November 1, 2024 West Principal’s Diary
What if you had a positive message to give the world, what would it be? Would it be from something you learned?
Is everyone born with a purpose on Spaceship Mother Earth? How long does it take to find one’s purpose? If it takes years to find your purpose, what are you doing in the meantime? Does an individual have only one purpose in life or are there multiple purposes?
What are night dreams all about, the dreams one has while sleeping? Do those dreams have messages? Have you ever acted on any of your night dreams? Graham has a friend who is an artist who makes art from what she has dreamed. You can see her work at She is an incredible lady.
Graham wanted to start interacting with all those who were part of the dream. Reminding them that the dream list is like a shower. It takes focus, time, and energy. It’s taking steps to move it forward.
Graham had something like a realization - that he had a responsibility to now move his writing forward, to start telling the story to his audience on a day to day basis.
Greetings to all.
To those who don’t know me, my legal name is Robert Wayne Mond. I am somewhat ambidextrous and I am also a storyteller.
In this story Robert calls himself Graham. Robert found it much easier to write about himself in the 3rd person. It is likely that this is the only page Robert will be mentioned on. In other words, Robert = Graham and Graham = Robert.
Robert is also a dreamer. When he was young, one of his dreams was to become an architect. He did become an architectural and industrial engineering draftsman. In those professions it required him to use his imagination extensively. Robert also dreamed of peace. At one time he thought of traveling to the USSR to try and understand the reason for the cold war. The cold war came to a head and an end before he could go there. What was going on in the Middle East? He wondered. What is their religion all about. He was fascinated the possibility of learning more. He went back to the university to get a master’s degree to teach English. It would be his ticket to learning about the culture and people. He spent 5 years in Saudi Arabia, 1 year in Syria, 2 years in Oman at Sultan Qaboos University, 3 years in the United Arab Emirates at the American University of Sharjah, and one year in Kuwait as a school principal.
At one point Robert wanted to become a priest. “If only more people knew about the religion from God, then there would be peace," he thought. This was during his college days at San Diego State University. Robert fell in love there and realized he had a strong inclination to want to get married. He then thought about becoming a pastor. He could still lead the people of planet Earth toward peace and have a family of his own. Robert also studied many other religions and philosophies. He wondered passionately about the creation he was born into. He heard so many theories. “What is the truth?” He came to the same conclusion as one of his teachers, Osho. The final answer is “I don’t know.” The more we learn, the more we realize how much about this wonderful creation we really don’t know. The search for truth and knowledge he realized is an endless path. It was a search that took him well into his 60’s.
Teaching English for 10 years led to becoming a school principal for 20 years: in Massachusetts for 5 years, Kuwait for 1 year, Washington for 9 years, on the Navajo Nation for 4 years, and in the city of Bethlehem for 1 year. In the back of Robert’s mind, he was always thinking about the deeper meaning of life, of a way of bringing people together, especially his people, his fellow Americans. What is it that could bring them all together? He had made friends from all around the world. He loved hearing their stories and their perspectives on life. What is it that could not only bring Americans together but his friends from all around the world from all different religions and ethnicities?
Robert found the one thing everyone, people from all around the world, have in common is their dreams. Robert learned that although he may never know all the answers about life, he could still create. He wanted to create something for his fellow Americans and for his friends from all around the world and so he designed Dream Story Live. It was an app and web page. It was something to help people keep focused on. No matter wars, poverty, loss of friends and family, corruption, pandemics, and the like, they pledged not to give up on their dreams. They understood that it was natural for their dreams to evolve during their short existence of around 100 years on the Spaceship. What was it that they were to do on their visit? What would they discover? What would they create?
Because Dream Story Live receives financial transactions, he had to create a business. He called it The Master Storytellers, LLC. The goal of The Master Storytellers is for each person who uses Dream Story to become a Master Storyteller. They will list their dreams and visions and tell the story of all the beautiful and amazing things they found on their visit.
