He wanted to help his fellow human beings with all that they are going through. He wanted them to know that it was very possible to break through the fog. Dig deep inside and find other dreamers.
How big are your dreams? Weren't you always told to Dream Big? What are your big dreams? Where will you be your 360 day journey. Will you see growth or stagnation? Will the world be a better place because of (insert your story name here. Get a couple figurines, like dolls and name one of them or a few of them after you, like the work doll, the family doll, and the complete freedom doll. They have all lived together ever since childhood. They merely represent different aspects of one's self. What does _____________ (story name and family doll) want for his or her family? What are the dreams of that family?
Once you get out of the fog of nightmares, you will find lots of energy if you keep your focus on your dreams. Some dreams take years to complete, like stages of your education. Keep up the perseverance. You may decide slowly, usually, that you want to put your energy in a different direction. One direction that still works with family and community and it looks like you could have a lot of fun, especially in sharing this dream with others.
Graham was practicing stream of consciousness writing. What he loved about this practice he developed is that he never has to use his energy to use his mind to try and tie good elements of writing. Instead, all he has to do is perceive, he calls it a kind of listening that he did not even want to attempt to explain because he couldn't. It's explained well in the book "Big Magic" by Gilbert. It takes practice but anyone can do it, even if it is just posting one picture that touched your heart. Which one felt best an project it out there, out in your dream story.
In Dream Story anything can happen. There are absolutely no guarantees. Try something, Dream list it, and go for it. How many pages do you think it will take you to get to your goal. Tell a lot of people out there. They are waiting for you to exchange Dream Stories.
He knew the line of thinking about the proposed revised wolf got lost on another path of thought, but sometimes that's the way his writing goes. He is an explorer of though and emotion, holding on to those that work. He was just exploring the paths he wrote about. He wanted to feed the wolf.
Grahams energy was stuck on most of this page. He wanted to start the 1st of January with telling many about Dream Story, in a sense he did with taking his Princess to her favorite restaurant and telling her his dream in more detail.
Graham feels like he wants to start telling the story, back to energy stuck...He was going to use one of the shared dreams as his daily story, but for some reason, that didn't feel right. When he decided he would continue on his DreamStory.org site, then this made it clear. He would do this until SolGuruz finished building the 360 Journey pages that would Narrate the Journey into the Great Mystery.
He would thank the users for being part of his dream, and for sharing their dreams.
Graham would share with them all that he sill wants to do with DSL to make it an even better place to keep your dreams and share your dreams. Who is your hero for the day? Maybe he or she can make someone else feel better too.
Graham wanted to share his dream with others. He told his Princess, but there were just a few more things he had to do before he could do that. He would need perhaps two more pages and then he would reach out to others.
"Why not make my own movie?" This is going to be the most fun movie every made. I am going to try to have as many people in my movie because it is all these characters feeding the wolf and watching it grow and seeing the smiles return to the faces."
"Do you want to be in my Dream Story?
Graham was excited because when he told the Princess, she could see the possibilities and she was excited about telling others too.
January 2
There was so much that Graham wanted to do with Dream Story but there weren't enough hours in the day to do everything and so he was learning to go at that pace life was happening. "Perhaps it is slow going for a reason?"
He knew the story could only move at the pace of one page per day. but he wanted to do more to improve it.
Maybe it was time to start shifting from the theory and finally start telling the story that would feed the wolf. More examples were needed. Other dreamers were needed.
What were the dreams of the dreamers? He couldn't wait to hear them. There were some personal dreams that dreamers wanted to keep private. He didn't want to hear those. He wanted to know the ones that people were excited to talk about.
Make it a goal to post just one thing each day to your story, just one thing. This can be a picture, video, or writing. This is the story you are telling. It is okay to post more pictures than just one, but make one the minimum and if you do do this, you will experience what it is like to dream with all the other dreamers and you will discover this wonderful playful energy.
Graham realized at one point that there were just too many things to be done to make the world a bit better, he would need help. He knew he could depend on the Dreamers, the Storytellers. They were all about helping to make the world a bit better. They were always ready to use some of their 1,440 minutes to helping others. They found out how many dreamers were online all dreaming together.
What is your story name or names? What would your Narrator write about the characters in your story?
Will you go on this Infinite Journey with us into the Great Mystery of Life, together dreaming about how we can make the world just a bit better.
Once upon a time, it was March 14. It was time for the families and the schools to read the tale of two wolves. The kids knew it as it is read to them every year. It was not just a reminder to the children, but for the adults too.
All of us, my children, have two wolves inside of us and they are both terribly hungry all the time, but no matter how little, one of the wolves is fed, it will always remain perfectly healthy and very much alive. One wolf is the dream wolf. This wolf gets very excited because of the hope it feels, the journey it is on, and the friends it has. This is a high energy wolf and it will move you though life, your amazing dreams. It loves optimism, enthusiasm, faith, hope, and love. All of these will help your to grow. The treats the Dream Wolf loves are dreams. He listens and then shares its own dreams and both wolves become excited and laugh together.
