October 29, 2024 West Principal’s Diary
It was the last day of work for a week for SolGuruz. Graham wished them happy holidays. He couldn’t wait for their return to work. He wanted to know how long it would take to make a spiraling blog and shared dreams addition. It would be much more perfect, at least for now. If anyone wanted to know this story, they would also have access to the blog. Would he keep the blog as a free feature or would it be part of the subscriber cost? Would others want to know the story? Ultimately, this is a story about saving the ocean. Graham knew he didn’t have much time left on that marvelous spaceship they called Earth. If there was anything he could do before he left he wanted to make sure he made amends with his family and friends. He wanted to thank them for…being part of his family and friends. Each relationship had a story and each story, each wonderful person he met along the way had a unique story to tell. He wanted to hear as many dreams as he could before he left. What would he leave them? He would leave them with his best wishes with their evolving dreams and visions.
He wanted to tell them, “I took it as far as I can. Here is the bit, the piece, I learned. Use it if you can and keep building on it. See how far you can go in your SOUL journey. May you find love like the unconditional energy of the Sun.
The journey together is about to go. We are totally grounded in 3D and at the same time, we take an hour or two or more to explore the mystery, and then it is back to reality. We pray that one day, our reality will be as real as our dreams.
He wondered if they were aware of their own dreams. What if one had 9 dreams or 99 dreams? Would they be aware that they are in the middle of their dreams? Would they be aware that they are living their dreams? Would they be aware that every single dream and person, and place has a story behind it? How is it that one ended up in that park on a Saturday afternoon with…?
Graham received papers to fill out for the Albuquerque Public Schools. There were 14 forms. He wished he could have someone do the paperwork for him. He was excited to be telling this story. Would the story include the students at his new school? Would they be excited about cleaning the oceans and dreaming with their parents? What would be the dreams of their parents and the teachers? What would they say to the young? Would they tell the children how much debt they have from the government and that it gets much worse every year? Would they focus on their fun dreams, like having enough funds in the future to help easily stimulate the economy. What would it be like when the parents tell their children all of their dreams? Would teachers be able to share their dreams and teach the students that it takes a lot of hard work for dreams to come true?
Graham looked forward to the blog because it would be about the comments users make. It was time to begin telling the story of how the families from all around the world were helping to clean the seas and this was just one of their dreams. They had many others. They began to learn about the seas and they looked for the root of the problem and they were looking to bring awareness and improve. They hoped they could see progress in their short time on Spaceship Earth before they had to go back. They wanted to learn as much as possible and this made them smile. They were hungry. They were curious and they looked for other Storytellers.
“Let’s Sea” was just a story. A beautiful and amazing story. It was full of love, hope and learning. It became a model of what can happen with focus of what individuals are capable of once they learn about continuity and working towards their dreams, visions, and bucket list. There were many who shared dreams. One of the top dreams they were going to focus on was cleaning the oceans. What percentage did the water cover the face of their spaceship, like water held in a bathtub. Was that much water there for a reason? Wouldn’t one die without water in a relatively short period of time? What does the Energy of the Sun have to do with one’s own personal Energy? Are they aware of their daily Energy level? Can this be added to apps? Although it is a subjective assessment, learning and adjustments take place over time.
“Let’s Sea” was an example of what happens to focus. What if this was their main concern? What if “Lets Sea” became their one of many focused dreams for the multi dimensional SOUL self - another great mystery.
Graham couldn’t wait to transition his writing from his Google Docs and dreamstory.org to the newly developed blog from SolGuruz. He knew they could easily do it. They were main characters in his Dream Story Live project. He wanted to write the ideas and then have someone, anyone turn it into something magical. One day, the children will live in a world where their Spaceship was left in even better shape by their ancestors. They knew there would always be a lot of work to do to clean it up. There was, most of all, a lot of love, hope, and joy to share from all 4 corners of their magnificent Spaceship.
Graham wished, with all his might, that he could begin telling this magnificent story to the children at his school. He wanted his students and their parents to become storytellers too.
Perhaps the blog could be an example of what can happen when people put their hearts together. He would tell his teachers to tell their students to listen to their parents and the parents would tell their children to listen to their teachers and then the students learned what it meant to be on the same page, telling many different stories and sharing many dreams, but on the same page. “Wow!” Graham felt. He was at a loss of words of the beauty and amazing that was about to spread all over the Rocket Ship. It was a time for change. It was a welcoming time for change, enjoying the story and writing a new page in the story every day and printing it out after every 90 pages.
