October 27, 2024 West Principal’s Diary
Graham and the Princess, started their journey back home at 10:30 a.m and arrived back in Albuquerque at 9:30 p.m. They began unpacking once home and Graham had a call with SolGuruz. He was asking for a quote on additional features. He wanted each of the shared dreams to have the 360 pages as well. He doesn’t know why that thought didn’t come to him earlier in the development. He also asked for a blog page with 360 pages. He loved the ability of easily being able to see growth over the years in the infinite spiral grid. He had the vision of everyone on the same page, but each person writing their own unique story and also sharing dreams on the same page.
Graham and the Princess, started their journey back home at 10:30 a.m and arrived back in Albuquerque at 9:30 p.m. They began unpacking once home and Graham had a call with SolGuruz. He was asking for a quote on additional features. He wanted each of the shared dreams to have the 360 pages as well. He doesn’t know why that thought didn’t come to him earlier in the development. He also asked for a blog page with 360 pages. He loved the ability of easily being able to see growth over the years in the infinite spiral grid. He had the vision of everyone on the same page, but each person writing their own unique story and also sharing dreams on the same page.
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025