Robert had a dream of creating a platform where others could post their personal dreams and share dreams they have in common. He started a website with the format he was looking for (still operating as of Nov 1, 2024 at When he saw it worked, he dreamed of making it into an app and website, but that was way beyond his expertise. Who was he going to call? He reached out to a few companies and then he found SolGuruz. He liked their proposal. They did a design first and told him he could take the design to any other company or he could have SolGuruz build it. He liked them and so SolGuruz built it.
What is special about Dream Story Live? It does not contain a philosophy or religion. It merely presents each new day with a blank page. It is for each user to fill out. It does encourage a focus on one's personal and shared dreams. In the sharing of those dreams, there are also the good emotions. They are like hidden treasures. Who wouldn’t want to be on that path? Because the pages are unconditionally blank for all, they do not discriminate. Every user is free to express, dream, and show as he or she chooses. It is a decision that one makes. The other beautiful feature is it doesn’t require a guru for instruction. Each user of Dream Story is his or her own Guru. In their Dream List, they show what they want to create and then they set off chasing their dreams, in real time, live, along with millions of others. They learn much about themselves and others on their journey. They continue to evolve in a beautiful spiral pattern.
On this page, 220 2024, things were going well for Robert. He got married to his princess just a few pages ago on page 207. They had a wonderful wedding they celebrated with many family and friends. They spent a week at a SolMar resort, Play Grande in Cabo. On their first day there he received a job offer as assistant principal at a school in Albuquerque only 10 minutes from his home. Then he received a message from SolGuruz that Dream Story Live was accepted by the Apple store and was downloadable.
Robert had to admit. It was good to see his name on the app, although it was supposed to be The Master Storytellers as the developer.
In addition to being somewhat Ambidextrous, he was also a developer. He dream was live. Graham could now begin to hear the dreams of others and continue to tell the stories of The Master Storytellers.
Dream Story Live was also evolving. Just as SolGuruz finished the app, Graham had new ideas on how to improve it. Graham couldn’t wait for the new build. He wanted to start connecting with other dreamers.
What if you had a positive message to give the world, what would it be? Would it be from something you learned?
Is everyone born with a purpose on Spaceship Mother Earth? How long does it take to find one’s purpose? If it takes years to find your purpose, what are you doing in the meantime? Does an individual have only one purpose in life or are there multiple purposes?
What are night dreams all about, the dreams one has while sleeping? Do those dreams have messages? Have you ever acted on any of your night dreams? Graham has a friend who is an artist who makes art from what she has dreamed. You can see her work at She is an incredible lady.
Graham wanted to start interacting with all those who were part of the dream. Reminding them that the dream list is like a shower. It takes focus, time, and energy. It’s taking steps to move it forward.
Graham had something like a realization - that he had a responsibility to now move his writing forward, to start telling the story to his audience on a day to day basis.
Greetings to all.
To those who don’t know me, my legal name is Robert Wayne Mond. I am somewhat ambidextrous and I am also a storyteller.
In this story Robert calls himself Graham. Robert found it much easier to write about himself in the 3rd person. It is likely that this is the only page Robert will be mentioned on. In other words, Robert = Graham and Graham = Robert.
Robert is also a dreamer. When he was young, one of his dreams was to become an architect. He did become an architectural and industrial engineering draftsman. In those professions it required him to use his imagination extensively. Robert also dreamed of peace. At one time he thought of traveling to the USSR to try and understand the reason for the cold war. The cold war came to a head and an end before he could go there. What was going on in the Middle East? He wondered. What is their religion all about. He was fascinated the possibility of learning more. He went back to the university to get a master’s degree to teach English. It would be his ticket to learning about the culture and people. He spent 5 years in Saudi Arabia, 1 year in Syria, 2 years in Oman at Sultan Qaboos University, 3 years in the United Arab Emirates at the American University of Sharjah, and one year in Kuwait as a school principal.