The Princess and the Principal danced. They were both nerds in some respects, but they didn’t care what others thought. They were out to have their own fun when they were dancing with each other and when they went to events, they would separate and learn about as many people as they could and when they left the event, they would talk about all the different Master Storytellers they met. They would talk about all the shared dreams and many of the personal dreams they shared, like learning to play a song on the piano.
What if The Master Storytellers, in conjunction with SolGuruz allowed others to choose to share their stories publicly, then each individual would have their own Dream Story to share with the world. What were the actions they had to take to make their dreams come true? This is what Dream Story Live is all about. It is an evolution of consciousness, a path into the Great Mystery, a piecing together of the Infinite Mastodon, the great IM.
Maybe he could post on the blog every day until he learned if it was possible for every user to make their dream story shareable. What would it be like to travel with a bunch of dreamers into the Great Mystery of life? Could they include Christians, Hindus, Muslims and Jews in their Journey? What did they understand about the infinite? What were their stories? What stories did they share with their families? What stories did they listen to? What dreams, visions, and bucket lists did they share?
As Graham wrote, it felt like some kind of victory and new connections at many times. They were all dreaming together, different dreams, but on the same page, all here for a purpose. They talked about remembering and forgetting. What was their purpose? Why did they agree to enter into the spaceship with a unique set of parents? No one is perfect, but why those parents? Why those friends? Did they all come to support each other on the Journey, the Sacred Journey? Did one have the correct orientation? Did they know the difference between the 3D and the Soul levels? Did they know about all the unending levels of the soul? Did they know how to escape the 3D, even if for 20 minutes? Could they escape that long? Did they know their purpose or were they still in search of that? If they found it, they would know. It is the most incredible spiritual experience in some kind of human body. As spirit, they are capable of so many things. They have to connect, to share the continuity, to share the mystery and piece it together to the best of one’s ability.
We are here to love, to protect, and to imagine, and to live the Dream that has many pages, that is a story, that is live…. Where will it end? Is there an end or only infinite sequels?
What is the purpose? Who are we? Why are we here? Is it for the fun of piecing together all the pieces? Is it for the fun of introducing the family to the infinite mystery? Is it the search for truth?
There is a time for everything and SolGuruz and Graham were merging. They were both striving for perfecting, to make meaning and purpose out of their short existence on the spaceship.
It was the last day of work for a week for SolGuruz. Graham wished them happy holidays. He couldn’t wait for their return to work. He wanted to know how long it would take to make a spiraling blog and shared dreams addition. It would be much more perfect, at least for now. If anyone wanted to know this story, they would also have access to the blog. Would he keep the blog as a free feature or would it be part of the subscriber cost? Would others want to know the story? Ultimately, this is a story about saving the ocean. Graham knew he didn’t have much time left on that marvelous spaceship they called Earth. If there was anything he could do before he left he wanted to make sure he made amends with his family and friends. He wanted to thank them for…being part of his family and friends. Each relationship had a story and each story, each wonderful person he met along the way had a unique story to tell. He wanted to hear as many dreams as he could before he left. What would he leave them? He would leave them with his best wishes with their evolving dreams and visions.
He wanted to tell them, “I took it as far as I can. Here is the bit, the piece, I learned. Use it if you can and keep building on it. See how far you can go in your SOUL journey. May you find love like the unconditional energy of the Sun.
The journey together is about to go. We are totally grounded in 3D and at the same time, we take an hour or two or more to explore the mystery, and then it is back to reality. We pray that one day, our reality will be as real as our dreams.
He wondered if they were aware of their own dreams. What if one had 9 dreams or 99 dreams? Would they be aware that they are in the middle of their dreams? Would they be aware that they are living their dreams? Would they be aware that every single dream and person, and place has a story behind it? How is it that one ended up in that park on a Saturday afternoon with…?
Graham received papers to fill out for the Albuquerque Public Schools. There were 14 forms. He wished he could have someone do the paperwork for him. He was excited to be telling this story. Would the story include the students at his new school? Would they be excited about cleaning the oceans and dreaming with their parents? What would be the dreams of their parents and the teachers? What would they say to the young? Would they tell the children how much debt they have from the government and that it gets much worse every year? Would they focus on their fun dreams, like having enough funds in the future to help easily stimulate the economy. What would it be like when the parents tell their children all of their dreams? Would teachers be able to share their dreams and teach the students that it takes a lot of hard work for dreams to come true?