The nightmare wolf is bundled with very heavy emotions. This wolf is also shrouded by a kind of mystical fog. Even though one may feed the nightmare wolf often, more frequently than the Dream Wolf, Dream wolf emotions are still alive inside of the nightmares. There is always a way out, always a way to break through the fog. It is very possible to get out of the nightmare. Find hope, belief, possibility. You do this by first adding just one dream of yours. This is the easy part. This is just one percent inspiration. Then the 99% perspiration needs to kick in. When you get the momentum going with just 7 pages, this means you are starting to shift your time and energy and focus towards the Dream Wolf. As you go through the spiral of emotions, you will notice a more positive change in how you feel. Your energy will improve. You will begin to wonder if there are really other dreamers out there. How would you connect to them? You can do this on Dream Story Live. List your dream and your dreams, and then spend a little time each day in your dream story. If you do this for just 30 days, you can publish your story and you will be a published author. Did you get the steps of writing a good story from Storytelling made Easy by Michael Hauge?
"I'm a storyteller."
I'm telling this story live.
Do you want to be in my Dream Story?
Could this be a shift to I? But who is I? With I you kind of Identify yourself in one way or another and this is why Graham does not like to write in first person because when he does, he feel resistance in his energy. It makes him feel like he is slowing down. It is a kind of mixture of emotions, one of the emotions is confusion. It almost feels like a light has been covered and so he uses third person to write in instead.
Graham wished he could be many things and one of those things he thought would be to be a channel. He wanted to receive inspiration from Spirit. He wanted to help his fellow human beings with all that they are going through. He wanted them to know that it was very possible to break through the fog. Dig deep inside and find other dreamers.
How big are your dreams? Weren't you always told to Dream Big? What are your big dreams? Where will you be your 360 day journey. Will you see growth or stagnation? Will the world be a better place because of (insert your story name here. Get a couple figurines, like dolls and name one of them or a few of them after you, like the work doll, the family doll, and the complete freedom doll. They have all lived together ever since childhood. They merely represent different aspects of one's self. What does _____________ (story name and family doll) want for his or her family? What are the dreams of that family?
Once you get out of the fog of nightmares, you will find lots of energy if you keep your focus on your dreams. Some dreams take years to complete, like stages of your education. Keep up the perseverance. You may decide slowly, usually, that you want to put your energy in a different direction. One direction that still works with family and community and it looks like you could have a lot of fun, especially in sharing this dream with others.
Graham was practicing stream of consciousness writing. What he loved about this practice he developed is that he never has to use his energy to use his mind to try and tie good elements of writing. Instead, all he has to do is perceive, he calls it a kind of listening that he did not even want to attempt to explain because he couldn't. It's explained well in the book "Big Magic" by Gilbert. It takes practice but anyone can do it, even if it is just posting one picture that touched your heart. Which one felt best an project it out there, out in your dream story.
In Dream Story anything can happen. There are absolutely no guarantees. Try something, Dream list it, and go for it. How many pages do you think it will take you to get to your goal. Tell a lot of people out there. They are waiting for you to exchange Dream Stories.
He knew the line of thinking about the proposed revised wolf got lost on another path of thought, but sometimes that's the way his writing goes. He is an explorer of though and emotion, holding on to those that work. He was just exploring the paths he wrote about. He wanted to feed the wolf.
Grahams energy was stuck on most of this page. He wanted to start the 1st of January with telling many about Dream Story, in a sense he did with taking his Princess to her favorite restaurant and telling her his dream in more detail.
Graham feels like he wants to start telling the story, back to energy stuck...He was going to use one of the shared dreams as his daily story, but for some reason, that didn't feel right. When he decided he would continue on his DreamStory.org site, then this made it clear. He would do this until SolGuruz finished building the 360 Journey pages that would Narrate the Journey into the Great Mystery.
He would thank the users for being part of his dream, and for sharing their dreams.
Graham would share with them all that he sill wants to do with DSL to make it an even better place to keep your dreams and share your dreams. Who is your hero for the day? Maybe he or she can make someone else feel better too.
Graham wanted to share his dream with others. He told his Princess, but there were just a few more things he had to do before he could do that. He would need perhaps two more pages and then he would reach out to others.
"Why not make my own movie?" This is going to be the most fun movie every made. I am going to try to have as many people in my movie because it is all these characters feeding the wolf and watching it grow and seeing the smiles return to the faces."
"Do you want to be in my Dream Story?
Graham was excited because when he told the Princess, she could see the possibilities and she was excited about telling others too.
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025