At one point Robert wanted to become a priest. “If only more people knew about the religion from God, then there would be peace," he thought. This was during his college days at San Diego State University. Robert fell in love there and realized he had a strong inclination to want to get married. He then thought about becoming a pastor. He could still lead the people of planet Earth toward peace and have a family of his own. Robert also studied many other religions and philosophies. He wondered passionately about the creation he was born into. He heard so many theories. “What is the truth?” He came to the same conclusion as one of his teachers, Osho. The final answer is “I don’t know.” The more we learn, the more we realize how much about this wonderful creation we really don’t know. The search for truth and knowledge he realized is an endless path. It was a search that took him well into his 60’s.
Teaching English for 10 years led to becoming a school principal for 20 years: in Massachusetts for 5 years, Kuwait for 1 year, Washington for 9 years, on the Navajo Nation for 4 years, and in the city of Bethlehem for 1 year. In the back of Robert’s mind, he was always thinking about the deeper meaning of life, of a way of bringing people together, especially his people, his fellow Americans. What is it that could bring them all together? He had made friends from all around the world. He loved hearing their stories and their perspectives on life. What is it that could not only bring Americans together but his friends from all around the world from all different religions and ethnicities?
Robert found the one thing everyone, people from all around the world, have in common is their dreams. Robert learned that although he may never know all the answers about life, he could still create. He wanted to create something for his fellow Americans and for his friends from all around the world and so he designed Dream Story Live. It was an app and web page. It was something to help people keep focused on. No matter wars, poverty, loss of friends and family, corruption, pandemics, and the like, they pledged not to give up on their dreams. They understood that it was natural for their dreams to evolve during their short existence of around 100 years on the Spaceship. What was it that they were to do on their visit? What would they discover? What would they create?
Because Dream Story Live receives financial transactions, he had to create a business. He called it The Master Storytellers, LLC. The goal of The Master Storytellers is for each person who uses Dream Story to become a Master Storyteller. They will list their dreams and visions and tell the story of all the beautiful and amazing things they found on their visit.
Robert had a dream of creating a platform where others could post their personal dreams and share dreams they have in common. He started a website with the format he was looking for (still operating as of Nov 1, 2024 at When he saw it worked, he dreamed of making it into an app and website, but that was way beyond his expertise. Who was he going to call? He reached out to a few companies and then he found SolGuruz. He liked their proposal. They did a design first and told him he could take the design to any other company or he could have SolGuruz build it. He liked them and so SolGuruz built it.
What is special about Dream Story Live? It does not contain a philosophy or religion. It merely presents each new day with a blank page. It is for each user to fill out. It does encourage a focus on one's personal and shared dreams. In the sharing of those dreams, there are also the good emotions. They are like hidden treasures. Who wouldn’t want to be on that path? Because the pages are unconditionally blank for all, they do not discriminate. Every user is free to express, dream, and show as he or she chooses. It is a decision that one makes. The other beautiful feature is it doesn’t require a guru for instruction. Each user of Dream Story is his or her own Guru. In their Dream List, they show what they want to create and then they set off chasing their dreams, in real time, live, along with millions of others. They learn much about themselves and others on their journey. They continue to evolve in a beautiful spiral pattern.
On this page, 220 2024, things were going well for Robert. He got married to his princess just a few pages ago on page 207. They had a wonderful wedding they celebrated with many family and friends. They spent a week at a SolMar resort, Play Grande in Cabo. On their first day there he received a job offer as assistant principal at a school in Albuquerque only 10 minutes from his home. Then he received a message from SolGuruz that Dream Story Live was accepted by the Apple store and was downloadable.
Robert had to admit. It was good to see his name on the app, although it was supposed to be The Master Storytellers as the developer.
In addition to being somewhat Ambidextrous, he was also a developer. He dream was live. Graham could now begin to hear the dreams of others and continue to tell the stories of The Master Storytellers.
Dream Story Live was also evolving. Just as SolGuruz finished the app, Graham had new ideas on how to improve it. Graham couldn’t wait for the new build. He wanted to start connecting with other dreamers.
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025