Graham looked forward to the blog because it would be about the comments users make. It was time to begin telling the story of how the families from all around the world were helping to clean the seas and this was just one of their dreams. They had many others. They began to learn about the seas and they looked for the root of the problem and they were looking to bring awareness and improve. They hoped they could see progress in their short time on Spaceship Earth before they had to go back. They wanted to learn as much as possible and this made them smile. They were hungry. They were curious and they looked for other Storytellers.
“Let’s Sea” was just a story. A beautiful and amazing story. It was full of love, hope and learning. It became a model of what can happen with focus of what individuals are capable of once they learn about continuity and working towards their dreams, visions, and bucket list. There were many who shared dreams. One of the top dreams they were going to focus on was cleaning the oceans. What percentage did the water cover the face of their spaceship, like water held in a bathtub. Was that much water there for a reason? Wouldn’t one die without water in a relatively short period of time? What does the Energy of the Sun have to do with one’s own personal Energy? Are they aware of their daily Energy level? Can this be added to apps? Although it is a subjective assessment, learning and adjustments take place over time.
“Let’s Sea” was an example of what happens to focus. What if this was their main concern? What if “Lets Sea” became their one of many focused dreams for the multi dimensional SOUL self - another great mystery.
Graham couldn’t wait to transition his writing from his Google Docs and dreamstory.org to the newly developed blog from SolGuruz. He knew they could easily do it. They were main characters in his Dream Story Live project. He wanted to write the ideas and then have someone, anyone turn it into something magical. One day, the children will live in a world where their Spaceship was left in even better shape by their ancestors. They knew there would always be a lot of work to do to clean it up. There was, most of all, a lot of love, hope, and joy to share from all 4 corners of their magnificent Spaceship.
Graham wished, with all his might, that he could begin telling this magnificent story to the children at his school. He wanted his students and their parents to become storytellers too.
Perhaps the blog could be an example of what can happen when people put their hearts together. He would tell his teachers to tell their students to listen to their parents and the parents would tell their children to listen to their teachers and then the students learned what it meant to be on the same page, telling many different stories and sharing many dreams, but on the same page. “Wow!” Graham felt. He was at a loss of words of the beauty and amazing that was about to spread all over the Rocket Ship. It was a time for change. It was a welcoming time for change, enjoying the story and writing a new page in the story every day and printing it out after every 90 pages.
The Princess and the Principal danced. They were both nerds in some respects, but they didn’t care what others thought. They were out to have their own fun when they were dancing with each other and when they went to events, they would separate and learn about as many people as they could and when they left the event, they would talk about all the different Master Storytellers they met. They would talk about all the shared dreams and many of the personal dreams they shared, like learning to play a song on the piano.
What if The Master Storytellers, in conjunction with SolGuruz allowed others to choose to share their stories publicly, then each individual would have their own Dream Story to share with the world. What were the actions they had to take to make their dreams come true? This is what Dream Story Live is all about. It is an evolution of consciousness, a path into the Great Mystery, a piecing together of the Infinite Mastodon, the great IM.
Maybe he could post on the blog every day until he learned if it was possible for every user to make their dream story shareable. What would it be like to travel with a bunch of dreamers into the Great Mystery of life? Could they include Christians, Hindus, Muslims and Jews in their Journey? What did they understand about the infinite? What were their stories? What stories did they share with their families? What stories did they listen to? What dreams, visions, and bucket lists did they share?
As Graham wrote, it felt like some kind of victory and new connections at many times. They were all dreaming together, different dreams, but on the same page, all here for a purpose. They talked about remembering and forgetting. What was their purpose? Why did they agree to enter into the spaceship with a unique set of parents? No one is perfect, but why those parents? Why those friends? Did they all come to support each other on the Journey, the Sacred Journey? Did one have the correct orientation? Did they know the difference between the 3D and the Soul levels? Did they know about all the unending levels of the soul? Did they know how to escape the 3D, even if for 20 minutes? Could they escape that long? Did they know their purpose or were they still in search of that? If they found it, they would know. It is the most incredible spiritual experience in some kind of human body. As spirit, they are capable of so many things. They have to connect, to share the continuity, to share the mystery and piece it together to the best of one’s ability.
We are here to love, to protect, and to imagine, and to live the Dream that has many pages, that is a story, that is live…. Where will it end? Is there an end or only infinite sequels?
What is the purpose? Who are we? Why are we here? Is it for the fun of piecing together all the pieces? Is it for the fun of introducing the family to the infinite mystery? Is it the search for truth?
There is a time for everything and SolGuruz and Graham were merging. They were both striving for perfecting, to make meaning and purpose out of their short existence on the spaceship.
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025